
Thursday 16 August 2018

My Favourite things . . . 
A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥

The ultimate comfort food.  Tomato Soup and a grilled cheese. When all else fails and you can't think of anything to make for supper . . .  when you are wanting a warm hug . . . when you are feeling a bit low and just want something to help make you feel better . . .  when you are feeling lazy but are starved . . . I could go on and on, but a nice hot bowl of tomato soup with a toasty grilled cheese is the best.  I have my favourites. It has to be Heinz Tomato Soup.  I like that better than Campbells . . .  and yes, this is the place where singles cheese, wrapped in plastic works the best. You can try to gourmet it up as much as you like, but the truth remains . . . its the simple things . . .  tinned soup and plastic cheese which work best, and bring the most comfort.

The smell of cinnamon.  I adore the smell of cinnamon.  Tatiana brought me some Cinnamon scented shower gel and skin milk from Greece and I am in love with it.  It just smells heavenly!  I like smelling like cinnamon.  Who knew?  Not me!  I am a convert now! It really is gorgeous. You can keep your Jo Malone!   I want to smell like cinnamon! 

Well dressed pillows.  Yes, I have a thing for pillow cases.  Plain or fancy, with or without ties, pleated, trimmed, ruffled, embroidered, you name it. I love Pillow Cases!


Butler's Sinks. I love them.  They had one at the manor.  What do I love about them?  They are large and they are deep and have plenty of room to play around in. You can have a dish pan in them and there is still room for other things.  They are deep enough that nobody can see much if you do happen to have dirty dishes in them.  They look nice.  You can sit a dog in them, or a baby and give them a comfortable bath.  Heck, some of them are large and deep enough that you could sit in them yourself and have a  bath, albeit a bit uncomfortably for sure! 

Painted wooden furniture.  When Grandmother's furniture got old and beat up, she didn't get rid of it, she painted it to spruce it up. There is something very familial and wonderful about painted wooden furniture. 


Teaspoon and Tablespoon sets. I have several and I love them.  Some have singing birds on them, some are just plain . . .  my sister sent me a really pretty set of smidgen ones. In my opinion you can never have too many sets of teaspoons and tablespoons. 

Vintage Brides.  Art depicting them.  Photographs of them . . . there is so much charm and love in a vintage Bride.  Did you not want a Bride Doll when you were a child?  I did.  I would have done anything to have a Bride Doll. 


Seriously, what's not charming about this? 

Pearls and sparkle  . . .  sparkle and pearls.  I love sparkle. I love pearls.  Both on their own are two of my favourite things, but put them together and plop them on a flower sprigged shoe and I have fallen deeply in love. Not that I would ever wear anything like this.  You need pretty feet to pull of something like this, but there is nothing at all to prevent you from admiring it. Bunions be darned! 

Don't get me started!!! 


Tiara's and Crowns.  Crowns and Tiara's.  Love them.  If I had a tiara I would wear it about the house . . .  well, maybe not, but the little girl in me would want to. 

I would wear one of these.  Honestly. 


Have you ever seen anything so sweet? 

Ruffles and Frills  . . .  frills and ruffles . . .  and roses . . .  sigh  . . . 

Did you used to love this?
I did. 


Vanity's and Vanity sets.  There was one in our bedroom in the cottage we lived in down South, a vanity that is.  I could never bring myself to use it. I felt like I was trespassing.  Oh, that reminds me. When I was a girl, one year for Christmas my sister and I got bendy fashion dolls.  They were jointed had elastic bands in the arms, etc. which meant you could pose them.  She came with a vanity set and a bed.  The vanity had a puffy stool with a lid that popped off so you could store all the little bits inside when you weren't playing with them. There was little pretend hair brushes and lipsticks, etc.  I loved it. 

Pink Crystal . . . 


This combines two of my loves  . . .  aprons and hanging out laundry . . .  sigh  . . . 


 Wind Chimes, although they are usually not very popular with the neighbours . . . 

To each their own . . . 

Deviled Egg Plates.  I have one like this.  I love it, but it has an odd number of egg beds/holes.  Which I find very strange? Or is one always reserved for the cook?  Cook's taster?  

I have a real soft spot in my heart for Raggedy Ann . . . my high school sweet heart gave me my first and only ever one. It used to be at my mom's.  I wonder what ever happened to it . . . 


Red, white and blue floral arrangements.  I love them. 

 This  . . .  if I had the money I would buy this in a heartbeat. It is cute and charming and I love the colours of the shingles and the trim and that door  . . .  sigh  . . . 

And those are my favourite things for this week. What are some of yours?

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

The inspiration you seek
is already within you.
Be still and listen.
~Rumi  •。★★ 。* 。 


 In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Enfrijolatas Bake.  Simple and delicious! 

Have a brilliant Thursday!  We have a pot luck at th chapel today.  Looking forward to that.  No matter what  you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Trying again. I love those shoes. I used to wear pretty flat shoes when I worked with blind children that were preschool age. At one stage mum even sewed small bells on my hems so I could be heard from the distance. If you were silly enough to naughty and didn't stop it was not my fault.

    I'd love a butler's sink. I think I might be hunting down a pink crystal glass for my water. I only learned about pink crystal last week. It is divine.

    God bless you today and always.

  2. Hi Marie, absolutely loving all your finds this week, with the exception of one. Cinnamon. I cannot stand the smell or taste of it, give me Jo Malone any day!! Hahaha!
    Those shoes are simply to die for, but I'm definitely with you on this one...bunions..aaaarrrrgggghhhh!

    Just read yesterday's blog and was amazed that Tatiana has gone, where does the time go? You will miss her for sure.

    I took my sister out to Liverpool yesterday and her dementia is getting worse. It's so so sad to see someone you love slowly disappearing and a completely different person replacing them. She really enjoyed our day out though. One of her complaints was that they don't go out much and she loves to go out. However she does have a tendency to wander off which was quite scary at one point. Maybe her husband prefers her at home where she's safe. But I know you understand the awfulness of this condition first hand, unfortunately.

    Enjoy your Pot Luck, lot's of love xxx

  3. I know how you feel about your sister Kate for sure. I called my mother yesterday and it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold a two way conversation with her over the telephone. She spends the whole time searching for words, and even outright speaks imaginings which I know are not true, as I recognise the incidents, but know that they happened to other people and were told to her. I think it might be a bit easier in person, but I don't think much easier. Thankfully she doesn't leave the house, not yet anyway, but I can see a time coming that she will have to have someone there 24/7. Its very sad. Love and hugs to you and enjoy your day. I do love Jo Malone too. xoxo

  4. I love every post and hearing what's happening in your world. I also LOVE Thursdays posts because I get to see all the lovely things we have in common. ♥

    I too love sweet measuring spoons, lace, pink crystal and glassware, painted furniture ... we had a house full of it growing up, my mum was a dab hand with a paint brush! I love all things cinnamon, it's so welcoming in any form. And grilled cheese and tomato soup is a comfort food for me as well.

    I will send you a photo some day soon of one of my prized possessions. I have my Grandmothers wedding gown. It's flapper style, made of silk and Venetian lace with a little rhinestone belt. It's a beauty but so tiny! Sending much love for the day. xoxo

    1. I will look forward to seeing them seeing that Noelle! I An sure it is just beautiful! Love and hugs! Xoxo

  5. I do love grilled cheese and tomato soup. You are right it's a great comfort food when you can't think of what else to have. I've always had campbell's soup, and never tried the Heinz. But now I'm going to have to find some Heinz on your recommendation. Hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the potluck!

    1. Thanks Pam. I am not sure what it I should about the Heinz, but to me it is richer and more like homemade I guess! Xoxo

  6. So many beautiful things here Marie..Love those chairs..I have 4 from our old home I cannot part w/ have not painted them..but I would..I have seen this pic before and loved it..I would like a farmhouse sink but I still like a double sink..Not sure I could now use just 1? We get used to everything though don't we? Especially for cute:)

    1. I have just 1 sink now Monique, but it is so small! I think I just long for space, period! Xoxo

  7. Hi Marie...
    Lots of favourite things here in common...
    Especially pillowcases...I still iron it!
    Enjoy your weekend...
    Linda :o)

  8. Oh my, I loved, loved this one. I find that we love so many of the same things. I would say that everyone of these items, I love. They are wonderful. My comfort food is tomato soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. I must have one tomorrow. That farm sink it the best. I remember my Aunt having one like this. You could bath a child in for sure.
    Pillow cases, I love them too.
    Painted wooden furniture. My mother repainted many pieces of our furniture through the years. When I would come home from girls camp she would have repainted my bedroom furniture. I was so spoiled and I miss her more than words can express.
    I don't have any fancy measuring spoons but now I am going to look for some; so cute.
    I love the photos of the brides. I have some bridal dolls from different eras. One day, I will take some photos and share them. I love dolls and have many.
    Shes, purses and fluffy dresses; oh how I love these kinds of things too.
    Evening In Paris perfume; I can smell it now.
    Vanities, I wish that they were popular now. My mother had one growing up.
    Raggedy Ann Dolls; I loved those as a child. I wish I knew where mine went. I think they were stolen from my parents garage many years ago.
    Loads of memories on this one.
    Sending loads of love and hugs your way for brightening my day!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! I brighten my own day when I find these things! xoxo


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