
Thursday 2 November 2017

My Favourite Things . . .

A few of my favourite things, that you might also enjoy.   Maybe we can enjoy them together. 
I adore Root Beer Floats, and it has to be A&W Rootbeer.  Which you can't get very easily over here.  You can sometimes pick it up at the Temple Book Shop though, and I can order it from Skyco at a premium price.  I have one of these every summer, and I sit and enjoy every single delicious drop. Todd likes them too.  They are a delicious treat! 

 Hibiscus Tea.   I have a cup every morning.  I'm drinkin one now.  I heard also that it is good for your blood pressure.  I drink it while I type to you and indulge in having 1 tsp of honey in mine.  Its so delicious.

Amanda and the cutest little Cupcake and Batman ever.  I think this is adorable.  I love cupcakes and I love Batman.  These are my two favouritist (sp) ones. Love the trick or treat bags. Amanda is looking good for a 39 year old (December).  Fit and fine.

1950's Commercial Illustrations. I love them.  But then again, I love the 1950's full stop.  What a wonderful time to be alive.

I know its really, really naughty but every now and again I enjoy a treat of this. The chips are no good, but the chicken is delicious. Todd likes the legs, I like the wings or thighs.  Nobody is too fond of the breasts.  They are too dry. Over here you can't get the coleslaw, or the macaroni salad with it.  And they only have Pepsi. I prefer Coke. Back home we always got sides of coleslaw, gravy and mashed potatoes. I don't like British Coleslaw.  Its far too mayonnaisy. I like to make my own. They just got a Mary Brown's back home.  Our Eileen had lunch there on Monday and she says it is much tastier than KFC.  Not as greasy she says.  

This is totally wierd.  I mean, TOTALLY wierd.  Oddly compelling until you get to the part where she is talking with her mouth full.  That is a total gross out. I hate it when people talk with their mouth full.  It is NOT one of my favourite things.  Don't talk with your mouth full people.  It's gross.

Stranger Things.  I guess we are about halfway through Season 1 and we both love it. It reminds me of when I was a kid with the bicycles with the gorilla handlebars and banana seats, and the fashions, music, etc.  But the story is brilliant as well, and spooky and creepy and well written. 

We also enjoy Once Upon a Time.  How they manage to get all of those fairy tale characters into one story and fit it all in together is amazing.  We are still on series one. I know, we are way behind. We have a ton of seasons to catch up on.  No spoilers here because we are newbies to this, but we love it.
 Vintage Greeting Cards. I love looking at them.  I don't have any, although I do have all the cards my mother ever sent me, and special ones from Todd, etc.  I do collect images of them however on Pinterest.  I think they are pretty wonderful. 

Hearts.  I collect them too.  I adore hearts.  I would love to have a bowl of hearts on the coffee table.  Maybe that is something I could do after Christmas . . .  make a bowl of yarn rolled hearts for my coffee table in all different colours.  We'll see. 


Frosty mornings when everything looks like its been dipped in crystal.  They are so beautiful and always sunny.  The air is crisp, and you can see your breath.  I just love them. 

Socks, I never used to wear them, but I wear them all the time now and I love them.  I wish I could learn now to knit my own.  I would knit my own if I could.  My own mittens also. 

The first snowfall of the year.  With those pewter coloured leaden skies  . . .  and that smell in the air . . .  I just love it.  When I was a child I can remember getting all excited because I knew that Christmas was not far behind once we had the snow falling  . . . 


Christmas!  Its my favourite of my favourite holidays of all. The movies.  The adverts.  The smells.  The food.  And most especially The Reason for the Season!  I adore Christmas!  And all its trappings.  Every single moment of it, and I am married to  . . . . 

The Grinch who thinks that Christmas is just a huge Commercial grab, and maybe it is for some, but it's not what it is to anybody else that counts, its what it is to YOU that counts, and to me that is not what it is.  And I want to celebrate every single moment of it. 


Polka Dots wherever I can find them.  I adore polka dots.  When I was in high school I had two Swiss Dot fabric dresses, one was pink with white flocked dots on it and the other one was navy with red flocked dots on it.  I made them myself.  I love Swiss dot fabric almost as much as I love seersucker cotton.  Anyways, I love polka dots most of all. 

Little boys, especially when they snuggle into you and press their sweaty little heads into your neck.  Oh I miss my little boys.  Why do children have to grow up  . . .  sigh  . . . 

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.°My mission should I accept it, is to
find peace with exactly who I am 
and what I am.
To take pride in my thoughts,
my appearance, my talents, my flaws,
to stop this incessant worrying that
I can't be loved, jusy as I am.
~Anais Nin .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Todays reading - 1 Nephi 11:12-30
 Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What can we learn about how the Spirit teaches Nephi?  
 What I learned - Two things stood out to me about how the spirit taught Nephi. One - He didn't just tell him the answers. He wanted Nephi to learn truth not just hear truth. So he asked him to 'look' . . . many times, inviting Nephi to take part in finding the knowledge & understanding he was seeking. Two - The spirit asked questions too. This reminded me of this principle from 'teaching in the Saviour's way' - The Saviour asked questions that invited learners to think and feel deeply about the truths He taught. Our questions can similarly inspire learners to ponder gospel truths and find ways to apply them in their lives. An inspired question is an invitation to learners to discover gospel truths on their own and to evaluate their understanding of and commitment to those truths. Inspired questions can make learning the gospel a more engaging and personally meaningful experience.  

Visions and dreams are a very powerful way to learn. They enlighten the mind at a level that the person experiencing them can understand. The Angel and the spirit of the Lord could have told Nephi what the vision meant, instead he asked Nephi, "what do you see?" We should always ask ourselves when reading, studying and pondering, "what do I see?" & then wait for the Holy Ghost to teach us.
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 14) - 1 Nephi 11:31-12:10
Question -  What have you learnt from the reading today? How can you be made clean by the blood of the Lamb? 

In the Kitchen today  . . .  Perfect Egg and Chips. Naughty but very nice.  A once in a blue moon treat. 
Have a wonderful Thursday!  I hope you have a great day!  Don't forget!
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And I do too! 



  1. Hi Marie, you're grandchildren are just so sweet and your daughter definitely looks amazing for 39!!

    I hate KFC, with a passion!!! But funnily enough on the odd occasion I have a fast food meal its always the chicken burger, from MacDonalds!

    Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, I just love it too, everything!! But I'm in excatly the same position as you, George hates it! He's a right bah humbug!!

    Hope you're not so tired today and get to play with your book!! Lot's of love xxx

  2. Isn't that funny Kate! I do love a McD's chicken sandwich also! Maybe you and I should celebrate Christmas together and Todd and George can sit and stew together, lol. I have a lot of proof-reading to do today before it goes to print on the 4th! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. 39 a babe!
    39 is the new 19 ..I see it in my 40 something
    yr old daughters .
    Hard to tell with tv so many lenses lol.
    Lots of neat fave things..
    I watched the first season of ST and liked it..watched a few minutes of season 2 and Netflix stopped..was not in love with the opening scene..but will get into it.
    Just finished The Five on Netflix..liked it.
    Reading Lisettes List recommended to me..half it!!!

  4. I ordered the book today from Amazon but it said it was not in stock but will send it as soon as it was. I see you are still proof reading, that seems all back to front especially as a few friends appear to have already recieved the book !!!
    All work and very little pain is the saying that comes to mind I do so hope this book is going to sell long as it gets lots and lots of publicity....night night, I am very tired tonight, and going to have an early night. I can hardly keep my eyes open and keep writing gibberish , o I'm going now...night night. God Bless bxxx

  5. Hi Marie~

    A&W Rootbeer...I have it in my fridge right now, I wish I could wiggle my nose and have it yours too!

    Hibiscus tea is wonderful! My daughter in law has a hibiscus bush in her yard, it has the most beautiful flowers! I wonder if we could make tea with them...I will have to research it.

    What adorable, Trick-or-Treaters! I love Halloween!

    KFC is one of my favorite too! We used to have a place here that made friend chicken in big pressure cookers, it was delicious! But, I think KFC takes the prize.

    I loved the first, Stranger Things, but, I'm not crazy about the second season... :0( You can judge for yourself, but it just seemed a little dark to me. I haven't watched, Once Upon a Time, but it's on my play list!

    I'm not a sock wearer, I would be if I found a pair that I loved...they just slip and slide, makes me crazy. Today when we went to see my mom, a cute little lady came to lunch with, shorts, knee socks and dress shoes. I wanted to give her a hug, it was adorable.

    I love Christmas as well, but tend to be a little, Grinchy. I think they start advertising a little too soon. I loved the Christmas' from my childhood...a much slower, toned down time...but I do love the reason for the season.

    Ahhh, little them too, sticky fingers, faces and all!

    Hugs and Love,

  6. I love Christmas too Marie! I already started putting up my decorations.The holidays go by way to fast,so I like to enjoy my decorations as much as I can.

    I always liked kfc too,esp the cole slaw with mashed potatoes and gravy with the biscuits too. Oh, it's making me hungry right now. Lol.

    Big Hugs!

  7. Hi Monique! I never looked that good at 39. I looked tired! But then again I had a husband who did nothing much at home, no child care, no homework help, no help with getting them ready for bed, or anything, no housework. He baked bread, and left the mess for me, but he did enjoy baking it.(And it was really GOOD bread too!) He worked hard outside the home. Most men today are really hands on with the care of the children and household. That might be the secret! We have not started Season 2 yet! Still finishing Season 1. I loved The Five. But then again, I adore Lee Ingleby. Love and hugs, xoxo

    Hi Sybil, the books which are already received are proof copies for review. Apparently there is an understanding that review copies still might have errors in them (who knew! All these years of reviewing books and I did not know that!) I was a bit upset at first and e-mailed the publisher. My Editor said that he would e-mail the reviewers to make sure that they knew that they had gotten proof copies, not the final copy. Whew! You will most likely be one of the first to receive a finished final copy perfect book Sybil! Hope you slept well! Love you! xoxo

    I can see we have a lot of similar likes Barb! I think you would like Once Upon a Time, mind you we are still on Season1, but my friends from church have watched them all and adored. That little old lady sounds so cute! How adorable! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Jan, I love the American tradition of putting up the Christmas Decs at Thanksgiving! I love the way it really helps to begin the Holiday season! Love and hugs!! xoxo


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