
Sunday 19 August 2018

Sunday thoughts . . .

We had a lovely day at the Temple yesterday.  We went with Elder and Sister Boyer and our friend Brenda, leaving here about 8 am. It was an easy drive up and we made it in plenty of time for the 10 am session.  It was just so nice to be there and to feel of that special spirit which is always present.   I love to be in the Celestial room afterwards  . . .  

It is the most beautiful room in the Temple, which is saying a lot as every room is beautiful.  I love the stained glass windows . . .  they are of yellow hues and panes which look like Jack Frost has been busy with his paint brush.  You get the feeling of being on a wind swept Winter moor, or at least I do anyways . . . they take your breath away. 

Afterwards we started the journey home and stopped for lunch on the way. It was just nice to be together and to feel of that special spirit together and then in the special glow which attends you on the way home.  We listened to a special talk by Brother Brad R Wilcox which was also nice and a wonderful distraction for me as I am a very nervous Motor Way passenger.  

We are always exhausted when we get home.  I think we were in bed by 8:30 last night.  In any case after that lovely day in the Temple, this is what was waiting when we got home . . . 

"I sent you my mail since I wanted to continue following your blog
after so many years that I do but you ignored me proving that you
are not the person you want to show to others. Thanks a lot. I DO 

As most of you know I told you last week that I was going to be making my Blog private soon, and I said that if you wanted to still follow and read, you would have to send me your e-mail address.  I also said that if you left it in a comment, that I would not publish it.  I also said that I would not be able to respond to each message or comment as I just did not have the time.  I received 10 pages of people wanting to keep reading.  That's a lot of people and I am certainly very grateful for each and every one of them.  I am only one person however and I am just not capable of responding personally to each message.  I run two blogs full time as well as a Twitter Page, Instagram Page and a Facebook Page, plus I have other duties to fulfill in my personal life/home/etc.  I try as hard as I can to respond to each and every comment which I get on both blogs, and all of my pages.  This takes hours each day and I am not complaining . . . I would never complain about that.  I am very grateful for each of them.  
I remember one morning when Ariana was living with us.  She came downstairs to have her breakfast before leaving for work and she asked me what I was doing.  It was about six in the morning.  I told her that I was responding to comments etc. and that I responded to each one. She told me I was crazy.  I told her that if people could take the time to comment, I could take the time to respond, and I meant it.  I make every effort to reply whenever possible, to each and every comment on all of my blogs and my social media accounts.  

But I am only human. And I only have two hands and I only
have so many hours in the day.

I did check through all of the messages/e-mails I received last evening . . .  all ten pages of them, but I couldn't find a message from this person, or at least not one that I could visibly say was from her.  Which really says nothing because not everyone uses the same name for commenting as they do or their e-mails.  She could have been one of them. I just don't know.  I do know this however . . .  I have dutifully collected the e-mails that have been sent and the messages and the comments which have e-mail addresses in them of the people who want to continue reading.  I am sorry that I could not respond individually to each one.  Trust me that I have received them and that I will enter them into the approved reader list.  

That message I received on Instagram is a part of the reason I am choosing to go Private.  It is the tip of a dirty iceberg, which I will explain after I have gone totally private. It is not that I think that anything I write is more important than anything, anyone else writes.  It is just that I want to take a rest from the negativity that comes from putting yourself out there . . . just for a season.  I may not remain private forever, I just need a break from negativity for a while.  

When you put your thoughts out into the www, the nicest thing happens, you meet all kinds of nice people who are like-minded and that is the wonderful side. There is also a dark side and, that is that people think that they can say/do things to you that they would never say/do to your face or in person. It is very easy to hide behind a computer screen and keyboard and say/do whatever you want, both to and about other people.

I first started blogging because I wanted to leave a sort of diary for my children about my life, thoughts, and general goings on. It evolved into something much more than that. Turned out my children were not all that interested, and who can blame them! I certainly don't.  But I made these wonderful friendships and I enjoyed writing my thoughts down each day and it ended up being so much more than what it was originally intended to be.   And I know that it is a double edged sword.  I accept that. Not everyone is always going to like what you say, do, or write . . .  you have to expect a bit of sour with the sweet. I am okay with that also . . .  the sour makes the sweet . . .  well . . .  sweeter! Its like magic.  It is just lately I have been experiencing a lot of the sour and some of the sour has been uncomfortably close to home, and so I decided to go private for a while, and to save my thoughts for only those who actually do care about what I think/say/write.  And for those who have a healthy respect for others.  That is all.

This will be the last post I make until I can get all of the e-mails/messages sorted and entered.  As you can imagine it is going to take a bit of time but it will be worth it. The way I understand it, the first time you visit after I switch it around, you will be prompted to enter your e-mail address to continue and be able to read.  After that it should become automatic.  I am holding my breath and hoping it all turns out. Fingers crossed!  I'll be starting the change tomorrow. I think. My food blog will continue to post as per normal.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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•。★★ 。* 。
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Silence and smile are two powerful tools.
Smile is the way to solve many problems,
and silence is the way to avoid many problems.
~Unknow•。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Simple Panna Cotta with mixed berries.  Delicious and very easy to make.

Have a wonderful Sunday! I will catch you on the flip side, and in the meantime, don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. So sorry you have to go through all of this in order to continue blogging. I started blogging for my family too and along the way have met a lot of people that have become friends as we have kept contact for so many years. So far I've never had a negative comment and hope I don't as that would the end of blogging for me. It's meant to be a fun thing. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday and a good week to come. Take all the time you need to do what is needed.

    1. Thanks very much Pam! I do appreciate all of my readers and sharing, and if it ever did truly become a chore for me I would stop in a heartbeat. It mostly is fun, but not when you feel like people are waiting to jump on you for simple little things. All will be revealed in due time. xoxo

  2. I saw that comment and was flabbergasted.I clicked on the name that led to a private wonder lol.
    Sorry you get negativity..we have enough in life without a hobby creating more.

    1. Yes, it's easy to be mean to others when you can hide Monique! I love this hobby, and it will take more than that to make me quit, but if it ever becomes more pain than pleasure I will quite for sure. I hope that day never comes! xoxo

  3. You are a brave person to be so open publically. I so agree with the sign about drama!! INDEED!! Thank you for continuing to write anyway...and good folks will understand your need for privacy I am sure. Elizabeth

  4. take all the time you need Marie your blog is worth waiting for God Bless

    1. Thanks very much Shirley! Happy Sunday! Xoxo

  5. Marie, I am very sorry you are being bullied by computer trolls with nothing better to do. You try very hard to reach out to all of us, amid your busy life. I hope this solves the problems. We will wait until you are up and running. We will all pray for you too. Thanks for taking the time for all of us, Dale

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I don’t understand why people feel the need to be nasty. If you don’t like the blog content just stop following. Sorry about the agro you’ve been receiving,I suspect many bloggers are in the same boat.

    1. I;m afraid we live in a nasty world sometimes Angharad! Sad, but its getting worse I think! THanks for your support! xoxo

  8. Oh my sweet friend, I am so happy that you had a joy-filled day at the temple with friends. Working there once is a week is the best part of my week. I love being in the temple. I get assigned the Celestial room once in a while and I bask in the peace and quiet that prevails there. Except, it can get busy and a little noisy at times.
    I am so sorry that you have had comments that are not nice. I don’t know why people do that. There is a really sweet woman here in the US that was in a terrible fire. She almost died and is now scarred for life. You may have heard of her because she has done a lot of public speaking and wrote a book. She is belong to our church. She has had people do a similar thing to her. She will write something wonderful really and then they will say unkind things to her. She did the same thing and took comments off for awhile but kept posting.
    You are such a powerful and talented writer and I love following you. I can’t imagine that anyone would make bad coments at all. They must be crazy.
    I’m afraid, I don’t reply to comments on my blog because I barely have time to post. I don’t have a following like you do though. I find it so kind and wonderful that you have tried to do that. I don’t even have a reply thing on my comments. Most of the blogs, I follow don’t reply to comments. I don’t know how you would have time at all.
    Sorry, I rattled on this one. Just keep doing the wonderful writing that you do. You have many followers that love you.
    Sending loving thoughts, blessings, prayers and hugs your way!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! I know who you are talking about and I read her all the time. People are just cruel. I have tried to add all my readers, but it seems that you can only add up to 100 and I had many more than that, so I will just have to leave things as they are for now. Perhaps I can figure out a way to block people from reading? I will have to do some research. Sorry for all the hassle! Love you! xoxo

  9. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want to be so negative towards you Marie you are an inspiration with your lovely articles and recipes and joyful attitude to life. I think they must be very sad jealous people x

    1. Thanks Elaine! Some people are not very patient I guess! Xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!