
Monday 20 August 2018

Sigh . . .

After laboriously putting in a bazillion e-mail addresses this morning,  I discovered I can only add 100 maximum readers to my blog, so that won't work.  Maybe I just need to learn how to block certain readers?  Hmmm . . .  food for thought here.  So, I guess the news for today is my blog won't be going private until I find a way to up the allowable readership, or at least until I discover the emails of the people I want to keep from reading it.  Life is a huge learning curve.  Sorry for all the hassle!


  1. Oh Marie, after all that work. There must be SOME way to get rid of the nasties...Xxx

    1. Thanks Bunny. I think the only true resolution is to develop a thicker hide! xoxo

  2. Hi, Marie! So sorry that you have had so much trouble with your blog lately... or rather troublesome "reader"... I was glad to see your invitation in my inbox this morning--THANK YOU! I hope all will go well... LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS)) OXOXOXOX

    1. Yes, it would only add so many however, so more than half of the people who wanted to read were not going to be added, so I just canned the whole idea. Love you lots also. I just have to learn to ignore really hurtful stuff! Love you lots and lots! xoxo

  3. Do you know the hurtful peeps? I have not had any problems in 10 yrs..BUT..I know what you mean because of IG..I got some DMs from an account that bothered me. I went to his acct..private..I searched and was able to BLOCK..he was back yesterday though so I had to block again..surely Blogger must have a way? Easy if you know who it is..How unfortunate..It's like reason..just nasty.

    1. I have no idea who that person who left that comment on IG is, but as far as the blog goes, I know exactly who it/they is and it hits pretty close to home. I just thought if I could block them from reading then it would solve a lot of problems, but apparently I won't be able to do that. so I guess I will just have to keep doing what I am doing and ignore as best as I can! xoxo

  4. are such a kind person. It's sad there are nasties out there who seem to thrive on hurting others. Hope the problem gets resolved, SOON.

    1. No problem Marsha! Things will just continue as they have done! Back to normal and to heck with the nasties! Xoxo

  5. That is a lot of hassle for you and sorry it won't work the way you'd like. One thing you can do is publish only those comments that you like. Delete those you don't. Those of us that care about you and have come know you will continue to appreciate your posts.

    1. THAnks very much Pam! I am way behind on my reading with having had company the last weeks, but I will catch up! Xoxo

  6. I’m so sorry you ate having such problems Marie, I hope I can continue to read your blog and stay on your list.

    1. NO worries Mayzee, I have decided not to go private after all. My posts will arrive as they have always done! xoxo

    2. Glad they hear that Marie, you will be in my prayers. You are a kind and beautiful person and so very talented.

  7. Wow, that is a lot of work. I hope you find a solution. I do know what a struggle it is to go private on some other media sites. Good to know that you can only have 100 maximun readers.
    Sending my love your way and your invitation to your blog today! Big Hugs~

    1. I will survive LeAnn! I love this too much to quit! Love and hugs to you! xoxo

  8. Marie them nasties need a lot of prayers that for sure,And we need to pray that they will level you alone. I shell be keeping you and yours in my prayers as always. xoxpxo

    1. Thanks Cathy Jo! Very much appreciated for sure! Love you! xoxo


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