
Thursday 9 August 2018

Wednesday . . .

Somebody's really happy to be here.  And we're pretty happy to have her here! Quiet day yesterday.  Tatiana and Todd went into Chester and she did some shopping. We were having people over for dinner, so I stayed home and made a potato salad and a few other bits.  We had company for supper, enjoyed their visit very much, stuffed ourselves and then rolled into bed.  Today we are going to work on my wedding album!

And someone else is taking a well earned nap.  Love this wee one.  ♥♥♥

And that's whats going on in our world.


  1. How wonderful have your sweet friend there and others to enjoy your visit too. Have a great Thursday!

  2. I am so happy that you are enjoying your sepcial friend. She is beautiful and looks relaxed and happy. I’m sure you are pampering her. I would love to come to dinner at your home. I am sure that would be a treat.
    Love that sweet photo of Sara and Bruce. You should be very proud of her.
    That special little bundle of joy is so precious; I love the lovely photo.
    Loving thoughts and hugs for you all!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! I would love to have you here for dinner! Oh it would be so good to finally meet in person! Love and hugs! xoxo


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