
Wednesday 1 November 2017

Hello November . . .

Dull November brings the blast;
Then the leaves are whirling fast.
~Sara Coleridge, The Garden Year

  November brings leaves spread upon the ground like a woven cloth of gold and red, with cinnamon coloured open fields and hedgerows filled with frosted purple wild blackberry canes . . .

Colours which seemed to be so vibrant in October . . . now begin to fade slowly into somber hues . . . rain falls in long and leaden lines with determination . . .  stopping only to drip along the eaves . . .  


Falling leaves appear dead, but nothing is wasted in nature's economy.  Leaves which rot down into the earth magically changed their form, structure and substance . . .  becoming a rich mould, nourishing the soil about the roots of the parent tree . . .  becoming a fertile bed for the germination of new seed . . .  it is the circle of life. 

The song of the wind changes in November . . .  no longer soft and musical . . .  it holds a mournful sound, marking the rhythm of the waning  days of autumn . . . it moans across the eaves and down the chimney brest . . .

There is a growing chill in the air which begins to creep along your very bones . . . the first beat of winter is not yet here . . .  but we know it won't be long in coming.  We spend extra time out of doors whilst we still can, doing chores or puttering . . .  just to be out of doors.  It won't be long now until we are forced back inside looking through frosted panes upon crystal laced bushes . . . 
It was November . . .  
the month of crimson sunsets, 
parting birds, 
deep sad hymns of the sea,
passionate wind songs in the pines.
~L. M. Montgomery 

I have not had the most comfortable last 21 hours.  I have been wearing one of these, tethered in a bag hung around my neck with the collar wrapped around my arm, taking my blood pressure automatically every half hour with great intensity.  Its awkward and painful and I can tell you I did not get a LOT of sleep last night with it cranking on my left arm every half hour, sometimes twice!  But hopefully at the end of this (I have three hours to go) they will be able to tell from the readings what my problem is and if my BP medication needs changing.  Fingers crossed! 
There are certain dates in my life that seem to record special events.  It was on the 31st October 17 years ago now that I made the move from Canada to the UK permanently in preparation to Todd and I getting married on the 11th of November.  So the 31st of October is not just Halloween to me, but also an anniversary of sorts, and now it is even more special because, look what came to my door yesterday! 

Could you hear me squealing with delight?
Many tears fell.  This has been a lifetime
in the making!

Yes, it is my cookbook!  Tangible. In my hands.  For me to hold and to see, and to rifle through the pages . . .  feeling the paper beneath my fingertips . . .  running the tip of my finger across the written lines . . .  and I know I am biased, but  . . . 


I think it is beautiful, and I am really proud of my accomplishment. 

Its not actually for sale yet.  This is just the proof book, and some review copies have been sent out ahead of publication. It will actually be for sale beginning on the 11th November, which is another really important date in my life because not only is it Remembrance Day, but also Todd's and my Anniversary, so you can see where special dates are really special in my life!  I think I should buy a lottery ticket now with the numbers 31 and 11 on them! haha! 

We had a funeral to go to today, but I can't take a shower wearing this BP machine, and I can't face going to a chapel without having washed my hair, etc. so we will be missing it, besides I am really tired from lack of sleep.  I will have to send our regrets.  

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day! 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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 *.˛.°Doubt kills more dreams
than failure ever will.
~Karim Seddiki  •。★★ 。* 。

BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's Reading -1 Nephi 10:11-11:11
 Question - What is Nephi teaching us about the Holy Ghost? How has the gift of the Holy Ghost blessed you in your life?  
What I learned - Nephi taught that the holy ghost is a gift from God given to those who diligently seek him. The Holy Ghost bestows many gifts unto the children of men, one of which is that we can know for ourselves, what is true and what is not true. Nephi believed all the words of his father, yet he wanted to know for himself. As he was pondering, he saw an angel who taught him the meaning of the tree which Lehi had seen in his vision. Then Nephi speaks to the spirit of Jesus Christ. This is a mystery of God, by the power of the Holy Ghost to see Jesus Christ. I, too, can know the mysteries of God, as I ponder and see and ask. The power of the Holy Ghost can teach me too, for God is no respector of persons and "giveth to all men liberally".  I love this quote, "The Holy Ghost is always the teacher anytime, anywhere pure truth is taught. That is His privilege; that is his stewardship." And I think this phrase goes along nicely with it- 'when the student is ready, the teacher shows up.' I love the Holy Ghost, I love feeling Him guide my learning and teaching me individually. I have to be so mindful with my thoughts, and trying to be humble so He can teach me. I know that of myself, I have learned nothing, except through his tuition. And because of Him, I am on the path of learning that will lead me to Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow's Reading - (Day 13) - 1 Nephi 11:12-30
 Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What can we learn about how the Spirit teaches Nephi? 

In The Kitchen today  . . .  Baked Rice Pilaf.  This is so simple, healthy, and so tasty.  This is sure to become a firm favourite in your home as it is in ours!

Have a brilliant day. Don't forget aong the way . . .

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And I do too!  


  1. Hi Marie, WOW WOW WOW!!! I can't put into words how happy I am for you. Your book is absolutely amazing and BIG!!! I'm not surprised that tears were shed, it's truly wonderful what you've achieved and so well deserved. I'm so proud of you!

    Your blood pressure contraption looks a right pain. But it'll be worth it if it sorts things out for you, pity it can't fix knees too!!

    Enjoy your day with your book! Lot's of love xxx


  2. WOW... your BOOK... it's BEAUTIFUL!! :)))This is sooo very, very exciting! BIG CONGRAT, my friend! So very glad to see the fruition of so many months work. You did it--so proud of you. I have a friend who is a cookbook author--that is fun to say. ;) And so wonderful it will be coming out on your anniversary!! Hoping it will sell well, and give many homes happy eating for a long, long time! Very much enjoying your Book of Mormom readings recently. Oh, and hope very much all will go well with your blood pressure... prayers! Some years back TJ had to wear on of those blood pressure monitors--not fun. :/ LOVE YOU LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  3. It's so thick!! It looks lovely w/ all the watercolors too:)You must have been over the moon:) So very very happy for you Marie.!!
    I am proud too.I remember how it has been your dream for yrs..and it really has come to fruition..the ups and downs..finally went way up..To the moon:)

  4. Can't wait to buy your book :)

    I loved the blood pressure monitor. I did not want to give it back! But I love having my blood pressure taken, I love that feeling as your arm gets compressed. Am I weird? The doctor wanted to put me on medication after one high reading (taken during a very stressful medical appointment!) despite me saying it was usually fine and the monitor proved I was right.
    I didn't even mind being woken up at night!

  5. Your book looks amazing - I hope its available in the States! I come to your site almost everyday for your insight and inspiration - thank you for putting yourself out there everyday for your readers! I've been following you longer than I had imagined! Sorry to hear the monitor was such an annoyance - but hopefully the medication will get adjusted for the better. Rest up and enjoy the day!

  6. The book looks wonderful Marie. Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself indeed.

  7. Thanks very much Kate, I’ve been far too tired to do much with the Book today, but tomorrow I will be going over it with a fine tooth comb so make sure all is indeed right before it actually goes into production! Pinch me! I must be dreaming! Love and hugs. Xoxo

    Thanks Tracy! I,am not a believer in coincidence so hoping all these number things add up to,success! Love you! Xoxo

    Thanks so much Monique! You have been there with me for most of this journey too! So very supportive and it means a lot to me! Xoxo

    I hope you like it Julie! You AFE crazy, lol. My arm is very sore today from all the squeezing and I have a rash where the cuff was pressing on my arm. I have very. Sensitive skin. Xoxo

    Thanks so much Susan, it will be available on both sides of the pond via Amazon and The Book Depositiry and maybe even some other shops. Thank you very many ch for your kind words! Xoxo

  8. Thanks very much Sandy! I bet it is getting pretty cold in Newfoundland now! Brr. Xoxo

  9. Hi Marie~

    I loved your thoughts on November - they were perfect! The wind blew so hard here today that it blew all the leaves off of the trees, and off of the lawn! That made my husband very happy... :0)

    I hope your appointment went well, and the Dr. can give you some answers on your blood pressure. That device looked horrible, I hate having my blood pressure taken!

    I'm so excited for you about your book!! I love the cover, and can't wait to open and browse through my own copy! I hope that it will be sold here, if not, I will pay for the book and for the shipping to have it mailed from, England!

    I guess I really need to get busy reading the BOM so that I can catch up...I've been unintentionally lazy!

    Hugs and Love,


  10. I bet it would make your husband happy Barb! Most people don't rake their leaves here, they just return to the earth from whence they came I guess! I will know more after they take all the readings off the device Barb. My arm has a bruise and a rash on it from where it was! *grumble* My book will definitely be on Amazon! Hugs and love back! oxox


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