
Friday 7 July 2017

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things that I discover each week which inspire, motivate or bring me joy. Maybe they will do the same for you! 

Mama in a Stitch. Love this blog. It is filled with free patterns, beautifully photographed.  Tutorials.  Videos, etc.  

If you are keen to try something new and love making your own jam, this sounds really delicious.  Blueberry Lavender Jam from Nitty Gritty Life.  

From Lindsey Reviews.  I wonder  . . .  other than the spelling  mistakes, it sounds good.

Is it too late for this year?  Maybe, but could come in handy for next year. Then again, if you are living in the Southern Hemisphere this is good timing.  From Ambius.  

I am a sucker for white night dresses.  I wish.  Vermont Country Store.  

White and light  . . .  just because  . . . 


Crochet Starburst Floral Hot Pad.  A free pattern. Creativities.  I can't wait to get started!

Soup Bowl Cosies.  A free pattern from Happy Hour Stitches.   This would make a great hostess gift when accompanied by 

Friendship Soup Mix in a Jar.  From Pie Birds, Buttons and Muddy Puddles.  

 We All Sew.  Fabric Tortilla Warmer.  This could come in really handy.  Microwave safe as well. A complete tutorial.

A woven Fabric Basket, no sewing involved and using up scraps.  Complete Tutorial on Notes From Terry

20 + free Crochet Edging Patterns you should know.  From Creativities.  

Oh, I am in love  . . .  crochet pom pom edging.  Sigh . . .  From Once Upon A Pink Moon.  Total Instructions.

Granny Bunting Triangles from Attic 24.  Complete tutorial.  A great way to use yarn scraps! 

No Instructions or Source, but what a great idea.  A crochet remote caddy made from granny squares that you join up. I am so going to make one of these. 

 No bake Mixed Berry Ice Box Cake.  We don't get graham cracker squares here, but I am sure you could use another biscuit, like social teas maybe.  From Life Made Sweeter.  Nothing but whipped cream and cream cheese and fresh berries in the filling also.  Looks good!

From Buzz Feed. 19 Road Trip Games guaranteed to make road trips more fun. Every Little Helps.

Endlessly Inspired.  A simple  Car Emergency Kit. You just never know when you will need one.

I could not find a source for this, but how much cuter could something "bee."  Every pun intended and a note to end on! 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

 .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.° ˛°. .F.E.A.R. has two meanings . . . 
Forget everything and run, or
Forget everything and rise,
the choice is yours. 
~Unknown   .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 


Something simple in the kitchen today.  Herbed Garlic and Cheese Bread.

Have a great Friday!  We have some Missionaries coming for supper.  Yay!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!  



  1. Enjoy your supper. It is meal time here but everything is confused. I have just spent over $400 on groceries and stuff. Most of it stuff for the baby and $397 of that was at Costco. Yikes>

    I must have a good look at that box as I don't have a first aid kit in my car. I should have one.

    I love all those edges.

    The kids are having a lovely time playing with the internet and trying out all the mod cons now attached to our TV. I am slowly learning how to fly the thing now. Mum , meanwhile, is constantly asking questions and expecting that everything to be answered immediately.

    God bless your day.

  2. I love the looks of that Ice Box cake and that painted picnic table too. Enjoy your company for dinner. It's pouring buckets here this morning. I wanted to get out and do some errands but the rain may keep me in. Have a fantastic Friday !

  3. I meant to say that we have had a grey and cool day. Poor Pip did her wash yesterday and she left all her denims out overnight. We woke to rain and a disappointed girl. So it has continued to drizzle most of the day and now we are smothered in a mist. I love a winter day.

  4. Thanks as usual for all the brilliant ideas you find !...there seems to be a cult with all things having lavender in them..I don't think I would like that very much.....hope you have had a good day, it's been a wee bit cooler down here with a nice breeze, I took Muriel to Dyram Park a national trust house today she treated me to lunch and bought me a lovely fucia plant called Tom Thumb it's lovely covered in flowers Lyn is going to repot it tomorrow .........after we have been for another long walk along the canal with Masy ..I have had a lovely week....
    By now your friends will have had supper and soon it will be bed time so night night. God bless. Xx

  5. We just did Costco too..and prior to that since I am often thinking inside..I should do more..I invited J to lunch LOL a cute place..Patate et Persil..Potato and Parsley..moving in 2 weks..but we went today..cuter than fast food..I had a HOTDOG..I never eat them..FRIES..and a DIET COKE..that's 2 in one week..
    I didn't even like today's..but I will go back when they move..I like different.a.nd I took the initative.

    or else.

    Humid as heck..not a garden day so errand day..picked up more cotton at Michaels..thank you so much for all the links I Pinned:)
    Thos borders..Ihave trouble with borders..practice practice:)

    Have a fun dinner!!

  6. Its not hard to spend a lot of money in Costco Suzan! I always take a load of dosh with me, and I spend it all! Glad your internet and telly is all sorted now! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! Hope you don't get too much rain! xoxo

    Oh, I just love National Trust places Sybil! I hope my knee improves so that I can enjoy a few this year. Its hard to do when you can't walk. Maybe we need to invest in a wheel chair. :-(

    That restaurant sounds good Monique. I hardly ever have a hot dog out and about because I like to know what kind of weiner it is and wehre it comes from. (I know I am a strange one.) Practice will make you perfect! xoxo


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