
Saturday 24 February 2018

Three wishes . . .

“Sometimes things become possible
 if we want them bad enough.”
 ~ T.S. Eliot 

I loved the story of Aladdin's Lamp when I was a little girl. I even had a colouring book based on it. I thought the princess was beautiful and the idea of finding a magic lamp that you could rub and then have a genie pop out to grant you three wishes seemed pretty amazing.  I used to think a lot about what I would wish for.  Of course back then it was things like ponies, piano lessons and all the candy I could eat forever and forever.  Now, that I am an adult, those wishes would be quite different.  So here's the question this morning.  You have just discovered a magic lamp with a genie in it and he's granting you three wishes.  What do you wish for?  Remember you only have three. Its hard and bears a lot of thinking about.

Here are mine. 

The destruction of all illegal weapons in the world along with the inability to procure them. Only the people who should have guns will have guns. Forever and forever. There would be no more senseless killings, etc. not by guns at least. There is something wrong in the world when a 13 year old cannot buy a lottery scratch ticket and yet can procure a firearm with no problem at all.  We can't take a bottle of water on an airplane, but we can buy a gun?  Something is really screwed up here.

No more hate or intolerance of culture, sexual identity or faith  or lack thereof.  No intolerance. We would all just simply agree to disagree and that would be the end of it. Nobody would be pushing their agendas at anyone else. We would just all get along, accepting that other people have the right to think and feel what they do, in peace.  Tolerance is at the core of "Agency," and one of the tenants of my faith.  If you want to be straight or gay or whatever, that is your choice.  If you want to worship Allah or God or little pink bumblebees, that is your choice.  I can have my beliefs and you can have yours, and that's okay. We would celebrate our differences. Nobody would have to feel ashamed of who they were. Love and respect for others would be key.

That a cure for cancer would be found.  For all kinds of cancer. It would just be no more.  Cancer would die, not people, especially not children.  But there are all kinds of cancer, cancer of the body and cancer of the soul.  This would also include cancer of the soul. 

Now you are probably thinking . . .  why didn't I wish for an end to natural catastrophies, or world hunger, etc.  It is simple.  We need to serve others.  These things give us the opportunity to do just that.  To serve.  It is in service that we grow, that we become . . .  better human beings. Without the opportunity to serve others, we would become apathetic and uncaring.  The opportunity to serve others and acts of service are all very important in our Human Experience here on earth. 

As we lose ourselves in the services of others,
we discover our own lives,
and our own happiness.
~Dieter F Uchtdorf 

So there you have it . . .  my three wishes. What are yours and why?

Look who is turning SEVEN today!  Yes, it is wee Maryn's Birthday. I hope her Birthday package got to her safe and sound and that she enjoys it.  I also hope that she has a lovely day filled with lots of love and smiles and laughter. Maybe one day, just maybe, I will be able to wish her a Happy Birthday in person. I hope she knows how much I love her,  as I do all my grandchildren.  She is our only granddaughter.  I think she is a delightful, intelligent, sweet little girl. 

She is a loving older sister . . . I think she and Cameron are great friends . . . 


She's a good daughter and she  loves her mom and her dad. I can tell from photos that she thinks the world of them, and they her. 

She's intelligent and charming and just really special to me. I wish so much that we knew each other.  I wish also that she was given the opportunity to know her Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather. Not many people have that chance in life, I didn't  . . .  but she has had it, and it will soon be too late. The opportunity will have passed.  She knows nothing about  me or my immediate family at all.  I wish that was different.  But I am glad that she is a happy little girl, and that she is loved.  Those are two very important things!  

No Book of Mormon Corner, today.  I am giving you the weekend off! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
~Rabindranath Tagore    •。★★ 。* 。 


In the Kitchen today  . . .  Malvern Apple Pudding.  So yummy!  Served warm with lashings of custard. 

Have a great weekend.  Hope you find the joy!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. I know one wish I have that I hope comes true soon Marie!
    My wish is that you and Todd get to see your parents, sister, brother, all your children and your grandkids!

    Happy 7th Birthday to Maryn! She is a pretty little girl!

    Amen to your 3 wishes!
    There should be more love than hatred in the world!

    Going to sleep.. watched The Wedding Date tonight. Good movie!

    Big hugs and love to both of you!xo

    1. Thanks so much Jan! She is a pretty little girl. I know I am a bit biased, but then I think as the grandma I am allowed to be, lol. Sleep well! Love and hugs. xoxo

  2. I would love for you to see her..:) All of them..I bet that little package you sent is full of cute love Marie:) Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Monique! Hopefully I will hear something. Xoxo


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