
Wednesday 15 August 2018

And just like that she was gone . . .

A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation,
or being together.
As long as the relationship lives in the heart,
true friends never be apart.

And just like that it was over and we were handing her back to our friend Eric to take back to the airport.  We had a quiet day yesterday, with just sticking here close to home, getting things sorted for the airport, we went to lunch . . .  a late Birthday lunch  . . .  with Carolyn and Eric . . . and before we knew it we were hugging and wishing fond farewells.

 and now this morning  . . .

There is no smell of her coffee brewing. No sound of her voice saying goodmorning to  . . . MIDZIE . . . like only she can say her name, no giggles, no smiles, no Tatiana.  She is more than a friend to me.  She is like the daughter I aways wished to have, a kindred spirit, a sister from another mother. She is missed.  Thank goodness for modern technology, and the knowledge that she is home with her real mom and dad and a special someone, all safe and sound.  True friendship knows not the boundaries of age, time or distance. It just is. 

Josh, Jake and Jon.

I love this simple photo.  It speaks volumes don't you think?  Three brothers . . .  nevermind that they were probably poking each other and squabbling five minutes after this was taken . . .  for this special moment in time they were totally in tune with each other, making a memory, creating a history together that they will never ever, so long as they all should live . . .  ever share with anyone else on earth.  A part of each other's story. That is the magic of family. 

My sister always sends me the nicest cards.  This arrived yesterday.  I love it.  Too, too, too precious for words. 

To each of you who has messaged with your details to put on the blog readership, and for the lovely messages accompanying them.  I have collected them all so far and am so grateful for them. Too many for me to personally respond to, although I will try, but please know I have gotten them all.  And any who left their e-mails in the comments section, I have gotten them too, but not published your comments so that your e-mail addresses are not out there . . .  for your safety you understand.  Thank you all so much.  Not sure exactly when it will happen but I suspect before the end of the week.  I have a lot of catching up to do. 


I love this. 

And I love this  . . . she is saying please pet me, pretty please.
You cannot resist. 


In the kitchen today  . . .  Blueberry & Corn Salad.  Oddly delicious!

I will be back to my regular programming tomorrow, but in the meantime know that 

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And I do too! 



  1. Oh yes I had to reach out and pet her. She just adorable.

  2. What a sweet post to your friend-sister-daughter Tatiana! She seems such a super-sweetheart! Glad all is going well with all your email roundings up. Even my Mom has signed up! She just loves your blog, and wouldn't want to miss it either! Your corn salad looks delicious! I've seen about corn and blueberries before, but have never tried... I can see how the subtle sweet of the blueberries would work with the corn, which is kind of savory in a way...mmm... And be sure to tickle Mitzie's tummy from us... ;) Happy Day, my sweet friend--LOVE YOU!! ((BIG HUGS))

    1. Thanks Tracy! I wasn't too sure about the corn and berries, but I took a chance and it totally worked! We loved it! I saw that your mum has signed up. Made my day! Love you too!! Happy day to you TJ and Luna! I will be by to visit eventually, but have a lot of work to catch up on now! Love and hugs, oxoxo

  3. It flew by!Oh i wish she could live with you foevah!
    And look at all your other cuties:)
    I can't even imagine what had to bring you to all the trouble you are going through with your blog.Whever or whatever caused a stir..blech.

    1. I believe the change will be worth it Monique! At least I hope so! xo

  4. You had a wonderful visit and can be thankful for that. I always say that those we love are really never very far at all as we keep them close in our hearts. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one !

  5. It's sad to say so long to the people we love but how wonderful to have those beautiful memories to sustain you until you're together again. I'm so happy you enjoyed Tatiana's visit. What a blessing!

    And that photo of Mitzie... I'd love to pet her and give her belly rubs. She really is the sweetest little lady. How I miss having a fur baby. Sending much love. Xx

    1. Thanks Noelle! Mitzie would just adore you. She can never get enough belly rubs! xoxo

  6. It’s always hard to say good-by to extra special close sister or daughter like friends. I know that feeling well. I am so happy you had some sweet moments with that dear one of yours.
    I do have to smile at that cute photo of your boys. You discribed exactly what they were probably like a few minutes before the pictures.
    Your Birthday card from your sister is lovely; beatuiful words. I wish I would have had a sister. It’s something that was missed in my life. Although my adult daughters help in that area a bit.
    That precious baby and mother are a treasure for sure. The dog is cute too.
    Of course, I love the photo of Mitzie; she is the cutest.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!


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