
Tuesday 7 August 2018

She sleeps . . .

One beautiful photo of one beautiful little sweetheart.  So very adorable.  Ariana has been in hospital with a bleed and infection, but is now home again.  ♥♥♥  I was at Costco yesterday and was sorely tempted by little dresses.  I resisted the urge as I am sure she has plenty for now.  Oh, and Tatiana arrived safe and sound.  We got to bed about midnight last night. I couldn't sleep until ater 1:30, and was awake at 6.  I will be tired tonight, but it will be a good tired! 


  1. Oh, hooray... Ariana had the baby!!! Tatiana...isn't she lovely!!! So glad all is well with mum and new baby girl. God is GOOD! :) Rest well, my friend... ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. OOps sorry for any confusion Tracy! Ariana's baby is GRACE! My friend from Greece, Tatiana arrived that night for a week's visit. ! Although she is cute too! lol xoxo

  2. What an adorable baby. Glad her mom is feeling better. Enjoy your visit with your friend ! Have a terrific Tuesday!

    1. Thanks very much Pam! I hope you are having a great week also! xo

  3. Hi Marie, she's just beautiful!!

    Glad Tatiana arrived safe and sound, lot's of love xxx

  4. Oh that sweet baby is so precious. I do hope her dear Mom is OK. I am grateful your dearest one arrived sately. Have a great time with those you love!
    Blessings , love and hugs!


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