
Tuesday 3 April 2018

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY, April 4, 2018

Outside my window...
Its dark, but the sky is clear, and the moon is still shining.  The morning chorus is just beginning. Have a blood test early this morning, so I am up a bit earlier. A dry day is a good day. 
I am thinking ...
Why is there so much swearing on television these days?? Is that how normal people talk?  Has the world changed that much? We started to watch a police show on Netflix called 7 Seconds, but it the language is horrendous and not necessary.  We watch Bluebloods, and there isn't any swearing on that, which proves that you can have an excellent police show without the bad language.  I hate the bad language. We just don't watch if it is way over the top, which is a shame because otherwise it is a great story.  
In the kitchen ...
Enchiladas Calabaza.  A vegetarian enchilada made with butternut squash. We love these. 
On my "To Cook" list ...

From Aunt Bee's Kitchen.  Olive Garden Garlic-Rosemary Chicken. This looks sooo good!  
Good to know ...

She Tried What  How to organize your baking cupboard.  Yes!  I need help there.

I am creating ...

No source, just inspiration.  Hand embroidery on a white t-shirt.  Beautiful.
Everything Etsy.  Free crochet washcloth pattern, plus free printable gift label wraps.

Natas Nest.  Free Jam Pot Covers pattern.  
Again no pattern, just eye candy inspiration.  Tea towel by Nana and Co.  I love all she makes.

Toadstool Needlebook.  Free pattern from Free Quilt Patterns. Cute! 
I am reading ...
The Visitor by Katherine Stansfield 

He turns and waves, twenty feet or so away... she can't swim as strongly as usual. She can taste blood again. Nicholas bobs where he is, letting her catch up. Her nightdress blooms around her like a sail. She reaches him and he touches her arm, very gently. She wants to grab him, hold him tightly in the water. Would he let her?

Cornwall. 1880. Pearl, Jack and Nicholas play among the fishing boats of Skommow Bay, not understanding the undercurrents beneath their games. As they grow older, the choices they make shape the pattern of their lives.

1936 and everything has changed. The fish have stopped coming and the Pilchard Palace is abandoned. Pearl, exiled in favour of holidaymakers, turns to the memory of her great love, and her greatest loss. She's waiting for her own visitor. Will he come for her? The sea's ghosts are stirring. The past can be more alive than the present…

A cliff top romance in the style of Daphne du Maurier and set in a fictional village based on St Ives, The Visitor is a novel steeped in the coast and people of Cornwall. It shivers and flashes with visions as elusive as the fish at the centre of its story.

I just started reading this last night, but its a page turner.

Looking forward to ...
We have a wedding to go to on Saturday. I need to go as I am taking the pictures. I love weddings.

Dreaming About ...

Bees on dishes  . . . 


Cats on pickets  . . . 

A chair to curl up in  . . . 


Iron bedsteads and wooden floors  . . . 

Floral printed sheers and ruffles . . . 

Something to watch ...

Re-runs of Roseanne.  Takes me back to when my kiddos were growing up.  Loved this show then, still do. I hear they have released a new series.  I hope that they air it over here.

A quote for the day ...

   `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸. •´¸.•~♥♥♥~•. ~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
         ( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..
No one ever made a difference by
       being like everyone else. 
          ~P T Barnum ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.. 

Makes me smile ... 


Bunny snuggles  . . . 
Corners of my kingdom ...

Hever Castle in Kent.  Childhood home of Anne Boleyn.  Been there many times. It is fascinating. You can spend all day there exploring the castle and gardens and still not see it all. 
And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Today's Reading - Mosiah 29:1-15 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? How can you prepare for peace?  
Thoughts - Mosiah prepared for peace by changing the way that his country was governed so that it was less likely for the people to become unrighteous. What ways can I change the way my life is governed to make it less likely for me to become unrighteous? I can pray often to keep my will in line with God's will. I can doubt my doubts instead of doubting my faith. I can do my best to keep his commandments. When I do all these things whatever happens in my life I will have barriers that Satan will have to break through if he wants to make me unrighteous and I won't be easily swayed.  Family councils are another good thing.  Sitting down together as a family and making plans together for how you want to conduct your lives, keep your home, etc. To talk about what is working and what isn't, and how you can improve, what needs changing.  Family prayer and scripture reading.  Studying conference talks together and discussing as a family what they mean to you, etc.
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 134) -  Mosiah 29:16-32 
Question - Why do you think Mosiah didn't want to have another King over the land? How can this apply to you? 
Have a wonderful Tuesday!  I hope the sun shines and you have an extra spring in your step!  I think it is going to be a clear day here today for a change!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  


  1. Hi, Marie! It is sooo GOOD to catch up with you here at last, after we've been down with nasty colds here. I think the "fog" is starting to lift... LOL! I'm with you on foul language on TV, as well as films, books, etc. Why? I know no one who talks such filth. It does nothing for dialogue or action in a film, actually I think it just slows down a film or TV programme. I wish they would stop all the vulgar nonsense. Nice idea with the butternut squash in the enchilada--yum! And I do like those embroidered t-shirts--wow...lovely idea! So cute those jam jar covers too. That toadstool needle case is just adorable--wow! VERY interesting book you're reading now. Sounds a little spooky... And VERY fun you're photographer at a wedding this weekend!! I remember watching Roseanne--that seems like a looong time ago... LOL! Happy Easter Week, my friend... LOVE YOU ALL!! ((BIG HUGS))

    1. Oh, I am so happy to read you are starting to feel better Tracy! I have my fingers crossed that I don't come down with a cold. So far this winter I have been lucky and so has Todd! More and more we are turning to "older" television shows because they are just nicer. Love you lots! xoxo

  2. It's raining like crazy here this morning. I agree about the swearing. I have watched Bluebloods and enjoyed it very much. Weddings are wonderful ! Hope yo enjoy the one you're going to. Always so much happiness going on !

    1. Yes, who doesn't feel the joy at wedding Pam! God bless! Hope you don't get too much rain! xoxo

  3. Jacques loves Bluebloods:)
    Last night..CTM..Huntington's disease:( ..How sad that family..and now Trixie..

    How great is that show?

    Cute cute things Marie..

    Have a good day!

    1. OH, CTM Monique. You keep your tissues handy. Seriously. That is the best show, but it does tug greatly on the heart strings. Hope your day is going well also! xoxo

  4. I agree with the language Marie but i still watched the series it was good! Love the bees and the quote! Dreary here too and rain later on this evening, i can't do much with only one arm...I try when Nick isn't looking,,,🍃🌷🍃Di

    1. I hope it doesn't take too long for your arm to heal Di! I confess it would be hard to keep me down too! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    Your daybook is always so wonderful!

    I hope your tests went ok, I really don't like having my blood drawn... ;0)

    I know what you mean about the swearing, I just don't understand why it's so necessary to put it in a movie or a television show. Yes, I always switch as well.

    Of course I love all the sewing and crochet ideas, especially that cute jar cover, so adorable. It's never too late to start thinking about Christmas you know...;0)

    That book sounds very interesting! I love a good suspense novel, I will check it out for sure.

    Oh, I love weddings too, they are lucky to have you take their pictures, you're a great photographer. I love all the romance and the squishy hugs...I'm a romantic at heart.

    Those wooden floors are gorgeous! My dream has always been to own an old farmhouse, with wooden floors and tall windows, all of them with gorgeous sheers and deep window will not happen in my lifetime, but one can dream...ahhh.

    I haven't watched the new, Roseanne, but I intend to, it looks really good. Some of the previews look very funny, I loved it back in the day, and I will most likely love it today.

    I love the quote...thank goodness we aren't like everyone else! What I love most about this crazy world are our differences, everyone has their own personality, and I love that!

    Those little bunnies make me smile too, adorable!

    Your part of the kingdom is amazing! One day I will visit...might not be in this lifetime, but one day.

    My sister and her husband have always held family counsels with their children, and they still do it today, even though their children are grown. I know it has made a difference in all of their lives. We need to all we can to make sure that we keep Satan at bay...and it gets harder everyday! Hang in there, Marie! You inspire me!

    Much love to you and Todd! XOXOX

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I love when you comment Barb. Its like having a conversation with a much beloved friend. Love you to bits. xoxo


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