
Tuesday 21 August 2018

The Simple Woman's Day Book

FOR TODAY, August 21, 2018

Outside my window ...
Its very overcast and somewhat cool. I don't mind in the least. We have had a beautiful summer weather-wise, but we need rain. I can tell we had some in the night which is good.  All the leaves are starting to change on the trees and everything is looking dry and tired. 
I am thinking ...
Sorry about all the kafuffle about going private. Turns out I wasn't, in the end, able to do it. I had way more readers than blogger allowed, and they needed google e-mail addresses, etc. it ended up being far more complicated than it was worth, and I felt in the end it was going to cause too many problems for all of you, not to mention me.  So after laboriously putting in every single e-mail address several times yesterday, only to be rejected, I said, what the heck!  I will just leave everything as is.  I hope I haven't caused you too many problems, or nonsensical e-mails, and I hope you will still want to read me. I will just have to grow thicker skin and ignore the nastiness out there!  You are all worth it!

In the Kitchen ...

Home Style Cream Corn.   A delicious option for a fabulously tasty side dish during Corn season.  I was gifted with a lovely big bag of fresh sweet corn and I used some of it to make this!  Its been 18 years since  I have indulged!  YUMMY! 
On my "To Cook" list ...

Aunt Bees Recipes.  I need to know what makes it the world's best baked chicken!

Good to Know ...

From Craftivity Designs.   

I am creating ...

Designer Trapped.  Photo Transfer Tutorial. 
No source, just a pattern.  I think this baby lamb is really cute. If you could figure out how to put it together. 
DIY Candy.  A complete tutorial. Love this. 
Martha Stewart.  Crafty Cork Stamps.  

And I am working on a new blanket.  Love the colours for this one. 

Oh my goodness ...

This is what I had for my supper last night. (We eat our big meal at noon usually.)  Its a bowl of plain oats with half a sliced banana, and some sugar free peanut butter drizzled over top. GORGEOUS!

I am reading ...


Flight of the Sparrow, by Amy Belding Brown 
She suspects that she has changed too much to ever fit easily into English society again. The wilderness has now become her home. She can interpret the cries of birds. She has seen vistas that have stolen away her breath. She has learned to live in a new, free way.... 

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1676. Even before Mary Rowlandson is captured by Indians on a winter day of violence and terror, she sometimes found herself in conflict with her rigid Puritan community. Now, her home destroyed, her children lost to her, she has been sold into the service of a powerful woman tribal leader, made a pawn in the on-going bloody struggle between English settlers and native people. Battling cold, hunger, and exhaustion, Mary witnesses harrowing brutality but also unexpected kindness. To her confused surprise, she is drawn to her captors’ open and straightforward way of life, a feeling further complicated by her attraction to a generous, protective English-speaking native known as James Printer. All her life, Mary has been taught to fear God, submit to her husband, and abhor Indians. Now, having lived on the other side of the forest, she begins to question the edicts that have guided her, torn between the life she knew and the wisdom the natives have shown her.

Based on the compelling true narrative of Mary Rowlandson, Flight of the Sparrow is an evocative tale that transports the reader to a little-known time in early America and explores the real meaning of freedom, faith, and acceptance. 
I discovered this on Barb's blog and was so intrigued by what she said about it, I had to read it for myself.  It is taking a bit longer as Todd is reading it at the same time, and I keep having to steal it back from him.  Its taken on even more interest since I discovered people in my family tree that came over on the Mayflower, one of whom was called Elizabeth Tilley, who came over on the Mayflower along with her parents, John Tilley and Joan Hurst Rogers Tilley.  What brave people they must have been.  I have even more reason to celebrate Thanksgiving now! Oh how I love geneology!

Looking forward to ...
We are having lunch at Tina's and Tony's on Friday. I always love going to see them.

Dreaming About ...

Floral Bedspreads  . . . 
Bee Pillows 
Silver Birds . . . 
Yes please  . . . 

Sign me up! 
Something to watch ... 
We just started watching this on NOW TV and are hooked! 
Makes Me Smile ...

 I love LOVE all my children, but our Doug is always making a special effort to contact me, and to make sure his boys know who I am.  Yesterday he video called me from work on his break.  That really made me smile. He calls me every weekend and I am not sure if he knows it or not (I do tell him) but it means the world to me.

Corners of my Kingdom ...

The Remote Kirkstone Pass Inn, Kirkstone Pass, Lake District National Park, Cumbria

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!     


  1. Hi Marie, sorry I haven't been on lately. We've been in London for a few days which was awful as Ashley was admitted to hospital. We still don't know what's wrong, possibly shingles or an abscess by her eye.

    Anyways I'm so sorry for all the trouble over making your blog private. I read and follow many blogs and over the last ten years have thought about starting one of my own. But, I have also seen some negative comments that have both amazed and outraged me. I can't believe that people can write these kind of things. So as I don't want to put up with that negativity I've never started one, but I admire you greatly for doing it. As you know I have been following you since your AOL journal and would hate you to stop, but thats me being totally selfish! I'm 100% certain that all the lovely people who follow you and leave lovely comments would also miss you, so hopefully you can ignore the 'horrible one' and keep looking to find a way to just block her.

    I'm just waiting for my daughter to get in touch. She had her wisdom tooth removed a couple of weeks ago and she has woken this morning to a really painful and swollen face. She's got an emergency dentist appointment but she's really upset as her wedding is in two weeks. If it's not one thing it's another!!

    Have a lovely Tuesday, lot's of love xxx

    1. Oh dear, I really hope and pray that she doesn't have a dry socket or worse an absess! I will be praying that they can quickly sort it. It will be no fun if she is still in pain come the wedding! Also praying for Ashley. Shingles is no fun either and having it near or in your eyes is excruciating! Yikes! Love and hugs to you! xoxo PS - Keep me posted on your family!

  2. Glad you are still here one way or another, Marie! It's a pity it's been hard... and so difficult with the invite-only. I hope whatever/whoever was prompting you to try this route, is maybe now not causing so much trouble. LOVE is more powerful than nasty. We LOVE you! :))) Nice to celebrate here with the creamed corn and baked chicken--give me a BIG plate of those, please! ;) LOL... How CUTE are those little fabric lambs??!! Fun stamps & paper goodness... LOVE your new granny blanket--very autumn, comfy cozy colors! How cute is that pig Christmas candle holder!! And that book you're reading sounds sooo good! Happy Week, my dear friend... so GLAD you are here!! :))) LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! ((BIG HUGS))

    1. I am really happy to be here Tracy. You know I could never give up Blogging, it is the gift that just continues to give back to me, irregardless of the nasties. I can ignore. I just thought going private would eradicate the problem altogether, but I am happy to put up with it rather than lose all of the plusses I get from blogging. It is worth it. Love you and big hugs to you, TJ, and Luna also! xoxo

  3. We started 911 because I love the actors..but stopped..I guess we weren't hooked enough..Sharp Objects..The Ffair..Sccession..all ended..we just have last epi of Sharp Objects to watch..need a new series ;)
    Cute stuff marie..pauvre toi and all this trouble!Your son? ::):):)

    1. I have not seen Sharp Objects here yet. We have only watched the one episode of 911 so we may yet lose interest as well, but we really enjoyed the first episode. We have also watched the first episode of "For the People" and are enjoying that. If you like legal dramas. I will check out for those other ones you suggested. My son is such a good boy. When he was a baby and toddler he had a head full of Shirley Temple Curls. He as always been my fuzzy bear. I am making him a blanket also. In Autumn colours. Just waiting for the yarn to come. I showed him this one on Sunday and he said he would love one. So what can I do? :-) I know it will be appreciated! xoxo

  4. It's storming here this morning and its still very summer like. Hard right now to believe that fall will soon be here. Like you, I often have breakfast for supper. Quick and easy and just right. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

    1. Thanks Pam! It’s very hot and humid here today. Summer’s last hurrah! Perhaps! Happy day to you! Xoxo

  5. I had a look around the blogger forums and found a potential solution:

    You'd have to email everyone the password but at least it would cut down some of the issues.

    1. I will bear that thought in mind Amber! Thanks! xoxo

  6. I'm sure it's not inconvenienced us by giving our emails Marie. I'm just sorry it didn't work after all that work.

    I know it's easy for me to say not to allow the negativity to bother you, it would bother me too. I am so tender hearted, but I tell you this, I read because I love hearing about what is happening in your world. It keeps us close to spite our distance. I look forward to reading both blogs every morning with my tea.

    I love the bee pillow. John loves bees... he takes beautiful photos of them on flowers. They hold a great significance for him. I know he'd love that pillow. A Christmas idea I think.

    I co-taught a kids camp today out in Bedford this morning.... 24 kids! We made brownies as the base for banana splits, stuffed pasta shells, chicken fingers and Parmesan oven chips. I'd never seen so many dishes! ;)

    Sending much love and thanks for all the hard work you put into your blogs. Xx

    1. Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun Noelle! Most summers I help with the Youth Camp here in the UK. This year I am not however. My knees and feet cannot take the hours of standing any more sadly! Time for a rest! Love you! xoxo

  7. You could move your blog to FB and make it a private/secret group. It may not have all the extras blogger has but it would ensure control over who could view it. Hugs!

    1. Thanks for your suggestion Mella! I will think about it for sure! xoxo

  8. Marie, I mentioned I seldom comment, but wanted to thank you for the courtesy you extended to your readers by attempting to maintain a private blog. I'm not a blogger myself, but there are a few of you whom I enjoy and appreciate following. I'll never understand the warped minds of those who seek to bring more ugliness into the world. I'm sorry you have to lay eyes on such comments, and hope you are able to overlook and eliminate them from your thoughts. Wishing you the best always from across the pond.

    Sharon in Alabama

    1. Thanks so much Sharon. Your support really cheers me! We are all different for sure. We can both take comfort in the fact that we are not of that ilk! xoxo

  9. There's so many pretty things I love about today's blog!Eye candy. :) And I enjoy a peek into your life across the ocean. I grew up in the same "era" as you did, Marie, (born 1945) and many of the things you talk about (and love) were similar for me during my childhood. Keep that positive attitude. ~Elaine

    1. Thank you so much Elaine! I think it was great growing up in the 50's and 60's and now because of my husband I get to include the 40's also! Yay! xoxo

  10. We just had a hailstorm here. We too have needed mositure. We have had a lot of smoking skies due to fires in our state and other ones. We welcome rain.
    Sorry, that you couldn’t figure out how to the privacy part; but I think many have to handle the negative comments. You are so popular and we all love your posts so I am happy that that you are staying on. I think there are many that follow youthat don’t comment.
    I haven’t had creamed corn for a very long time; so yummy!
    The baby lambs are adorable.
    I love your pattern and colors fo ryour blanket.
    I always love your dreaming section. We have similar tastes.
    I liked your super. I love oatmeal cereal and have had it often for breakfast.
    The book looks like a good one for my future reading list.
    The 911 show looks like one to try and watch.
    I love that you sweet son pays great attention to letting you be involved in their lives. My children area somewhat good at this. However, it can go for a while before hear form my sons. My daughters area a little better at more often phone calls.
    We do need to take time to enjoy the small blessings in life. I love how you do that.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!

    1. Aww thanks so much LeAnn! I think you would really enjoy the book. It was recommended by Barb!Love and hugs to you, Roger and Sammie! xoxo

  11. Hi Marie~

    I didn't have time to take a really good look at this post...although I can tell I will love it! I just wanted to pop in and let you know I am still around, I'm just very busy right now, and my social media life has been put on hold for a bit. Although you will see me on Facebook and such, it's just a little faster than blogging. But, I have not given up blogging, it's my first social media love; when things settle down, I will be right back online, posting about the things I love and visiting the people I are one of them!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb, I love you too and love the photo you posted on FB of you and your daughter. I can see a great likeness there! Two beautiful women! Love you! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!