
Thursday 6 July 2017

My Favourite things . . .

These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours too! 

She's been blessing me all of her life.  My Sister.  Its her birthday today and one of my favourite things is wishing her a Happy Birthday!  I love my sister with all of my heart.  We don't agree on all things, but that's okay. We love each other. We respect each other.  I think she is the bees knees.  She is such a talented, caring, intelligent and amazing woman. I don't think she gives herself enough credit. She's one of the most important people in my life.  I wish I could do more for her, but all I can do is to tell her I love her, I appreciate all that she does and then some.   Happy Birthday Sis!  Wish I could be there to give you a hug, tell you in person how much you mean to me, and bake you a cake, and give you a day to relax and put your feet up (although in all truth I think you would have trouble doing that)!  I hope you have a happy day filled with all the things that you love most!


I was sitting here thinking of cake and I was trying to decide what kind of cake was my favourite kind and I can't decide on just one kind. I love cake. Any kind of cake. I have never met a cake I didn't like.  Chocolate.  Carrot.  Madiera/pound. Peanut Butter. Lemon.  If its a cake.  I am in love.

Laying in bed and listening to rain fall  . . .  covers all tucked up to my chin  . . .  that pitter patter on the roof.  Its all good  . . .

That smell of movie theatre popcorn.  Oh boy . . .  it smells soooo good! We hardly ever go to the movies anymore because it is so expensive and when we do go, we NEVER buy popcorn or anything to eat or drink, again, far too expensive, but I love, LOVE the smell of the popcorn!


The roses in our garden at the moment.  Don't ask me to name them because I don't know what any of them are called.  I just know that I love them, and in particular this peachy coloured one.  It's so beautiful, and they smell so beautiful.  Love rose season  . . . 

This little attention getter.  Love her so much.  She is so good and so loving.  She is a bit of a pig. What dog isn't.  But so well behaved.  I can put a piece of something she really loves down in front of her and if I say no, she won't touch it.  She will drool maybe, but she won't touch it until I tell her that she can.  Then of course, she approaches it with abandon!  Different story however if she already has something in her mouth.  You can't get that from her for love or money.  She will  not let go.


This kind of sink.  I cannot remember what they are called.  (Having a senior moment.)  I love them all the same.  They are lovely and deep and big. I love a big sink.  A sink that is large enough to hold a dish pan and then some.   

Getting stuck into a book that's so good that you never want it to end, and you are disappointed when it does because you just want it to keep going forever and forever and forever. I have always been a voracious reader, although these days I tend to fall asleep when I am reading, but that's okay, I keep doing it. I have not found a book that I never want to end in a while now.  I seem to lose interest halfway through most of the books I have been reading lately . . . and then I go back and revisit a favourite from my archives.  Any suggestions on a book that you have ready lately that you did not want to end?


Mad Men. I am so enjoying it.  I have had the DVD for the first series in the bookcase for several years, but we watched the first episode and Todd hated it.  He said they smoked too much.   I have been watching the full series on Netflix on my own and I just love it.  I love the story lines. I love the fashions.  I love the characters.  I am sure that if Todd stuck with it he would have loved it too, but you know men. Sometimes they can be stubborn.  

Maple Flavoured anything.  Maple syrup.  Maple Walnut ice cream, cake, cookies.  Maple Sugar.  Maple Spread.  I love maple.  When I first moved over here, I brought a 4 litre can of Maple Syrup on the plane with me.  I was not going to live without my maple. It is more readily available here now and somewhat expensive, but at least if I really want some I can get it. 


Miniature worlds.  I am fascinated by anything that is tiny, miniature.  That was my favourite part of the Victoria and Albert Museum.  That is what I like about train sets and their scenes.  The smallness of it all. Such patience it must take to create these things.  So much pleasure. 

There was a place I used to love going to on PEI, called Woodleigh Replicas.  Not sure if it is still there or not, but this place had replicated a ton of British Castles and landmarks.  Totally fascinating. You could stand inside Windsor Castle.

Summer fetes and exhibitions.  I love the rides, the sounds, the smells . . . I love going through the outbuildings and seeing blue ribboned pickles and pies, cakes and embroideries.  I love the french fries.  The hot dogs.  The cotton candy.  I love the air of excitement that prevails. 

And those are my favourite things for this week.
What are some of yours?

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.° ˛°. . When you depend on people to build you up,
they have the same power to break you down.
You don't need their validation to know your worth.
~unknown   .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  one of my favourite vegetables.  All Dressed Bloomin Baked Potatoes

Have a great Thursday.  Hope its filled with your favourite things.  Don't forget!  

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And I do too! 



  1. Finally I have internet and television in the lounge room.

    Last night I fell asleep to the sound of rain pattering away. This morning was a beautiful blue day and topped at 24. This is Brisbane for you winter doesn't really exist.

    I am off to see the potato recipe.

    God bless.

  2. Happy Birthday to your Sister ! I was blessed to have two of them and know what a treasure they are. I lost one of mine this past December and hope I told her enough just how much I loved her. I try to tell that also to the one that is still a part of my life. I did watch that series. It was a reflection of that time. Every one seemed to smoke a lot then. But that has little to do with the story. Hope you have a lovely Thursday!

  3. I know how much you love her!
    I want a sister!
    Lots of lovely thoughts..I love those sinks too..farmhouse sinks/apron sinks..seems there are a few ords for them..I wonder though if I would miss a double sink?
    We have stoppers so nothing goes down the sink.. having two helps a darn pretty though:)

  4. Its about that temperature here today Suzan, and we are dying. Well, I am dying. Todd loves it! Pooh! Glad your internet is finally sorted and the television too! xoxo

    I am so sorry about your sister Pam. Somehow I missed that. Sorry about that. I make sure everyone in my life knows how much I love them. We just never know how long we will have to do so. Love and hugs. xoxo

    You have alot of friends who can be like sisters Monique, and some lovely daughters. Thanks for jogging my memory as to the name of the sink. Sometimes I scare myself. I seem to forget more than I remember! xoxo


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