
Monday 2 April 2018

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 

I am feeling much better yesterday and so far today after going back onto my old medication. I am sure that I need to be on this one versus the one my Doctor switched me on to.  I think the licorace has also helped. I had no incidents at all yesterday and I even ate something with tomato in it. (which I shouldn't have, but I wanted to see what would happen) Fingers crossed it continued. I still want to  start fermenting some carrot sticks or something.  I need to buy some jars. 


Winter's last hurrah this morning with wet snow mixed with ice and rain. It won't last.  I am happy I don't need to go anywhere.  There is a layer on the car and it's sticking on the roof tiles, but the pavement and road are all just wet.   Its just not a very nice day weather-wise.  Time for a last canoodle. 

The blanket is growing.  I love this and I love the colours.  Its very easy to pick up and just do a couple of rows whenever I get the chance.  I haven't rolled all my yarn into balls this time. Not sure if I will bother or not. Its an easy project, you don't even really have to think about it. I worked all through the morning session of conference on it yesterday. I really like the colours. 

I love Easter and I love General Conference, and when the two are combined, it is an extra special blessing indeed.  I have not been able to listen to all of the talks yet, but the ones I have watched so far have been brilliant and inspiring.  The spirit has touched me many, many times over the course of the weekend.  All of the talks have been very inspiring and uplifting. I have received a great deal of revelation this time, but then I always do. I have come away with an even greater belief in and faith of our Saviour and His church, and I know without a doubt that President Nelson  is the Lord's prophet and the choices of his counselors are inspired by the Lord.  I loved that we had more speakers from different ethnic backgrounds and I loved what they brought to the table for us to feast upon.   New changes in the structuring of the Priesthood quorums and  ministering to replace Visiting and Home Teaching.

7 new temples to be built throughout the world. Two new apostles to replace the gaps left  in recent months by the passing away of President Monson and Elder Hales.  A solemn assembley which is what happens when a new prophet is sustained by the church. This was a very eventful weekend for the church, and I have been blessed greatly by it. 

The Easter messages shared in yesterday morning's sessions from all three of our church Presidency members were simply uplifting and beautiful  All in all, this was a beautiful Easter Weekend in which we have been richly blessed. 


Talking to my mom yesterday and learning about some of her childhood memories of Easter's gone by. I love hearing her stories about those days, and although nowadays some of the names, etc. escape her, they are still very special moments for us.  I feel so blessed that she is still with us. I guess at the hospital the other day they almost didn't do the procedure for her because when they got her down to the operating theatre, she said she didn't know why she was there and didn't want it done.  She was very confused so they took her back to her room.  My sister had gone off to look at the art gallery, because she had about 1 1/2 hours to kill.  She doesn't have a mobile phone so they couldn't get in touch with her right away, and the Doctor had other procedures to do and so it was touch and go for a time whether mom would have it done at all.  But eventually the Doctor did come back and they were able to make my mom understand what was going on (she had been told many, many times about it, but you know dementia . . .) and they were able to finally do it successfully.  Her arteries were too damaged for them to be able to put any stents in, but for the time being things are okay and her Vascular Surgeon said that she can have it redone in 8 or 9 months time, if need be.  I sure wish I could do more to help my sister.  That is the down side of this all. 

My oldest son Anthony sent me this lovely picture of two of my Easter Bunnies.  Luke and Gabe. Easter chocolate requires the deepest concentration I think.  I love that my son is thoughtful enough to share things like this with me. It was a great blessing to me to be able to see this.  I had bought Easter bunnies to send over to all of my grandchildren in a wild moment, but ended up not being able to afford to send them, so they were given away.

This was the first year Todd and I did not have any Easter Chocolate. Usually I get something for him and I to share, but with all of my problems this year with my stomach, it completely got left out.  Oh well, I can probably pick him up one cheaper now that Easter is over.  Or maybe not.  A chocolate bar would make him just as happy. 

Knowing in my heart of hearts, always, that this is true. 

Oats for breakfast.  Gives you a great start to the day. I love my morning oats.  Funny that because when I was a child my mom couldn't get me to touch oatmeal.  I didn't like it at all.  Your tastes change when they are no longer hampered with the immaturity of childhood notions. 

And those are my small and wonderfuls for this week. 

A thought to carry with you . . .  

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•。★★ 。* 。
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“The commandments to love God and neighbour are interrelated.
We cannot fully love God without loving our neighbour.
We cannot fully love our neighbour without loving God.
~unknown      •。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。 



Today's Reading - Mosiah 28:1-20 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? How can knowledge be a blessing? 
Thoughts - In this chapter there are 4 examples of what knowledge can do. 1️ is found in verse 2, knowledge of the Lord = convinces, cures, brings joy, brings charity, puts down contention.  The second one is in verse 4, the sons of Mosiah had gained knowledge of the depth of their sins, they had suffered much. This understanding made them anxious to teach the gospel to everyone, so no one would have to endure endless torment. Thirs, in  verses 6&7, King Mosiah took his worries and concerns to the Lord, asking in prayer, and the Lord gave him knowledge and understanding, an assurance as to the safety of his sons. But also an understanding of the saving power of missionary work both for the investigator and the teacher. And finally fourth, in verse 12, the people desired to know what was in the records that the people of Limhi brought with them. Once they found out content of Jaredite record they were filled with sorrow, but they rejoiced in the knowledge they were given. 
As for me, there have been times in my life when my whole world has been thrown upside down. It has only been a knowledge and testimony of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and their plan that has kept me going. Studying the scriptures and allowing the Holy Ghost to teach me, builds a sure foundation. In tough times it helped to remember that the Lord is the great deliverer of the Old Testament, New Testament and the Book of Mormon. Sometimes I've been clinging to the knowledge that He can deliver and then waiting upon that until it comes, in whatever form that is. 
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 133) -  Mosiah 29:1-15 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? How can you prepare for peace? 
In the Kitchen today . . .  Cowboy Hot Pot.  A simple casserole designed to use up some of your Easter Dinner Leftovers.  Its actually quite delicious! 
Have a wonderful week.  I hope it is filled with lots of small and wonderful things!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!  



  1. Good news that you are feeling so much better. Easter sales on Chocolate are the best ! Hope you get some to enjoy. I was going to go out shopping for some today, but my car has gone on the blitz so I'm in for the day till I can get it fixed. We have snow predicted here for the end of the week. Winter is just hanging on far too long.

    1. Oh dear Pam, I hope it is nothing serious and that you can get it fixed soon! Yes, this Winter was late arriving and not in any great hurry to leave us! God bless! xoxo

  2. Wow..wonderful news Marie..good for you.. oh your mom and your sister..I so get it all.. :( Hope she feels better and better..

  3. PS..How could I the blanket looks like something I would enjpy making a never ending square almost? Love it.And the children:)♥

    1. It is a never-ending square Monique! I don't think I will ever make any other kind again, lol. It is soooo easy! Love my boys as I know you do too! ♥ xoxo

    2. Not sure what you mean by flip? recto-verso?turning over completely to flip?

    3. Turning over completely. You join the end of the rounds by doing a slip stitch into the top of the beginning chain three of the round before and then you turn it around and start the next round going around by crocheting on the wrong side of the previous round. I am not sure how to explain. I hope you can understand? xo


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