
Sunday 5 August 2018

Oh, the places I would go . . .

Todd and I did something yesterday that we never ever do . . . we went out for a posh lunch at a semi posh restaurant.   Normally if we eat out we always eat as some place like MacDonald's, or there is a cheap carvery close by that we sometimes go to.  The food is always disappointing to a degree, there's no service whatsoever.  Probably the only positive things you can say about them is that it's a change of scenery . . . but yesterday we just said what the hey and went for it and decided to have lunch out someplace other than a burger joint. 

We had a perfectly lovely time and Todd said to me when we got home, "I really enjoyed this afternoon . . . we should do it more often."   I wish we could, but alas, we can't.  It got me to thinking though, about all the things I would do if I only could . . . more often. 

Things like just being able to take off and go on adventures at the spur of the moment.  You know . . . just grab the dog and hop into the car and go where the mood takes you, with no worry about how you are going to put petrol in the car, or even how far away it is  . . . because you have enough money to book into a B and B overnight.   Oh wouldn't that be lovely . . . who knows where we would end up.   We'd just drive until we felt like stopping . . . what an adventure! 

I don't drink tea per se, only herbal infusions, but I have always wanted to experience tea in a really posh restaurant like the Ritz . . . a place where they bring tiered trays of finger sandwiches to the table along with plates of cakes and scones  . . . little crystal bowls of preserves and clotted cream . . . scones so tall they amaze you, with dark nuggets of sultanas peeking out all over their surface, you just know they will be so delicious.   A place where they call you Madame and Sir, and bow ever so slightly when addressing you . . . oh boy, I'm really dreaming now!!! 

Oh how I would love to spend a week or two in the South of France in a stone cottage out in the countryside, with bicycles in the shed so that when the mood hit us we could take ourselves off through the country lanes, riding in the sunshine with a basket filled with a crusty baguette, a lump of good cheese and a mason jar filled with cold lemonade, French lemonade.   We'd stop for an impromptu picnic by the road way and I'd pick daisies and wind them into a chain to wear around my neck and we wouldn't come home until the sun was waning in the sky . . . 

I have always longed to stick my head out of the car and just let the wind blow in my face and enjoy the feeling for what it is . . . it is only the fear of having my head knocked off that holds me back.  We were watching Miss Potter the other night, for the umpteenth time and there is a scene near the beginning where she gets her coach driver to drive her really fast through the London Parks.   She sticks her head out the window of the coach and just lets the wind blow in her face.   I'd love to do that . . . with abandon.  What a glorious feeling it must be . . . to just let go like that . . . without fear.  conjunctavitis be damned! 

Stand in a field filled with sunflowers, without worry about getting stung or anything.   To feel at one with all of those golden blooms, face turned to the sun.  We lived in a farm house once upon a time and the farmer across the road from us grew bird seed and his field was filled with sunflowers come the end of summer . . .  a sunflower field in Tuscany would be more my style though.  I mean, if you're going to dream about these things, Tuscany has a better feel to it, don't you think?? 

Riding in a hot air balloon on a nice summer's day . . . floating across the horizon and looking down at the patchwork of green fields and forests below . . . the sound of the fire thingie rushing hot air up into the balloon every so often . . . just floating . . . floating . . . floating.  Being able to wave at the people below who are looking up and wishing that they were floating across the horizon and looking down too . . . Sigh . . . 

I have always wanted to go to Venice . . . I have been told there is a very special feeling in Venice, almost an ethereal feeling.  I will probably never know . . . but a gal can dream . . .

What would you do if you could???  I'd love to hear about it! 

A thought to carry with you today . . .

Happiness is not a matter of events, 
it depends upon the tides of the mind.
~Alice Meynell 


In The English Kitchen today  . . . . Bumbleberry & Almond Crumble.  Todd enjoys his with cream. YUM! 

Have a fabulous Sunday. Its Fast & Testimony meeting at church today. That's my favourite meeting of the month!  Don't forget along the width and length of your day  . . . 

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And I do too!


  1. There are indeed so many wonderful places to go and things to do , but truthfully if I could, I would probably keep on doing what I'm doing right now, enjoying life at home. Simple adventures like going out to the farmers stands for fresh veggies is the kind I prefer. Simple pleasures and simple ways for me.
    When you think about it life is an adventure in itself. Hope you have a happy Sunday !

    1. There is much to be said about the simple pleasures in life Pam! East West, home is best! xoxo

  2. I always said I am not a traveler..was always happy just being home..we have had trips..and they are nice..not many and not all great.The last was my favorite.
    Ack..just lost the rest of my post:(It was long..of course:)
    Glad you went out..hope you see Venice..:) One never knows what the future holds:)

    1. Oh, I think nowadays if I have money to travel it will be to go home to see my mum and dad, or the children. Those are our choices now, but it is fun to dream! xoxo

  3. I think it is awesome that you were able to go to a more special place to eat. I think you do need to have these moments. I loved all your thoughts and dreams on this one. I don’t think I would try the hot air balloon. However, I do love to watch them.
    I have been thinking about how much I want to go to a place called Fish Lake; close to where I was raised as a child. I spent weeks in the summer with my Grandparents.
    I loved to go exploring all the places I used to play. Maybe a bit of shore fishing would be fun. Diffidently a picnic in the wooded area. It’s beautiful and peaceful there. Perhaps, I will get a moment there at some point. If I had my biggest dream it would be to stay there in a cabin for a few days.
    I think we just need to work on saving for a special moment like this.
    Right now our life is filled with family activities, church moments and the temple. I couldn’t ask for much better than what I do now. Maybe just a touch more peace and quiet.
    Loved reading your precious thoughts today. You do bring your dreams a live.
    Loving thoughts, blessings and hugs for you!

    1. I hope that you do have a chance to stay in a cabin for a few days LeAnn! You do so much for other people, it would be lovely for you to have this special dream come true! Love, hugs and blessings to you also! xoxo


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