
Saturday 4 November 2017

Saturday this and that . . .

Well, it is finished, finished!  I hadn't realised it when it arrived earlier this week, but the copy of the book I received was the "Proof" copy and I had to go through it with a fine tooth comb to see if there were any errors or omissions and send them over to my Editor so he could fix them prior to it's real printing.  Yikes!  I had two days to do it in, but . . . whew!  I managed it and send the last ones over late yesterday afternoon!  There were simple things like forgotten letters on the ends of words, or missing commas, etc. The odd word run together, or ingredients run together, like for instance 1425g tin when it should have said 1 (425g) tin.  Edits that were lost in looking at the manuscript on line, but became glaringly obvious when looking at the actual book.  Hopefully sometime over the next few days I will be paid my advance.  Its not a lot, but then as a first time author I can't really expect a lot and that's okay.  I am just grateful to finally be published.  It is extremely difficult to get published in these modern times, so just being published at all is a minor miracle for me.

I have my concerns.  It is a HUGE book and its not cheap to purchase, but in looking through it, I feel it is worth every penny.  This is not just a cookbook.  It is a compendium of cookery knowledge, containing more than 500 recipes, spread over 11 chapters designed to take you from first light to when you put your head down on your pillow at night, 365 days of the year.  All your major holidays are covered and that's not all.  I have written in depth chapters on differences in ingredients, substitutions, how to kit out your kitchen equipment wise, and how to fill your larder. There is a chapter containing hints and tips for storing and freezing everything. Basic cooking techniques are explained and I have a whole area where you can make your own basic mixes for everything from baking powder, to brownies, sauces, etc.  Plus there is the colour photography and artwork, and my special writings and memories etc.  I think overall it is a great book and I am very proud of it.  

In an age where people often spend upwards of £4.99 for a cooking magazine filled with advertising and maybe only a handful of recipes they might like, I think this book is good value for money spent.  As Todd said, after looking through it, if someone had this in their kitchen, they might not ever need buy another book! Its all there.
I know he is biased. ♥♥♥ 
 This is the time of year when the spiders are trying to come indoors out of the cold.  I hate it.  Someone said if you put conkers (horse chestnuts) by the door ways/windows etc. they will stay away. How about all around my bed?  I had just settled into bed last  night when I glanced over at my spare pillow just in time to see a Daddy Long Legs spider quickly scuttling along it's breadth.  Arthritis or no, I was moving and screaming.  Todd quickly came to my rescue and grabbed it off.  I think we both have strong hearts after that experience.  He thinks I am silly when it comes to spiders, but I don't know of anyone who wouldn't be unhappy to discover one crawling down their bed pillows only inches from their face. 
It was very difficult for me to fall asleep after that.
The mind is a powerful thing and
I was imagining all sorts.
Wouldn't you?

I have been enjoying a nice hot cup of Hibiscus Tea each morning this week.  I really like it and I hope that it will help to lower my Blood Pressure.  I sit here with my bamboo travel cup drinking it while I type.  It tastes really good.  I don't know if it has done anything to my blood pressure yet, but we will see.  This is the brand I bought.  Because it was on Amazon, and could be delivered via Prime so I could have it the next day, and it was reasonably priced.  I will see how it goes and if it all works well, I will buy it again.


“I can hear in his voice that he is afraid of me. A woman like me is always a temptation, if possible to arrange it unobserved: as whatever we may say about it later, we will not be believed.” 

We started watching Alias Grace on Netflix last night.  We watched the first episode and we are both hooked. It was fabulous. Based on a novel by Canadian writer, Margaret Atwood, it is the story of Grace Marks, a servant girl convicted at the age of 16 of the murder of her employer and his lover.  The story begins fifteen years later in the Kingston Penitentiary.  She has been incarcerated for 15 years already, in one institution or another. Based on real events, it has some devastating accounts of poverty and starvation, but the pressing portrait is that of the brutality of powerlessness.  Its brilliant thus far and we can't wait to watch the next instalment.  There are six episodes.

I think its release is very timely, especially in light of recent events with what's been happening in Hollywood with  the Harvey W scandal and in other areas which are now coming to light where people in power have abused their positions to take gross advantage of those beneath them.

I think this type of thing is despicable.  Don't you?  But it happens, and has been happening for years, and years, and years . . .  perhaps since the beginning of time.

Let me tell you a story.

This is me when I was sixteen.  I was pretty naive at that age.  I had only just gotten my first real boy friend, and my first real job.  I was hired to work on Friday nights, and Saturdays, at the jewelry store in the local shopping mall back home.  DLR Jewelers.  I can say the name now because it is no longer there, and its owner is long since passed away.  I couldn't even tell you his namenow as I cannot remember it, but I can still remember exactly what he looked like, and the things that he did.  He was a creep, full stop.  Right after I started working for him, he started showing me his "artwork."  He fancied himself to be an artist, and I will say his work wasn't that bad.  He had done portraits of the girl who had worked there before me, and they were quite good.  He kept going on about how he wanted to paint my picture, but in a leering sort of way that made me wonder about the portraits he hadn't shown me, if you know what I mean.  That escalated into him turning off the lights and chasing me out of the shop in the dark every Friday night, all the while  trying to grab me, as I hastily tried to exit and escape his clutches.    I didn't know this was wrong, or that it was abnormal.  I accepted that it was a part of the job.  I did not know this was sexual harassment.   I only knew that I was terrified of him.  I started having my boyfriend pick me up as a protection.  Now as an adult, and looking back on it, I can clearly see how very creepy this behaviour was, but back then, you didn't know you could do anything about it.  You just accepted this type of behaviour as being what men/boys did to women/girls. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

I remember another lad (who is also passed away now, who says only the good die young) who used to spend hours trying to grab my bosoms at the Community Centre that we all hung out at as teens, until my boyfriend broke his jaw.  And then there was the other one who used to brag that he could undo a girl's brassiere in a few seconds and proceeded to do just that with my bra in front of everyone. *chuckle* *chuckle* *snort* *snort* 

Another time, I had gotten a really good job as a secretary in the purchasing department at a Nova Scotia University, when I found out I was pregnant with my oldest son.  My boss called me into his office that same week, and told me he that, although I was the best girl he had ever had working for him (his words), he was giving me notice because he did not want a pregnant woman working for him. At all.

And there are other stories I could tell, but won't. 

I just want to say here this morning that I applaud these women and men actually who are coming forth now and saying "This happened to me, and its wrong, and it should never happen again!"  Kicking dirt into the faces of the bullies and misogynists who abused their positions of authority to take advantage of women and young people who knew no better and were afraid to speak up because they might lose their jobs/future, etc. and that nobody would believe them.

It is time that, as a civilization, we come to the point where
we begin to recognise that where there is smoke
there is fire.

Especially when it shows itself again and again.

And as women, we need to be more vocal about what is clearly, very, very wrong.
And to not be so afraid to give voice to it.

with confidence in knowing we will be listened to.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. We all have the right to work and play in safe environments.  Just because someone is a rock star/politician/film mogul/agent/boss/etc. it doesn't give them the right to abuse you. Not. In. Any. Way.  Speak up.  If enough people are brave enough to speak up when wrong happens, wrong will go away.   Maybe we can make this a better/safer world for those who come after us. 

And that is all I have to say this morning.  I'll shut up now and leave you with a thought for today  . . .  a poem.

Her Name Will Be Fearless

And in all the stories my daughter shall hear
it will not be princes who slay the dragons,
but little girls that believe in magic,
with big, brave hearts, and even bigger dreams. 

She will learn to rely on her own sword,
in every battle, in every struggle, in every war,
because she will learn how to devour
every single monster from their very core.
~Nikita Gil

BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's Reading - 1 Nephi 12:11-13:9
Question: What have you learnt from the reading today? How do you overcome your mists of darkness? 
What I learned - Mists of darkness. They blindeth the eyes & hardeneth the hearts . . . which leads us to walk on broad roads and become lost. Satan is the master of deception, he knows our weaknesses and dispositions. What I've seen from reading the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, is that he uses the same tactics over and over again, throughout all the different ages of time. If he can put doubt, or fear, or pride into us, even just a drop of it, he will. He knows it will gnaw at us and grow, until we are wandering away from the straight and narrow path. His plan for us all is spiritual destruction and misery, which surely go hand in hand. 
I love this quote by Robert D Hales "We understood the physical law that is also a spiritual law: light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Light dispels darkness. When light is present, darkness is vanquished and must depart. More importantly, darkness cannot conquer light unless the light is diminished or departs. When the spiritual light of the Holy Ghost is present, the darkness of Satan departs." 
How I cope with my mists of darkness, is to speak to others, pray and to carry on reading the scriptures, listening to conference talks, etc. I carry on doing what I know is right because I know that if I am patient my Heavenly Father will bless me with those tender mercies that some might call co-incidence but at perfectly timed to give me what I need to know/hear/see/experience exactly when I need to know/hear/see/experience them. I just need to be patient. The answers will come. Faith precedes the miracle, always.

Tomorrow's reading - Day 16 -   1 Nephi 13:10-27
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What does this tell us about the history of America?  


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Yorkshire Parkin.  Just in time for tomorrow's Bonfire Night.  This is delicious.  Dense, sticky, spicy and sweet.  Its a tradition!

Have a great Saturday.  Be brave!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!   



  1. Oh Marie, if that spider had been on my pillow I think I might not have been here this morning, I would have died with fright!...I don't like these long legs fat black bodied creatures....mind you since I'm on my own mostly I have over the years had to TRY to be brave and dispose of them I have quite a good catcher, it. Is a longish stick with on the end something like a hairbrush you quickly squeeze the handle which opens the ....fingers..quickly put it over the ...beast...squeeze again which closes the ....fingers and traps the...beast....quickly get out the door or window squeeze again and the ...beast...falls out......BUT HAVING SAID ALL THAT. If one was in my bedroom and I saw it there's no way I would go to bed...I once slept through here all night !! Wonder why we are like that it's not as if they have a lethal bite......but they can bite occasionally......Mary is the same way with Bees or wasps she screams and screams if she hears a buzz...they don't worry me os I open all the windows doors etc flap about saying.....go away, go look after your children ! , usually. They go LOL....better stop now or this will turn into a blog !!!...hope it's better weather up with you, here it's wet and foggy. Hope it clears soon...have a lovely weekend....can't wait for. My book to arrive...Was thinking it would make a great wedding present perhaps if the person getting it was a young bride. Xxxxx

  2. Wonderful news about your book.
    What a terrific feeling to have it in your hands. Congratulations

  3. I think I am with Mary on the wasps Sybil! I scream and jump about when they are in the house also! Worst time was when I was sitting on the toilet in the upstairs loo when we were living at the cottage and I heard the tell tale buzz right above my head! (We got a lot of wasps down there because of the apple orchards) I was up off that toilet and screaming. Of course I fell over because I had forgotten my pants were down around my ankles! haha I think the book would indeed be a great gift for a new Bride! I am trying to think of how I can purchase copies for my children/mom/dad. I will be given several free copies, but I won't be able to afford to post them over to Canada! xoxo

    Thanks Linda! It is an amazing feeling! xoxo

  4. The book looks great! Oh it must be hard to go through and find's like a test..find the error lol..sometimes we just don't!!

    It looks beautiful.

    The people coming out of the woodwork..are of course not only women but men..
    Kevin Spacey..I wonder if his personality in House Of Cards is a bit like his own?:(
    I always loved him as a GREAT actor...sad to read..and Dustin Hoffman? OMGEE..I would have never thought..
    Listen..I don't have a clean slate at all..(not in those respects..) but I am just surprised..and as a young woman..I remember situations which gave me the creeps too..
    My first employer..I was lucky to get a job in a fabric store in our fancy mall..was much older..old older..Mr.Morty.A gem..Never ever ever treated me like that.Just a nice nice man..

    Hope you get your advance..
    Marie you still look the same:)

  5. I think it is more of a problem than we have realised Monique, accepted and brushed under the carpet for far too long. It will all be coming out now that people are getting braver and braver and speaking about it. I think we will be amazed and disappointed in many, many of our idols. We will discover they have clay feet after all. So disappointing, but in the end not so surprising. Maybe now people will start being decent to each other, and not before time! I will get my advance soon. He hadn't realised it had not been sent to me. Here I was waiting for it. Its a good thing I asked! haha Enjoy your weekend! oxoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    I'm so excited for you about your book!! I can hardly wait to get my hands on it! It's so easy to miss something when you are typing, I'm the worst, and proof reading isn't much fun either.

    Oh my goodness, I can identify with you on the creepster bosses! Just before I got married, I worked a a Five and Dime, where the boss was very creepy. He made it so my checkstand was the one with the safe underneath. He would always come and get money out of it (always while I was checking someone out) so I couldn't leave while he was getting the money. He would run my leg, and then later tell me how good I me the creeps just thinking about it! Finally, I had had enough and told my fiance, who immediately confronted never happened again, and I quit as soon as I could. Thank you for story, I think it happens way more than we think it does. We need to help give these young women, who are being preyed upon, a voice, and a way out! I also worked in a jewelry store, but my boss was an amazing man! I have lots of other experiences with creepy bosses and co-workers, but I won't bore you with them... :0)

    I hate spiders!! I would have fainted if I saw one on my pillow! I can spot them a mile away, and they must be killed immediately...not usually by me though, I'm a chicken!

    I loved Elder Hales, and I love that quote, so true!

    Thank you for sharing from your heart today!

    Hugs and Love,

  7. Oh dear Marie, I just had to pop in again to tell you of a coincidence this morning at the chatterbox cafe at church one of our members has a table with things she has baked. Ie nscones, fruit cakes, ice cakes and this morning for first time what did she have....PARKIN. I just had to buy some and I also took some for Lyn hoping she would like it...she does....but I coudnt believe getting Parkin after it being your ...bake of the day!!.....About your book...still wishing it would arrive boule were saying about sending it to family in yourself realise it will be much to expensive by Royal Mail.....once I know it's weight etc I will try and find a few costing S for you.

  8. Hi~

    I just wanted to tell you what a cute 16 year old you were, I forgot earlier! In fact, I would have known that was you, you haven't changed that much!!

    Hugs and Love,

  9. Oh my dear friend, I am so excited about your book. It sounds like a fabulous cookbook. It is about time that you are published. I am just thrilled for both you and Todd.
    I hate spiders and am very afraid of them. Many years ago I was going out on a screened in porch where my washer and dryer were. I met a black widow spider right at face level. I screamed and it chased it a way. My husband did look for it and we sprayed for it. I was then afraid to go in and do my washing. Major fear of little critters.
    I think you were a very cute 16 year old. I too think that all this abuse has to stop. It is becoming so bad. I do think it is another sign of the times. Our world is just so wicked. I too had a few incidences that were not good at all. I think we do need to stand up and speak up and not be victums.
    You are such an awesome woman, sister in the gosple and sweet friend. Sending loving thoughts and hugs!

  10. How wonderful Sybil, and what a co-incidence! I am sure you enjoyed it! I have not been able to enjoy ours as it is loaded with sugar and I daren't risk it! I will not be able to mail the extra books over to my family. They weigh almost 3 kilos! I will have to weigh out the difference in the cost to buy them over there, verses the cost of mailing them from here. Either way it won't be cheap! xoxo

    Aw thanks Barb, I did not think I was cute at all. I thought my face too round and my hair too curly! xoxo

    Oh my gosh LeAnn, when we lived in Suffield, Alberta I was terrified of Black Widows! Thankfully I never came across one! I inherited my dislike of creepy crawlies from my mother! Ugh! Love and hugs and blessings to you! xoxo

  11. I'm very excited about your book! I absolutely love your recipes! When and where can I buy it? Lots of love from sunny Crete. Carla.

  12. Hi Carla! It will be available via Amazon from the 11th November! xo

  13. congratulations on getting your book into print, I thought 2 days to proof read the final print was a very tight schedule, well done! I don't like spiders either but have learned to deal with them, those speckled wolf spiders, for example, are quite pretty, the webs can be beautiful , but souse spiders are ugly and make my stomach crawl - but luckily if I point to them my catquickly catches and eats them - get a cat!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!