
Friday 16 March 2018

Today ...

No post today due to early hospital appointment.
Will be back tomorrow with my Friday Finds
on a Saturday.


  1. Good luck. Hope you get a solution to your problem.

  2. Good Luck at the hospital. Thinking of you. X

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Monique! They think it is t my heart at all, but acid reflux. I need a prescription review, so I need to make an appoint to see my regular GP and then see how it goes, but if it continues, they will fast track me into further investigations. So good news I guess! Xoxo

    2. Great NEWS!! That is treatable:) And even over the counter I think? :)Hope so!!

    3. I was totally relieved Monique! Here's hoping I can get some control of it! xo

  4. Hi Marie~

    I'm glad to hear it's not your heart!! Acid reflux can cause so many problems, I'm so glad they are getting on top of it!

    See you tomorrow!!

    Hugs and Love,

  5. So happy they are getting to the root of your problem fast Marie! It was very scary thinking it had something to do with your heart!
    That's such great news to hear! Keep on getting more sleep. Your in my thoughts and prayers and your Mom too!xo


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