
Wednesday 14 March 2018

Wings . . .

“If you were born without wings, 
do nothing to prevent them from growing.” 
~Coco Chanel 

I have had a lifelong fascination with wings, and things with wings . . . .  and the idea of being able to soar for if I had wings, I would not just fly . . .  I would soar. What a feeling of freedom that must be . . . 

Wings always come in pairs, have you noticed???

I have never seen a one-winged bird  . . .  or butterfly . . .  or angel . . .  always they have two wings.  And that is the same for all things in this life's journey we are taking . . . there must be both a left and a right wing.  Opposition in all things. Love/anger . . . destiny/fear . . . pain/healing . . . rejection/acceptance . . . hurt/forgiveness . . . pride/humility . . . giving/taking  . . . tears/joy . . . judgement/grace . . . honor/shame . . . holding on/letting go . . . hate/love . . . stooping low/standing tall . . . 

Yes . . .  opposition in all things.
In other words . . .

As all birds and butterflies know  . . . it is only possible to fly with two perfect wings.  Two wings can only stay in the air if there is balance.  Opposition in all things.  Two perfect wings are perfection.  A bird with on wing is imperfect and cannot fly. An angel with one wing . . .  imperfect.  A butterfly with one wing  . . . dead.  We have spawned a generation of people whose idea of perfection comes from their hope in cutting off one of their wings.  They don't want to cry, or wait, or struggle, or suffer, or  . . .  bleed.  It is a me/me . . . all now or nothing . . . seeking a pain-free life  . . .  generation. A generation of people who strive to always cut off the other wing in the hope of embodying their idea of what they see as a perfect life . . . .  failing to see, recognise or value the gift of strength that comes wrapped in the diaphanous paper of struggle.

A crippled race.


"A bird is safe in its nest, but that
is not what its wings 
are made for." 
~Amit Ray

And so I work daily . . .  on my invisible wings.  I embrace the opposition in my life . . . the struggles . . . the sorrow . . . the stumbles.  I know they make me stronger.  I know they also help to strengthen these beautiful wings I am growing . . . the wings that will one day help me to soar back from whence I came. Better than I was when I arrived.  Stronger than I was in the beginning  . . .  whole and not broken.  Balanced  . . . and free.

 It looks like we are going to have a sunny day today. Perhaps it will dry up some of that rain we have gotten over the past week. Our garden is a sodden squelching mess, but then it always is at this time of year. Mitzie stands at the gate and looks with longing at the grass.  I tell her it won't be long now and she will be able to run over the grass.  I love watching her run . . .  her ears almost standing straight out from the side of her head.  That is joy to me.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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Dream high, beyond the sky,
No matter wings so small, keep vision bright;
Just dare to learn, for you were born to fly.
~Vikrmn    •。★★ 。* 。 


Today's Reading Mosiah 19:25-20:11
 Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? How has preparation helped you in a physical/ emotional/ economic or any other type of battle?  
Thoughts - I like the description of how they fought in verses 10 & 11 and what they fought for. 'they fought like lions for their prey' 'they exerted themselves and like dragons did they fight' 'they fought for their lives, and for their wives, and for their children'  We are involved in a spiritual battle and we can't​ be casual or half hearted about it. I need to be ALL IN with my choices and obedience. I need to stand strong with Christ and fight for righteousness. Fight for myself and for my family, so that we can withstand the wrong that surrounds us and be filled with all that is good and is right. Sometimes I can feel too weary or weak to fight. I'm grateful for my Saviour's help at these times and how He gives me His strength and ability. 
I fuel my spiritual battery every chance I have to do so, then when I am feeling low, I am able to draw on the strength of that spiritual battery to light my way until I come to a place where I can fuel it again. 
Tomorrow's Reading  (Day 121) - Mosiah 20:12 - 21:8
QuestionWhat have you learnt from the reading today? What does this reading teach you about effective communication?  

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Blood Orange Chicken with Feta & Spring Onions.  Deliciously different. Simple. Quick.  Built for two.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  I hope you are able to find the good in today.  Don't forget!
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And I do too!


  1. Hi Marie, I love angels too, I know I definitely have at least one looking out for me!

    We went to Llandudno yesterday as the weather was so nice. We walked round the Great Orme, and boy am I paying for it today!!!

    Looks like another sunny one today so make the most of it, lot's of love xxx

    1. Kudos to you for walking round the Great Orme Kate! I have never done that myself, but have walked up and down the promenade a few times. I always wanted to go and stay overnight and walk it in twilight. Maybe one day. The sun has disappeared here now and a cold wind is blowing! Love and hugs. xoxo

  2. Love angels and wings..:) We are buried under a NorthEaster yet again.Unbelievable.Enjoy that sunshine..

    So many pretty songs w/ wings..:) The wind beneath my name one:)

    1. Oh yes, love that song. My mom was telling me yesterday about the snow. Winter has come late for them and with a vengeance! xoxo

  3. So true about wings. Just cold and still frozen here...

  4. Hi Marie!

    Great post, just what I needed to hear on this cloudy gives me some strength to get moving and keep up the battle!!

    I have always said, my kids needed, roots and wings. Something to ground them, a place to cone back to. And wings to give them flight, so that they can make their own way in this life.

    This mellanial generation do not quite get it, do they? They want everything handed to them...making them only able to use one wing. One-day they will need both, but will be crippled...very sad.

    Yesterday was beautiful, almost 60 degrees! Today it's suppose to rain...maybe even snow later this week. Bob went out yesterday and swept the pinecones off the lawn, and the wind today will blow more our if the trees! Isn't that the way it goes?!

    I'm off to be with my mom...a good day for me.

    Wonderful thoughts on the BOM! I will try to come back later to visit. Love you.

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your mom Barb. I loved the photos of your last one with your wee grandson. They were so precious and touched my heart! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. I have a few handmade angels floating around my house..couldn't resist! Hahaha! A musical one too..when cranked up.

    I have never tried blood oranges before. I wish they were called something else. Lol.

    My dog goes outside and stands on this big snowbank to look around. He thinks he's king of the mountain.

    So glad you had a great night's rest again! Hope it keeps up!

    Praying that you and your Mom will start feeling better soon!xo

    1. Thanks very much Jan! I can see your dog as king of the mountain. Loved to play King of the Castle when I was a child! xoxo


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