
Friday 17 August 2018

My Friday Finds

A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become . . . Maybe they will do the same for you!   
Whistle & Ivy.  I love this cute lilttle mushroom pouch.  You know how much I love red and white toadstools! A free pattern.  
Bunny Mummy.  Sailboat Appliques.  Wouldn't these make a great bunting?  Free. 
Universal Yarn.  Washclothes using cotton yarn. Knitted. Free pattern.  

Lia Griffith. Pompom snowmen!  Love this idea! 

Hobby Craft. How to make a pompom wreath.  The options are endless.  You can tailor these to any occasion.

I could find no source for this, but they re cute. I think they are curtain rings which have been wrapped in fabric strips and then decorated for hanging.  I love all the ideas.


Polka Dot Chair.  Back to School work station. 

Handmade Charlotte. How to turn fall leaves into art.  7 different ways.  

Budget Saavy Diva.  Beach Scene Pudding Cups.  Cute! 

I couldn't find a source for this.  Tie dye runners using sharpie pens and alcohol.

Crate and Kids Blog. How to make ice candles.  

Creative Marmara, inspiration only.  I love bees.

First Grade A La Carte.  Post It Clip Boards.  

Again no source, but I like these. Burlap yoyo's, with button, checkers centre.  For hanging.


Dip Died Candles.  Again no source, but easy to figure out from these pictures. 

Sugar Beans. Wrapped Hangers.  

Flamingo Toes. Handkerchief Valances.  

DIY Dish Towels.  The Farm Chicks.   

Yards and Yards.  Free Headband Pattern.  

Mommy Evolution.  I wouldn't mind re-visiting some of these myself.  

Love, LOVE this! 


Taste of Home.  This could come in handy. 

Canning Homemade.  Bush's Baked Beans.  

Chicken Scratch NY.  What you need to know.  The Pros and Cons. 

And those are my finds for this week!

NOTE - I am going to the Temple very early tomorrow morning so I won't be posting.  Didn't want any of you to worry! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Something will grow
from all you are going through.
And it will be you.
~unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 


In the kitchen today  . . .  Creamy Parmesan Chicken Casserole.  I threw it together for the pot luck lunch yesterday. It turned out amazing! 

Have a wonderful Friday.  Don't forget along the way of your day!

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And I do too! 


  1. Hi, Marie! Is it Friday already...and time for more Friday fun here--hooray! LOVE that mushroom pouch--too cute! What a cute idea the pom pom snow man... and the pom pom autumn wreath--love that! Fun idea--the homework station. All those erasers, pencils and things make my fingers itch--love back-to-school supplies! How adorable the beach-pudding cups--very fun. LOVE the rainbow sneakers--another great idea! How do folks things of these things?! LOL.... The vintage hankies valance is sooo lovely!! So many goodies here today--thanks, Marie! Must go see about the casserole... Hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead... LOVE YOU's LOTS!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Hi Tracy! Like you, I get excited about back to school supplies. That was one of my favourite things as a child. It is hard to believe that the summer is almost over and we are looking at the beginning of the school year again. Where has the time flown! Love you lots also. Love and hugs to all of the clan! xoxo

  2. Fun FFs Marie..I love being inspired!

  3. My daughter did paint her fireplace much like the one you pictured and it looks amazing. What a difference a coat of paint made! And one of my DIL's made that BEACH pudding for my birthday one time because she knows I love the beach. Makes for a fun thing to do and was very festive. I have to check our your recipe today. Hope your Friday and your Saturday are fantastic days for you !

    1. Oh, I bet it looked really nice Pam, and how wonderful that your DIL made you the pudding for your Birthday! Sounds like your family really cares a lot for you! That's a real blessing! Happy weekend! xoxo

  4. I am so happy that you are going to the temple tomorrow.Have a really sweet day. We work on Saturday mornings in the Jordan River Temple.We have to get up at 3:15 am to get ready to go and be there by 4:30 am. This is a stretch for me but I love every moments there.
    Thanks for the recipe today; it looks like a yummy one.
    I loved looking through your fun finds. There were several I liked and will maybe take a second look.
    I like the PomPom Snowmen, the wreath and rings are adorable.
    I like the homework station and I think I would love if for my desk.
    Dyeing shoes would have been a an awesome thing in my day too. I liked the posted clip boards too.
    I could go for the 20 heart warming old-fashioned books. I'll be back to look at that one.
    30 recipes for chicken is a keeper.
    I used to can and now it looks daunting to me.I loved looking at the finished product, however.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!

    1. Thanks very much LeAnn, you do make me smile! The Temple was lovely! Xoxo

  5. Just wanted to tell you that I love all the Friday things you well as other days too...but these have been so helpful and interesting to me over the years I have read here. Thank you! Elizabeth

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Xoxo. PS I’ve added your email address! Xo


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