
Friday 3 August 2018

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become . . . Maybe they will do the same for you!  

Love this wing and petal bowl from Anthropologie.

They have cups to match  . . . 


Momtastic personalized Notebooks. 

TaterTots and Jello.  Homemade bookmarks by Everything Etsy.  

Sugar Bee Crafts.  Monster Corner Bookmarks.  

Love these ones too.  Red Ted Art. Mermaid Corner Bookmarks.  

Lets Knit.  I love this super colorful tea cosy. So bright and cheerful! Free pattern.  

Knifty Knittings.  Complete tutorial.  Free. This is so pretty.  

Janes Patisserie.  Lemon & Blueberry Scones.  Its blueberry season! I miss the wild ones.

Country Hill Cottage. Tissue Paper Butterflies.  

Ice Cream Off Paper Plates.  Rainbow Garland.  

Tatertots and Jello.  DIY Beauty Station.  

Simply Ciani.  Pottery Barn Inspired Lampshade.  Very pretty.  

Lia Griffith.  Paper Rose Wreaths.  

These are so pretty.  From Design Dazzle.  

No Source, but cute.  Washi Tape Light Switch Covers. 


DIY Cosy Home.  Keep the Change Jar. 

Again, no source, but what a great idea.  I love the smell of coffee.  Even if I don't drink it.


I love this painted hutch. No source, just eye candy. 

Again, no source, but it would be easy to do with paper napkins and modge podge.


Mom Advice, seven easy scarf patterns to knit/crochet. 

And those are my finds for this week.  I hope you saw something of interest here!

A thought to carry with you   . . . 

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Walking, I am listening to a deeper way.
Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me.
Be still they say. Watch and listen.
You are the result of the love of thousands.
~Linda Hogan   •。★★ 。* 。 

What a beautiful thought  . . . 


In the kitchen today  . . . Turkey Burgers with Apple and Cheddar.  Very tasty!

Have a lovely Friday.  Don't forget along the way of your day!

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And I do too! 


  1. Love the tea cozy..I used to do my light switches like that..less is more for me now although you would never know it lol.Just made a tissue paper hydrangea to top a gift..a tutorial..Fun things maie..Bonne journée!!

    1. Bonne journée Monique!! Yes, less is more for me now also! I do like that tea cosy however! xoxo

  2. My favorites today are the corner bookmarks, the tissue paper butterflies and the painted stool. How cute they are all. You always finds some things to inspire me. Happy Friday !

    1. Thanks so much Pam! That makes me happy! Hope your Friday was equally blessed! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie!

    What fun and beautiful ideas to share today! Of course I love them all, but wow, I really love the painted hutch and the little painted stool. Sometimes I look through magazines, or online at, home decorating ideas, and I don't like any of them...they all look alike. I really like my home to look like me, my taste, not someone else's ideas or colors scheme. I also love the smell of coffee, it reminds me of when I was a girl, waking up to the smell of coffee. I was a coffee drinker way back when too, but when you are little, those smells seemed different.

    I also love those cute little bowls from, Anthropology. I have an assortment of them, not from Anthropology, but just some that I have picked up here and there. I like to keep my salt and pepper in them on my counter, makes measuring easier.

    Oh man, those burgers look delicious!! I'm so glad that you are enjoying your grill!

    Have a wonderful day, sweet friend!! Love you!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb! I wish I had more counter space. I have very little. I am not sure how to get more! I love the idea of pepper and salt pots! Love and hugs! xoxo

  4. Some wonderful finds as usual Marie. I particularly like that colourful tea cosy and the scarf pattern. Nyesterday Peter Mary and I were up at The Countryfile live show. We had a great time despite being almost roasted to death. We didn't feel it till we were coming home ! Peter and I both had quite burnt foreheads...I had to think what we called that part of our face as in Scotland we called it ..our brows..rhyme with how's!!!! Thankfully I had remembered to take a hat for Mary so she seemed ok however by this morning the one place in the sun...her hands....we're all breaking out into open skin with the exma I have managed to get the steroid cream on to them and a few were spots on her neck...hopefully it will all. Clear and not spread too much.....we had a really good day everything is just SO EXPENSIVE....we had three cardboard cups of tea, was delicious tea, I put my mug on top of the maps and few secs later pulled the map out !!!...yes...the whole cup tipped over..tea everywhere but thankfully not on Mary..I said to Peter I don't care I have to have another cup,nafter all they are ONLY £2.50 a CUP ! Imagine £10 for our 4cups of tea !! That seemed to be the cost as I then looked at other stalls prices...ah well despite the prices we had a wonderful day...I had to have an early another day has almost gone and soon it will be bed time !! Night night nGod Bless. Xxx

    1. Sounds a lovely day despite burnt brows, spilt cups and exema! I can only imagine going to a Country File fair. We love the show Country File. It is one of our favourites. Love you! Say hi to Peter from us! Love and hugs to all. xoxo

  5. Turkey Burgers and apple and cheese sounds yummy right now!
    I always love the dish items you find.
    The personalized notebooks look fun to have and all the bookmarks are awesome. I do use bookmarks.
    the Juniper Shawl is adorable and I love the fall like color.
    The blueberry scones looked like extra yummy.
    The tissue paper butterflies are adorable and the garland.
    The keep the change jar is awesome; I need one of those.
    I love the hutch and chair. My mother used to redo furniture all the time and she did some very creative things.
    Love it all and fun to look at this one!
    Blessings and hugs!

    1. My ex husband and I used to redo furniture LeAnn! We had some lovely pieces. Blessings and hugs to you also! xoxo


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