
Saturday 8 July 2017

Saturday This and That . . .

Well, this is the craziness that's been going on most evenings lately.  I have managed to crochet an abundance of dish cloths and a hanging hand drying towel, and this does not include the ones I have given away as hostess gifts.  (They are always welcome I might add!)  I am not sure which ones are my favourite. I love them all.  Just a bit of mindlessness to keep my fingers busy when we are watching television and relaxing of a night . . . 
I enjoy doing the dish cloths, the hand towel not so much.  I found it kind of boring, crocheting row after straight row. I think I will try to find a daisy button to dress it up and put upon the hanging part.  That will make it look fun, fun! 

We have three sets of missionaries serving here in Chester at the moment.  We had one set over for dinner last night.  It was a hot and muggy day yesterday and so I made 10 Minute BBQ Ham Sandwiches from a recipe I found on The Recipe Rebel.  I think they liked them because they all went. I doubled the recipe and made 12 plus. There is still some ham in sauce left in the refrigerator. I also did coleslaw and a pasta salad. No complaints.  I used a weight watchers recipe for the pasta salad. It was quite good.  Did you know you can get packs of ham ends in the grocery store?  I discovered them and they are the cuts that can't be sold as sliced ham . . .  the bits that fall apart when they are slicing them, the end bits, etc.  They are inexpensive and absolutely perfect for a recipe like this, or any other recipe that you are wanting bits of ham for.

Does anyone know what these flowers are called?  They're very pretty.  Todd just picks up various flowers and plants them in the planters each year. I know the deep purple trumplet bloomed ones are petunias, but those dual coloured ones are stumping me.  They are putting on ever such a lovely show. and look breathtakingly beautiful with the petunias. 

The petunias always put on a spectacular show. They are so easy to grow and basically take care of themselves and they last, and last, and last . . .  I have always wanted to do red white and blue baskets.  

Speaking of red . . . 

My friend Sandie posted this on Instagram a few days ago.  Simply potted red geraniums sitting on an outdoor window sil.  I have always wanted to do this. But I thought I needed to have window boxes.  The idea of a window with boxes of red geraniums decorating them makes me happy.  I MUST do this now that I realise that I don't need window boxes. DUH.  I have nice big outdoor sils as well. They look sooooo cheerful!  That looks like a house I want to visit with an interesting person inside.

Okay so I already know that the person inside is interesting.
But even if I didn't I would think they were.
Interesting, that is.
Only an interestingly colourful person would
do such a thing.


We watched the most interesting film on Netflix yesterday. It was really, really good.    

Before I Fall

February 12 is just another day in Sam's charmed life, until it turns out to be her last. Stuck reliving her last day over one inexplicable week, Sam untangles the mystery around her death and discovers everything she's losing. I know it is a teen flick, but I found it totally engaging. It's not a long film, only an hour and a half.  I found the ending very surprising, but I won't tell you and spoil it in case you want to see it.

We are also on Season six of The Gilmore Girls for the second time around and enjoying it every bit as much.  I said to Todd the other night it is like The Andy Griffith Show or Leave it to Beaver show of the millenium. Its a town and life everyone wants to lose themselves in. Almost the kind of life/house/wardrobe/body/look/relationship we idealise, and we don't mind losing ourselves in it again and again.

Kind of like the Susan Branch effect.

And yes, yes, yes, yes . . .  I am still coveting one of these, although
I find the price tag a bit steep at the moment. The book,
however, is on it's way.  I ordered it 
several weeks back.

Shhh . . .  Todd doesn't know. It can be "our" little secret.

These two got married yesterday.  They met here at the EMM when they were on their Missions, both serving in the Chester Ward for a time.  That's Elder Hollingsworth and Sister Walker. Camille and Jacob. 


Now Mr and Mrs Hollingsworth.
Wish I could have been there.


These two were.  Sister Johansen and Sister Gregson.
Sister Walker was Sister Gregson's first
companion on her Mission in
Chester, her first area.
These friendships laster a lifetime
and beyond.

Todd is doing really well, although (and he would tell you this himself) he just doesn't seem to have the energy he used to have. But that is to be expected as a side effect from the radiation therapy. They say it will gradually go off.  And he gets wierd rashes, like just the other day he developed a particularly nasty one on his arm just under the face of his watch.  It just appeared and looks almost like a burn.  And he has gotten my cough.  It was inevitable.


She is enjoying this dry warm weather ever so much, although I fear she is getting fatter and I am at my wits end with it. I know she doesn't get enough exercise but I don't feel I can feed her any less than she already has.  She seems hungry all the time.  We use a diet dog food for her, but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick.  She needs longer walks, but with my knee and Todd's lack of energy, she just isn't getting them.  In a last ditch effort I found a site called Tails, which develops an eating plan in particular for just your dog and we are going to try it.  It's formulated for your particular dog and its breed, and their specific needs, etc. And it comes to the door.  I put on site, her weight, her breed, her age and how much exercise she gets and then they have made up a diet specific to her and which hopefully will help.  FINGERS CROSSED!  We shall see. Wish us luck.

And the Tayberry bush (s) is just loaded with blossom and growing berries.  They are like a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry and very tasty.  Perhaps I will try making some jam this year. We will see.    

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛°. .He said, there are only two days in the year that
nothing can be done.  One is yesterday, and
the other is tomorrow.  So today is the right day
to love, believe, do and mostly live.
~Dalai Lama  .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •


White Chocolate Refrigerator Cheesecake. It was last night's dessert. In The English Kitchen today. 

Have a beautiful Saturday.  Along the way of your day, don't forget . . . 

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and I do too! 


  1. There is an organisation called Borrow my Doggie which matches people who love walking dogs but can't own one to people who own dogs who can't walk them as much as they need. It's free. Or could you take her to a park or field and let her run off lead? Throw a ball for her? That way she runs around and you don't have to move much!

  2. Morning Marie, this might be a short comment as I am about to go a walk with Lyn and Masy !...Tay berry jam is delicious, I remember Mum making it its just Mmmmmmmm.......sorry Mitzies weight is not so good, I know it dosnt help them when they are getting older. I expect you do watch her diet carefully a good tip my very first vet gave me was to put out what I thought she would eat ...look at it well...then halve did seem a bit cruel as dashhounds are notoriously starving ! But I stuck to it and have always done just that and I have never had an overweight dog....might be worth a try. Masy is a grazer so I just put her dry food in her dish in the morning and that's it. She does always have whatever i might leave her after I've had dinner, that's her treat.....must go here comes Lyn xxxx

  3. I am so sorry that MItzie's weight has become a concern. The only things I can think of it to either give her a meaty bone that takes time to deal with, or buy a toy that hold a some dry food and let her play with that, or perhaps one of you seat on a chair and play fetch. My bigger dog was never well and it was difficult to maintain his weight.

    I love your pile of clothes. I need to get a move on with baby stuff.

    I wish your newly married couple a long an dvery happy life together.

    Dinner is ready. We are having a wintery , hearty meal of rissoles with mashed potato and tomato and onion gravy.

    God bless your day today and always. Send Todd a hug from me.

  4. Hi Marie. Just checking in after a hectic but lovely week. We are hoping to have a quiet couple of weeks now, fingers crossed!

    I've enjoyed catching up on your blogs, it's like meeting up with an old friend and having a chat with a piece of cake and a cuppa!!

    I'm upset today though. I've been following the story of little Bradley Lowery on FB for a long, long time now and was devastated to learn of his death yesterday. He was only six years old😢😢

    Anyway, getting the laundry up to date today, I know how to live!!!! Hope Todd is feeling better soon. Lots of love xxx

  5. Never heard of a tayberry, I learned something new!
    I love your dishcloths! I also am addicted to making them but mine are more plain and simple. Did you share your pattern for yours? Or will you?

    Also, I didn't know you were Mormon! I am not Mormon myself but I love the Saints! God bless!

  6. Thanks for that Julie. I looked it up and registered, but to be honest we are a bit leery of letting someone we don't know take her. She is such a funny dog, wants to be with us all the time and off lead won't go off and do her own thing. I throw a ball for her, but she won't bring it back so you can throw it again. She tends to catch it and that is it. You spend the rest of the time trying to get it from her so that you can throw it again, lol. Funny doggie. xoxo

    She did something this morning Sybil that she has never ever done before and that is to get into the kitchen garbage. I hope and pray that it is not the thin end of the wedge and that she doesn't make a habit of it. She had knocked it over and taken some of it out into the garden to enjoy. She got a good tongue lashing and hopefully won't do it again! She is such a greedy little madame. Other than that she is perfect, but would eat and eat and eat given the chance. xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. Your dinner sounds nice! Todd is out painting the remainder of the fence at the moment. It is a struggle for me to keep him from over-doing it. xoxo

    Thanks Kate. I am mourning Bradley Lowery also. Such a special young boy. Its all so very sad. I hope you can have a few weeks of rest and relaxtion now! God bless. xoxo

    Hi Kay. I did a tutorial a while back, it is basically just a granny square, using a G hook (I think that is a 5mm) and then I add a scalloped border. Here is a link to my tutorial:

    Don't laugh, lol Okay you can, just a little, lol. Yep I am a Mormon, for 18 years now, as of today. It's my Baptism anniversary! I almost forgot! Whew! xoxo

  7. Good morning!
    First..before I forget..Dianthus..I think they are Dianthus.

    I love your piles..I am doing the same but Pile is the Amateur pile:(

    Marie I bet they look so cute in your kitchen.I am onto anew one ..I am going to try your perfect scallop again.Mine are far from's funny the words don't connect..I need videos..and te video scallops are not like yours.I will apply myself:)

    I love Susan's tea fact though many US things are being put on a back burner for me..until our dollar is worth more..or I can arrange better shipping outcomes..I have an idea that has worked the past..will see..

    Her cups are fine china cups..BEAUTIFUL..imagine a shelf w/ those..I just love looking at them..there is such joy in all her work..makes you feel that song that has happy in it?

    the dishcloths do that too:)♥

    Fingers crossed puppy can lose a few puppy pounds:)
    That couple is so cute!

    Pretty peeps here..:)


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