
Saturday 4 August 2018

Lyrically summery thoughts . . .

It doesn't seem possible that we are now in August and July has somehow slipped off the calendar . . . the days have passed ever so quickly.  The farmer looks at his fields of ripening corn and wheat . . . and weighs in his chances of a good harvest. This has been a summer of incredible sunshine and hot temperatures . . . and incredible drought for many. The chances this year may not be good if my own vegetable garden is anything to go by . . .

School Holidays have only just begun . . . at least here in England and Wales. I know that in North America, and even Scotland they are almost over. Crowds of holiday makers are flocking to the seasides here, and the camping grounds . . . ever hopeful that the bounty of Sunshine we were gifted with in July, will continue in August  . . .  hope springs eternal. 

The verges of the woodlands and meadows are embroidered with the lovely rosebay willowherb, hedgerows garlanded with traveller's joy and the banks of streams and canals are gay with meadow-rue and purple loosestrife . . . whilst elsewhere in the garden, the first of the chrysanthemums are keeping company with the last of the delphiniums in crowded borders where the lemon and cherry coloured spiked of the gladioli are thrusting their way up between the tangled masses of gaillardias, gypsophila, clarkia, coreopsis and . . . the marigolds.

The Doctor and Lady Forteviot are now taking a rest . . . it seems. Ophelia and Caroline Testout are still putting up a show . . . but it is the Poulsen polyanthas that holding up the stage at this moment, with their beautiful show of crimson tresses and pink blooms. 

 Each day now brings us closer to Summer's end . . . it seems. But there is no time for regrets . . . if it were always summertime, how very weary we would become of changeless weather and unfading glow of sun. If roses always danced down the garden ways . . . they would not call forth such words of joy and praise from the heart.

It is the expectation of sunshine and flower which makes us welcome with delight in our hearts . . . the summer's golden hours. The waiting in the winter . . . the hoping in the springtime . . . they only make summer all the more precious and sweet as we realize that time is truly on the wing . 

Nevertheless, something new always waits around the corner, some new loveliness to be taken in, a new joy to be experienced . . . when one looks around themselves with open hearts and eyes of expectation. Embrace the joy that is here and now . . . this day will never come again . . . 


I have been busy working on a special project these past weeks.  They are for cards for a special foundation in the States.  I thought I would show you a tiny peek.

I have had a lot of fun doing them.  Its actually taken months rather than weeks  . . . 

I am really quite happy with them.  This is only three of what I have done.  There are ten altogether, but I thought I would share these with you because they are my favourites . . .

It is sometimes when we are in the deepest of our hours that we have the most amazing insights.  I have tried to paint other things, but I just like painting little characters . . . whimsical characters . . .  fairies and the like . . . its what brings me joy.  I thought I had lost my mojo.  I had not.  I was merely trying to prance down the wrong road for me. 

A thought to carry with you . . .  

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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Silence and smile are
two powerful tools  . . . 
Smile is the way to solve
many problems, and
silence is the way 
to avoid many problems.
~unknown    •。★★ 。* 。  


In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Old Fashioned Cup Custard.  Deliciously simple and such an easy make. 

I hope you have a beautiful Saturday. It is very over-cast here and looks like it will rain.  Don't forget throughout the measure of your day! 

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And I do too! 


  1. So true that if we had no winter summer wouldn't be half so lovely. We do learn to appreciate the warmer days and vice versa, after a hot summer we appreciate cooler days. Your cards are lovely. You are blessed with a wonderful gift in your painting. Hope you have a super Saturday !

    1. Thanks so much Pam! I try to appreciate all the seasons! They each have their wonders and gifts! I hope your Saturday is going Well! Xoxo

  2. They are you..when I think of a Marie piece,,it's these charming little people:)So perfect>They will be a lovely set.
    Have a great day Mari! and flying by..

    1. Aww thanks so much Monique! You made my day! Xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    What a gorgeous post! I love your photos, did you take them?! I would have to agree with everything you said about summer. I love the change of seasons, and always look forward to the cooler weather...especially this year, we have had never ending heat. Today is actually one of our cooler days at, 82°.

    Our kids are getting ready to go back to school, although I have heard some talk about year round school, with the kids being on tracks. They would still get somewhat of a break, just not three months.

    I love your cards!! So beautiful, you are so talented, Marie!

    We are off on our camping trip vime I ready...maybe. it sure does take me longer to do things these days. My grands are coming over this afternoon to get worms out of the lawn for fishing. Better run!! Love you tons!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Oh what fun Barb! I can't imagine the joys of having grands that can pop over for things like that. I love you too! xoxo

  4. I loved loved your thoughts on Summer and other seasonal moments. Your post are always such a fun read.
    I do love your art work of course. I knew you hadn't lost your way on this one. Thee are adorable. You continue to amaze me by your talents. Blessings, love and hugs for you!


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