
Thursday 15 March 2018

My favourite things . . . 
These are some of the things in life that I enjoy and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Lets share!   
Image result for Mitzie, And Then We All Had Tea 
Mitzie when she comes back all fresh and pretty after a visit to the dog groomers. She is going today.  While she is gone I will change all her bedding and put in a freshly laundered blankie, replace the blanket we keep on the sofa, etc. so everything is clean when she gets back home sweet home. Ready for cuddles and snuggles. 

Pretty bowls filled with . . . pretty bowls!  These are gorgeous! I love pretty bowls.  Everything automatically tastes better if it is in a pretty bowl. 

Pretty glassware.  These are particularly pretty. When I worked at the Manor there was no end to the glassware that was used.  There was some for every day (which would have been really special to me) and about a bazillion other sets to go with all of their dinner sets, china, etc. Beautiful waterford crystal sets, coloured blown glass sets, in every colour you can imagine. I was always afraid of breaking one. 


Vintage fabric prints.  I love these old fashioned prints. I could hoard them like diamonds and jewels.


Cherries.  Oh how I love fresh cherries.  When we lived down in Kent in late spring there would be roadside stands where you could buy fresh cherries by the paperbag full, a kilo at a time. I would always get two. One to eat in the car on the way home and one for later.  They were delicious.  I miss being able to do that . . . 

 New baking goodies.  Thanks Dr Oeteker. These two huge padded white packages arrived yesterday and they were filled with all of this sweetness.  I had been asked to try their new Bake in the Box loaf cake mixes, so those were expected.  The others were not!  Lots of yumminess there including Unicorn Chips.  Who knew such a thing existed! 

Pretty cardigans in pretty colours with lace and trims, etc. I just love cardigans full stop, but if they are trimmed up and prettified, then so much the better . . . 


Plaits . . . What lovely thick hair younger women have. I wish I had appreciated mine when I had it.

Brown paper packages tied up in string  . . . 

Vintage Kewpies  . . . 

Jemima Puddleduck and Henny Penny.  They're Salt & Pepper Shakers I picked up in the Lake District one time when we were up there.  They are magnetised and join together breast to breast. You separate to use  . . . 

My Birdies & Apple Blossoms candle lampshade that I got eons ago at Yankee Candle. It is one of my loves and can't part withs  . . . 

Red Squirrels.  I have only ever seen them at a distance.  Did you know that the summer sun bleaches their tails white?  When we used to go up and stay at the cottage in Cumbria we were in a Red Squirrel conservation area and we did see them, but only ever from afar . . . they are cheeky little creatures. 


 Soft white bread with butter and sometimes jam.  You know you shouldn't but sometimes you just have to have it, and it tastes soooooo good. It takes you back to your childhood when such things were a real treat and not forbidden  . . . I relish every bite. 

I love them, but have never been successful at growing them . . .  forget me nots  . . . 

And those are my favourite things for this week.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Joy comes to us in 
ordinary moments.
We risk missing out when we
get too busy chasing down
the extraordinary. 
~Brene Brown •。★★ 。* 。



Today's Reading -  Mosiah 20:12 - 21:8
QuestionWhat have you learnt from the reading today? What does this reading teach you about effective communication?   
Thoughts - The King of the Lamanites started a full scale battle based on an assumption. Gideon used his reasoning to keep the peace within the people of Limhi, and also to make peace with the enemy, he noticed Abinadi's prophecy being fulfilled, he counselled King Limhi. One thing I really love about King Limhi is his need to understand, as we saw so plainly in Mosiah 7. And yes, I love the effect that coming unarmed has on a WHOLE army - compassion, being pacified and leaving in peace. Could you imagine how much of different story it would have been if, instead of binding up the wounds of the Lamanite King, they had just killed him?! To me this is one of the most applicable chapters in the Book of Mormon to family life, church life and community life. 
There's a lesson here for us and how we can communicate 'without arms' - without being defensive, controlling, angry, judgemental or unkind. Or without having our own agenda. The result of being 'without arms' was compassion and peace.
Tommorrow's Reading (Day 122) -  Mosiah 21:9-27 
Talk - Dieter F Uchtdorf - 'Perfect love casteth out fear'
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What difference does it make when we are motivated by love instead of fear?

I will share my thoughts about this reading on Saturday.  I won't be on tomorrow because of my early hospital appointment.  Wish me luck!  Also my mother's procedure for today has been canceled to a later date, due to a power outage at the hospital yesterday.


In The English Kitchen today . . . Baked Potato Wedges.  Kind of like hasselback potatoes, brushed with a special sauce during the bake time which allows the flavours to penetrate right down into the potato.  I also tried with sweet potatoes.  Fabulous!

Don't worry if I am not on tomorrow morning.  I will be back as per normal on Saturday.  In the meantime don't forget!
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And I do too!



  1. Hi Marie, loving all your favourites this morning! I bet Mitzie will smell delicious later!

    Sorry to hear about your mums op, I know how annoying that can be, especially if you've built yourself up for it. Good luck for tomorrow, hope you find the answers you are looking for. Lot's of love xxx

    1. Oh she smells a real treat Kate! She is all snuggled up next to me on the sofa, tired all out from it. Thanks for your positivity! Love and hugs. Xoxo

  2. Thank you for sharing your cute special things:) You were wise to buy the salt and pepper sahkers treasures from a trip:) All cute..

    Take care Marie:)

    1. Thanks Monique! I’ve regretted not buying mementoes so many times. That time I didn’t stop myself and all these years later I am not sorry I got them! Xoxo

  3. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go to your appointment. Sorry to hear of your mom's delay. Power outages do make for a lot of changes. Take good care !

  4. Love the maraschino cherries and can't wait for the other cherries either!

    Mitzie must have been cute and smelled really good after she came back from the dog groomer's. and your Mom have been in my thoughts and prayers! Hope everything goes well for you today!♥xo

    1. Thanks very much Jan! I really appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers! xoxo


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