
Friday 3 November 2017

My Friday Finds


A few of the things I find each week that pique my interest and inspire me to want to do, create, become, etc. Maybe they will also inspire you!  

From Lila Griffith, diy yarn pompom birds.  I can see these as Christmas Robins!   How utterly cute! 

 Free Crochet Potholder Pattern from LeeLee Knits.  Nice! 

Pom Pom Christmas Tree, from Love Knitting.  This is adorable. So simple to make as well. Complete Tutorial.

Melted Snowman Chocolate Bark.  This is soooooo cute!  From Princess Pinky Girl.  

Tissue Paper ironed between two sheets of wax paper, and presto, the perfect wrap for all of your Christmas bakes that you are gifting. I could not find a source, and I tried really hard. I think you cut out tissue paper shapes and iron them between two sheets of wax paper on a low setting. 

Some Easy Gift Wrapping DIY's from the Kitchy Kitchen.  

Shanty 2 Chic, a cheap and easy DIY Christmas Card Dispay Holder.   

The Pretty Blog.  A complete tutorial for how to make this goreous Flower Mobile.  Isn't it pretty? 

From Craftsy.  How to paint a realistic sky in Water Colours.   

Repeat Crafter Me.  Little snowmen sacks to hold itty bitties for gifting the kids/grands, etc.  

It has a drawstring top.  Isn't that cute!  I think its adorable.

Borei Design. DIY Paper Clay. A complete tutorial.  

Oh  my days  . . .  Pizza Waffles. Spend with Pennies.  These look fabulous.  I love, LOVE pizza.  I just gained ten pounds thinking about these lol

Fabric Houses from Craft & Creativity.  Cute!  Colourful!  

Atainable Sustainable DIY Bread Bags.  There are several different sizes.  

From Lia Griffith.  Reusable fabric & beeswax wraps.  Love this.  

And those are my finds for this week.  I hope you found some of them useful! 

A thought to carry with you through the day  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.°There is no exercise better for the heart
than reaching down and lifting people up.
~John Holmes  •。★★ 。* 。 


BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's Reading - 1 Nephi 11:31-12:10

Question -  What have you learnt from the reading today? How can you be made clean by the blood of the Lamb? 

What I learned -  Today what struck me, were the rewards for staying faithful. After all the destruction, the people in the Americas got to see the resurrected Saviour, and be blessed by him, were among the first to receive his new Covenant. I love that we are told - our faith in Jesus Christ will make us whole - our faith in Jesus Christ will lead us to repent, make covenants with Him, repent and renew covenants with Him. And we are promised that through our Redeemer all sin and stains from living in this fallen, natural state will be removed and we can be made PURE. I always think of how Eve and Adam must have felt when they got told all the consequences that would come to their children as a result of their choice. How horrible to think "we have separated our family from God and will never see Him again". Then the joy they must have felt as they were given commandments, told of their redemption and of the chance of their children receiving eternal life, life with God, which is given to all the obedient (Moses 5:7-11).

Tomorrows Reading (Day 15) ~ 1 Nephi 12:11-13:9

 Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? How do you overcome your mists of darkness? 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Gourmet Mac & Cheese.  So naughty but so nice  . . . 

Have  great Friday!  I hope your day lives up to all of your expectations and then some.  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 




  1. Hi, Marie! Ooo...those pom pom birds are sooo CUTE! (did you hear that squeal of delight?! ;) I like your idea of making some up a Christmas robin--what a cute tree decorations those would be. That snowman for little gifties is sweet too--very clever with the drawstring. Sooo many lovely Christmas ideas here today. Those pizza waffles look sooo good--dangerously good... LOL! Also like the eco-friendly idead too. While Stateside I bought two sets of Bees Wrap to try. Happy weekend to you all there... LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  2. Thanks Tracy! So that was the noise I heard a while back, you squealing! haha I thought you might like to know how to make your own Bees Wraps! Happy weekend to you all there in your wee little cosy house! Love and hugs to go around! xoxo

  3. Thanks Monique! Every time I see those waffles I get hungry, I will have to stop looking! lol xoxo

  4. Hi Marie! In today's reading I am confused about the Apostles and Disciples. Am I correct that the "Apostles" are the original 11 (plus 1 to take Judas' place) from the New Testament? and the "Disciples" are a new batch of leaders that eventually lead the Church as we go on in The B of M? I tried to look up this on the internet but just got more confused because "Apostle" seemed to be used in different cases. (I have run out of the sample from the Kindle guide I was reading, I probably need to purchase it.)

    I think that you said that you had that guide (The Book of Mormon Made Easier, Part 1)? If you do, could you just look and see if it explains this "Apostle" vs. "Disciple" thing? If it does, I probably will just go ahead and purchase it. These are the kind of things that I need explained to me since it is all new.

  5. Yum! I love the pizza waffles that Holly made! I don't know how I missed those. Lol.

    I always can't wait to read ur blogs every day Marie! I love all the interesting things that you find too. Thanks for taking ur time to find all these cool things for us every week. So much appreciated Marie!
    Love and big hugs too!

  6. is the site for the "Heart Covered Treat Wrappers".

  7. Hi Marie~

    Your finds are so wonderful - I get most of my pins from you, you find the cutest things! That little crocheted snowman bag is adorable...I want to make them for my little Activity Day girls and my grands, so cute!

    The flower mobile is gorgeous, and the directions don't look hard. I have always loved felt, and would love to make those cute little felted mice and bunnies.

    The pizza waffles look amazing! I'm with you, anything pizza and I immediately gain weight just smelling it!

    I have never painted with water color. I love acrylics, but watercolors have always looked so hard. I'm going to try one day...when I get brave.

    The treat wrappers look like fun - thanks for the web site, Marsha! I love to give treats like that for Christmas, the wrapping paper would sure dress them up.

    Your thoughts on the BOM were wonderful, some of my favorite scriptures are in those chapters. Throughout the scriptures, we are told over and over to's never too late. I have some friends who have left the church, it breaks my heart. They are giving up so much, but, it is never too late to come back. We are loved beyond what we can even imagine.

    Have a great Saturday!

    Hugs and Love,

  8. Hi Laura, I will copy here what it says in our BOM Made easier concerning your questions. This is right after Verse 7 prior to verse 8.
    " Note - Some members wonder whether or not to refer to the Nephite Twelve a "Apostles." We usually refer to them as the "Twelve (Nephite) Disciples" as in Verse 8 below. but, it is also proper to refer to them as Apostles, since the Prophet Joseph Smith did, as recorded in History of the Church, Volume 4, page 538."

    Then after verse 8 it says " Note: Next we are taught some things about the judgement. We discover from what Nephi was shown here that the Twelve Apostles organized by Jesus during His earthy ministry will jude the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They will also judge the Twelve Nephite Disciples who in turn, will judge Nephi's descendants. This is rather interesting, because it seems to tell us that our judgment will involve those who have held priesthood keys and had stewardship over us throughout our lives. While we do not have much detail as to how this all works out, we do know that Jesus will be our final judge and that He will have the final say as to our eternal placement after the Judgement Day (see John 5:22)"

    Generally speaking it is my understanding that in the dispensation of today, the Latter Days, "Disciples" are those who are followers of Jesus Christ, and "Apostles" are those called of God, and set apart by the proper authority, to be His representatives on earth with a particular reponsibility to preach His gospel to the earth at this time.

    I hope this helps to clarify things! xoxo

  9. Thanks very much Jan! Love and big hugs back! Those waffles are definitely on my to try list, dangerous as they do look! xoxo

    Thanks Marsha! I did find something on Martha Stewart, but not the exact link/page to that exact craft. I did not want my readers to have to plough through pages to find them. hugs and blessings! xoxo

    Thanks very much Barb! I feel like you do about those who leave the church. I always think of that scripture which says, in alma 5:26 where he says "And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?" Thank goodness there is always a way back. The Gospel is so beautiful. Love and hugs! xoxo

  10. As always I love your Friday Finds. It's fun to look at them and then go to some of the links to further see how they are made and etc.
    I really like the crocheted ones. I will look closely at the potholders pattern. I wish I had time to do some homemade gifts. When we got released from our mission; I had dreams of doing some crocheting and etc. Mostly, I want to read a good novel. I keep hoping I can have some time but it hasn't happened yet.
    I keep forgetting to tell you that I do enjoy your thoughts on The Book of Mormon and I am happy that you are doing this part. When I was set apart in a new calling our Stake President challenged us to read 10 pages in The Book of Mormon a day. It's sometimes hard but I have been doing it. It means you could read it 6 times in one year. I have taken that challenge. I love that book so much and I am so grateful for it.
    Blessings, love and hugs for you!

  11. Thanks LeAnn! I know what you mean about a shortage of time. I feel the pinch also! I am sure time is speeding up. I don't know how I managed to get all the things done that I did when I was working full time because I don't get a fraction of them done now! Blessings, love and hugs to you and Roger! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!