
Wednesday 4 April 2018

Wednesday, Wednesday . . .

Wednesday, the middle of the work-a-day week.  You either loathe it or love it.  I love Wednesdays because I get to call my mom in the afternoon.  Are you a love it or loathe it kind of person? I would never want to spend my life wishing it away. I like to take each day as it comes and get the most out of each of them, ascribing to the idea that every day might not be a good day, but there is something good in every day! 

(shouldn't that say woohoo? lol)

I guess its all a matter of perspective.  You are either a "half glass full" or "half glass empty" sort of a person.  Life either throws things at you or on you.  My glass is half full and things fly at me.  I have never minded challenges overly much.  In fact I relish them. They make life more interesting rather than hum drum.  

Its true, there are no songs or sonnets written about Wednesday, no soliloquies . . . but I did make up a poem . . . 

What a lovely day of the week it is
Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday.
Not Monday, nor Tuesday,
Or Thursday or Friday.
You won't find a
Saturday here, nor a Sunday.
Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday.
A little further than Monday.
A little closer to Friday.
I am positive you have
something to make us
all smile.

Okay  . . .  so don't quite quit my day job just yet . . . 

When you're retired there is no weekend really.  Most days are the same.  What you make of them.  The one day of the week that stands out is Sunday. In fact . . . shhhh, don't tell anyone . . .  some days I have to really think about what day it is, because for the most part they all kind of blend together.  I guess I lead a really dull life. Maybe to some I suppose.  I just kind of try to get the most out of each day, no matter what day it is.  Each day has it's own promise. 


In fact I don't know how I got all the things done that I got done when I worked full time because my days pass in a kind of a blur now.  I never get half the things done that I plan. One day no sooner starts than it is ending and it is the same with the weeks, the months, the years.  Kind of scary really when I think of how quickly the last 18 years have passed and how quickly the next 18 will . . . will I even be around in 18 years????  I  don't know.  That would make me 80 and I am not sure about 80.  I'll take it if I am fully mobile, have all my thoughts together, and still have a spring in my step, like Todd who will be 80 in September. (Hard to believe!)  but I am not so sure I want to be 80 and stuck in a chair drool on my chin with nothing to do, wondering what day of the week it is.  Oh yeh . . .  its Wednesday! 

On Wednesday, when the sky is blue, and I have nothing else to do, I sometimes wonder if it's true That who is what and what is who. 
~ Winnie-the-Pooh    

Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health,
Wednesday the best day of all;
Thursday for crosses, Friday for losses,
Saturday no luck at all.
~old English folk rhyme  

A thought to carry with you . . .  

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The best preparation for tomorrow is
doing your best today.
~Jackson Brown, Jr.   •。★★ 。* 。 



Today's Reading - Mosiah 29:16-32 
Question - Why do you think Mosiah didn't want to have another King over the land? How can this apply to you?  
Thoughts - I find this chapter really interesting. We tend to think of democracy as a modern thing, but he is Mosiah explaining why democracy is a good idea at about 100 yrs BC. He says that having a king in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing, if you could guarantee, that they would be good, but because you can't it is very dangerous because you have all power concentrated in one person, and then he lists all the things that go bad.  So he proposes a democratic system, where power is spread among all the people and all the leaders are held accountable. 
I guess the application is that when we vote etc. we should be wary of concentrating power into the hands of fewer people, and supportive of spreading it around and making leaders accountable. 
God sees us as equals. It is only satan who wants us to see ourselves as higher or lower than others. Yet we are all Heavenly Fathers children. 
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 135) - Mosiah 29:33-47
Question - What have you learned from reading Mosiah? And what have you learned from the examples of King Mosiah and Alma? 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  A Delicious Vegetable Curry.  Healthy and tasty.  I served it with brown Basmati rice.

Have a great Wednesday.  Smile!  Don't forget!
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and I do too!


  1. I call Wednesdays wonderful and so it is really with each day that comes my way. I agree with you every day we get is a good one. They do say Wednesdays are the hardest for those that work, but I used to think Mondays were. I'm retired now and have those times I feel like every day is the same. But really they are not, Each day is new and we never know what will come. Hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

    1. You have a wonderful Wednesday also Pam! Xoxo

  2. All days the same here:) I love that.
    I am very happy to not have to be somewhere at a certain time..caravans..meetings ..out and about in our weather for my work.
    I am grateful to be home:)
    Like you..I like all home things..
    When I worked I never thought I could ever
    well I fit into it well now:)

    Cute post Marie..

    1. It’s what you write about when you really have nothing to write about Monique! Lol I love retirement! Xoxo

  3. Hi Marie!

    Wednesday is one of my favorite days of the week! It's the day I go visit my mom, and spend the day with my sister, it's always a fun day for me. I'm so glad that you call your mom during the week, what a blessing you are for her. I hope she is doing well after her surgery.

    Life is different when you retire, days really do just run into each other...sometimes. Sometimes, it seems like we are so busy, that we can't catch our breath. I try not to think about 18 years from now! 80 seems like such an old age, but I know many people who are 80 or almost 80 and don't seem old at all. I just hope I can age gracefully. Nothing bothers me more than a woman who wants to act like she is in her 30's when she is in her 70's.

    Well, tomorrow is Thursday, so I better get to bed! XOXOXO

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I am sure your Wednesdays are filled to overflowing with blessings Barb! I wish I could go visit my mom and sister on a Wednesday but alas a phone call has to suffice. Mom's nurse was coming to do a blood test. She needs to have them regularly because of the Warfarin she takes. Because she doesn't like going out, they come to her home and she has to pay for this service. She was a bit grumpy at the start of our conversation because she has to pay for this Lately she has been complaining every time she has to pay for something. It is all the dementia and will probably only get worse. My sister is a Saint. Love my mom and I know it is the disease. In any case by the end of our conversation she had cheered up considerably! Love and hugs, xoxo


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