
Friday 23 February 2018

My Friday Finds . . .

A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become . . . Maybe they will do the same for you!  
A really easy pair of Crochet Slippers.  Free pattern from Crochet Dreamz.  
Golden Lucy Crafts.  A free pattern for Crochet Shamrocks.  St. Patricks Day is coming!  
Felt ornament patterns from Lolli and Grace.  Downloadable PDF.  Very pretty. 
Delilah Iris, a little mini felt teddy bear doll.  Soooo cute!  Can you see this dressed up for Christmas and hanging on the tree?  I can!  
Lalli Dolls.  A joined bunny with clothes.  Sweet!  
Curious Cottage Cosy by Naomi Dickenson.  Quaint!  
Lily Quilts.  A Pam Kittey Tea Cosy Tutorial.  Love this. It is a combination of ME and Britishness.

Can I show you just one more Tea Cosy?  If you love Cornish Ware, you will adore this tea cosy from BuzybeeKnits on Craftsy.  
Embracing the Lovely.  How to use Colouring pages in your Bible journaling. 
No link, just an idea of how to do a fancy hair bun thingie for long hair. I like this.

The Katherine Wheel. Making Journals.  A tutorial.

How to make a Paper Flower Wreath on How to Build It.  
Tutorial for making a pincushion using an old CD from Jenny of Elefantz.  
Deep South Dish. Ice Box Bread and Butter Pickles.  These look really good.  I love Bread and Butter Pickles.

DIY Bold Candle Holders.  From Interior Lifestyle

DIY Dog Balm for snouts and paws, from The Cottage Market.  You pay big bucks for this stuff normally. I know I did.  I am going to try making my own! 
I love reading.  Its the great escape! 
I can't somehow see me being able to do this, but hope springs eternal doesn't it?  From Thank Your Body
Its worth a try.  I Love Home Remedy.    
Hative.  Pipe Cleaner Crafts for Kids.  Cute!  
Eimai Paidi.  Pipe Cleaner Rings. Very pretty. Little girls would love these.  
Orange Bettie.  Free Pattern.  
Lil Luna, Tea Towel Tutorial.  Love this.  
Kate Sade inspired DIY Key Fobs from Flamingo Toes.  
The Polka Dot Chair, a study pillow.  Cute!   
And those are my finds for this week.  I hope you found something of interest here!

A thought to carry with you  . . .  
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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The more you are in the state of Gratitude,
the more you attract things to be grateful for.
~unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 


Today's Reading - Mosiah 10:1-22 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? In which ways can false traditions hinder our progress? 
Thoughts - Today I really saw the importance of teaching and raising children in God's TRUTH and righteousness, rather than our own issues and personal grievances. I think keeping negative opinions & judgements to ourselves rather than spreading them around (gossip) is a direct example of false traditions. It's interesting that we have already read Nephi's account of what happened, and now we have 'the other side of the story', it's full of how they were wronged. It's easy to justify what we do after we have been hurt, or an injustice has been done towards us. Zeniff didn't dwell on what the Lamanites were doing to his people, nor did he decide the Lord was against them and teach that to his people. He taught them to trust in the Lord, and also to be prepared - they made weapons and set guards. We can be prepared in the same manner.
a. spiritual weapon = testimony
b.guards = commandments, prophets, apostles & general authorities, ward & stake leaders. 
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 108) -  Mosiah 11:1-15 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What are the differences between King Noah and King Benjamin? 

In The English Kitchen today  . . . Lemon Sauced Salmon Cakes.  Quite simply delicious! 
Have a wonderful Friday.  It is dry here today, but quite cold! Brrrr!  (You Canadians would laugh at that!  Our cold is not your cold, lol)

Don't forget!

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And I do too!



  1. Wow you have some pretty cool finds today Marie!
    I started getting out my Easter won't be long.
    I had a thing called I think flip it that you could make buns in your hair easier.
    Yum to the bread and butter pickles!
    Fun wreath to make and a spring and Easter look. I only have 2 easter wreaths.
    Pipe cleaners would be fun project for the kids to do.
    Loving the exercise and the home remedy to make also.
    Woah..time snuck up on me today!
    I watched 2 movies. He's just not that into you and under the Tuscan sun.
    Quickly going to sleep bc I not going to bring the dog outside. Lol. It's too cold again!xo

    1. Thanks Jan! Happy you like some of my finds! It is very cold here today also. Sleep well! xoxo

  2. I keep Pinning tea cosies too.. too many..too cute ..too everything.:)
    Love the wee bear..yes I see it on a tree..
    I do the single slip through of that bun..I'll try the second..see what happens;)Cute stuff Marie:)

    1. I am amazed at the number of tea cosies out there Monique! I want them all, lol! I do the single slip of the bun also Monique and am keen to try the rest! Happy Day! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    Blogger just did it to me again!!

    Oh my goodness, I just need to tell you that Fridays are my favorite day on your blog! And I will hurry and tell you, before blogger shuts me down, that all the ideas are wonderful. I love the sewing and crocheting sites, and anything artistic.

    I envy your long hair, I think bun at the nape of the neck are so elegant!

    Bread and butter pickles are my favorite kind of pickle - they just remind me of summer and all good things!

    Books, old books, are my favorite and always will be. I'm just starting a really old book on the history of the church.

    Exercising is always hard for me! Yoga has always been something that I want to try. Maybe at the local senior citizen center they will have a class? I would take it!

    The tea towels and the study pillow would be such great gifts! I need to sew more...I hope my sewing machine still works, nothing else seems to!

    Love your Book of Mormon thoughts, they always encourage me!

    Hugs and warm hugs to you and Todd!


    1. Thanks Barb! Happy your comment made it through! yay! I used to do a lot of Yoga. I wish I had kept it up! I have never been a big exerciser and in my old age it is showing up. I was too busy when the children were growing up, there was never enough time for me to do anything for myself. I don't begrudge them that, it was what I wanted to do. I wish though that I had taken some time for me as well and exercised! Hugs and love to you and Bob! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!