
Sunday 25 February 2018

Being you-er than you . . .


Last night as I lay in bed, waiting to fall asleep . . . I was thinking about women I had read about, or that I had known in my life  that I have been inspired by in some way, large or small.  Women like Helen Keller, or Anne Frank . . . my good friend Jacquie who lives in BC, my friend Sybil (yes YOU), LeAnn, April, Sheilagh, Monique, my Aunt Freda, Marjorie Pay Hinckley, my mom, my sister . . .  and countless others.  Women of all ages, both the living and the dead.

As I lay there thinking,  it came into my mind that these special ladies all had something in common . . . they are curious about life and open to it's strange and unusual possibilities, possessing a certain vitality, a sense of wonder . . . and an enormous capacity to flourish emotionally, personally and yes . . . spiritually.  Maybe not always . . . or in all ways . . . but most certainly they each possess at least a small fraction of these qualities and it is these things about them that have had the most impact on me.

It got me to thinking.  What is it about a person that makes them interesting??  I think it is their ability to drink in life and savor every drop of their experience . . . the sweet and the sour, the happy and the sad . . . the good, the bad . . . and the ugly, the planned and the . . . unexpected.  And really . . . isn't that what life is all about???  Isn't that all a part of the plan???

My largest role model of course . . . is not a woman at all, but the Saviour, my redeemer . . . Jesus the Christ.  When I look at all He embodied and all that He did, I can see very clearly that he was out there, right in the thick of things.  He took chances.  He took risks.  He was not afraid.  He embraced life and responded to everyone and everything in it, both the tender . . . and the terrible.  He had a capacity for life that was without measure and unending . . . and to think . . .  we have been engineered, designed and created to be just like Him!  Oh, what a wonderful thought!

I don't want to miss anything in this life . . . no part of the journey . . . not one single opportunity, or experience, for good or for bad . . .  not one single jot of what He has in store for me, even if the path He takes me on  marks its way  through some rough terrain.  It has often been when I think I am lost . . . or stumbling in the dark, that He gifts me with something precious and unforgettable . . . and yes, I may have to be completely out of the tunnel before I can see the gift that it was . . . but at some point I've always been able to recognize and take from each experience the jewels that they were.

It occurs to me that, more than anything else, being able to capture the moment is a choice . . . a way of life.  It requires us to wake up with a sense of purpose each morning, filled with hope for the day ahead . . . with determination to live it all, to be present . . . here, there . . . and everywhere.  Sure, it may be scary at times, and we may not always like where it takes us . . . but, always . . . always . . . it can be exhilarating, and inspiring. if we allow it to be.

Life is a great adventure which becomes even more wonderful if we travel through it with a full and grateful heart, willing to taste, and  being open to . . .  all that it brings to our table, capturing all of it's moments . . . feasting at the banquet. 

“Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow what a ride!” 
~Marjorie Pay Hinckley  

 What an exciting day yesterday.  I had made a curried cauliflower soup for our dinner which Todd really enjoyed. (Look for the recipe soon.) He went to get a second helping and was just on his way back when all of a sudden he was face first on the floor. I was beside myself. I didn't know if he had had a heart attack or what.  It turns out he only tripped (thank goodness) and he had not broken anything except for his pride (again thank goodness). It was quite an upset for both of us. He was really disappointed about his soup, because there was none left, and what he had was spread in about a six foot radius all around him on the carpet. Its a good thing it was quite thickish so it was fairly easy to clean up. I was just so darned happy there was nothing wrong with him, it didn't matter to me.  Its easy to clean up spilled soup, not so easy to deal with other things!!

 We watched a really good film last night called Viceroy's House, starring Hugh Bonneville and Gillian Anderson as Lord Mountbatten and his wife. As the final Viceroy of India he is in charge of overseeing the dissolution of the British Raj and the establishment of an independent Indian nation. We both really enjoyed it, and with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . .  Happy day everyone!

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.“Today you are You, that is truer than true. 
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” 
 ~Dr Seuss  
•。★★ 。* 。
 Love YOU today.  I already do!

Spiritual Enlightenment 


In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Monkey Face Cookies.  Molasses Cookies with a history.

Have a beautiful Sunday  . . .  don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Thank God Todd didn't break any bones! That is scary to see someone fall!
    A couple years ago I saw my Dad fall right in front of me! He was embarrassed..I was happy he was fine.
    Happy day to you too Marie!xo

  2. Hi Marie, oh my goodness poor Todd!! Glad he's ok, you must have got a real fright! I'm used to it with George, he trips and falls over fresh air! He's broken so many bones in his legs and feet. The weird thing is all his family are really clumsy too, if they're not actually falling over they're knocking things over. I didn't realise this kind of thing ran in families and to be honest it takes a bit of getting used to!!

    Have a gorgeous Sunday and stay wrapped up with this freezing weather on the way! Lot's of love xxx

    1. Todd broke both of his arms falling off a hay wagon when he was a farm worker Kate and had to drive himself to the Doctors. Glad those days are over! I am quite clumsy myself and am always tripping, bumping, etc. My mom is like that also! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Oh my on that soup! So glad everything is ok! Hope you have a beautiful Sunday...savor the moments !

    1. Thanks very much Pam! The soup is great! Just not all over the carpet, lol xoxo

  4. I am so glad all is well..have had falls:( My mom's fall:( Oy..and everything is so icy here..Jacques fell and so did Caroline..they are perfectly ok thank goodness..
    Freezing ugly rain as I type..glad I did my errand earlier.

    How nice of you to your words.

    1. Thanks Monique! Hope you did okay with the freezing rain. We have an Eastern front moving in from Siberia this week and it is blinking cold! Brrr. xoxo

  5. I know the feeling about falling, I haven't fully healed since my fall in November!
    Growing up we ate molasses on toast in the morning, I still put it in my cereal...weird but good.
    You know how I think about your blog Marie...💚💓Di

    1. Oh dear Di. I think the older we get the more careful we need to be about falling. No scatter rugs, etc. Love Molasses myself! Oh, great on Oats! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    I'm so glad that Todd is okay and didn't have anything break when he fell! I know that as I get older, I have to be so careful, I lose my balance sometimes, especially if I stand up too quick. Blessings to you both, I'll bet that was scary! A few years ago I fell down the stairs and broke my leg. I was home alone, but thank goodness, I was on the phone with my daughter (one reason I fell... :0)) and we were able to call Bob.

    It's wonderful to have people to look up to, to admire and emulate. But you are right, the Savior is the person we should try to emulate and be like. He is the perfect example for everything in life. My daughter and I were talking about this exact thing this afternoon. There are people in your life, even friends, who come and go, but family, and true friends will be with you forever, at lest in your heart. Thank you for the wonderful reminder to make every moment in life count!! XOXOX

    Hugs and Love,

    P.S. And an extra gentle hug for Todd.

    1. How awful that you broke your leg Barb! Thank goodness (knock on wood) I have never broken anything. Thanks once again for your beautiful comment. Love and hugs. xoxo


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