
Wednesday 8 August 2018

Llangollen . . .

Yesterday we took an easy drive into Wales.  We stopped to see a friend, who wasn't home, but then drove on to Llangollen, with the view in mind to go to Horseshoe Pass. Llangollen was crazy! There was so many coach tours there. We didn't stay long as we couldn't find parking and had to find a parking spot on the street, which mean we could only be there for an hour. This was a quick photo of Todd and Tatiana on the bridge over the river.  Then we left to go to the Pass, but it was closed. We didn't know why. We had to turn off on this winding narrow cow path, LOL.  It was scary. We had a huge camper in front of us.  I don't know how he made it through, but nevermind. He did. Our biggest fear was that we were going to meet something and have to back our way back. We decided to stop at a pub and have a sandwich and use the loo and see what was up with the Pass. We discovered that there were fires burning up at the Pass which is why it was closed.  Mystery solved.  Apparently they have been burning for several weeks.  I had no idea. It wasn't on our news or anything, but you could clearly smell burning in the air.  So then we were all exhausted from the stress of that narrow road.  We just came home.  Tatiana and I went to Hobby Craft a bit later on as I am working on a wedding album and she is going to help me.  We watched a bit of telly and to be honest we were all in bed by 8:30, as we were still pretty tired from the late night before.  All in told it was a great day, and so lovely to have her back where she belongs, with us.  ☺  (I know.  We are greedy!)


  1. So nice you are all together:)And having fun!!

  2. Sounds like you made a good day of it no matter it wasn't what you'd planned. Nice you got to make an early end to the day so you'll be more rested for today. Have fun !

    1. Thanks Pam! You know what they say! When life hands you lemons, make lemonade! xoxo

  3. I love the cute lovely photo of the two of them. Your Todd is a cute one and your Titiana. She is beauty. Sorry, that you had a struggle going where you planned. Here in Utah and other western states we are having a ton of fires and our air is not healthy at all.
    Continue to enjoy your moments and have some great moments together.
    Sending loving thoughts, prayers for blessings and and hugs your way!

    1. There are so many fires burning throughout the world LeAnn! Scary times! I pray for them all. Love and hugs to you and Roger! xoxo


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