
Friday 29 April 2016

My Friday Finds . . .

  photo FridayFinds_zpsb214ccd8.jpg

A few of the things I find each week which strike my fancy.  I hope that they strike yours as well.  I can't believe we are already at the end of April!  This month has flown by.  It feels more like February, but that's Spring for you!


Paint your own Brick Book Library for outdoors!  What a fab yard/garden decoration.  From Kalumni.


Fish for Friday, but in the form of a knitted hat.  How utterly unusual.  Found on Ravelry.   Talk about a conversation starter!


An apron pocket fashioned from a shirt sleeve.  Cute!  I love it!    I found this on Cutie Pinwheel.


Here is the full length view.

Daisy Chain Pie Crust Tutorial

Talk about adorable pastry.   I don't think I've ever seen anything sweeter.  Can you imagine a lemon meringue dressed up in this?  Found on  Handmade Charlotte.  A complete tutorial from start to finish along with a video.

Sew a bright table topper using precut print strips and solid white. The white makes the colors pop.:

A sweet country table topper.  Love the pattern, using calico prints and whites.  Found on  American Patchwork and Quilting.


Make your own toothpaste from scratch, and it is supposed to taste good.  I might give this a go.  Although it wouldn't have flouride in it or stuff for sensitive gums.  From Live Simply.


Using Washi Tape for the edges of your journal pages.  What a unique and pretty idea.   Found on Flickr.   Photo by Kelly n Warren.

Collage technique: use transparent tape to pick up words or patterns from book pages, magazines, napkins:

How to use transparent tape to pick up printed words for collage types of art.  From Birgit Kerr.

embroidery by dottie angel:

No pattern.  Just inspiration.  From Dottie Angel.  She has a book entitled, Granny Chic.

like the colours!:

I love, Love, LOVE the colours in this blanket.   On my wish list.  From Posie Gets Cosie.

And those are my finds for this week.  I hope there was something here to pique your interest!

We had a fantastic day at the Zone Meeting yesterday in Crewe.  It was so fantastic to see some missionaries I had not seen in a while, like Elder Judd and Congie, Elder Thomas, Sister Walker, Elder Hollingsworth!  We had some wonderful trainings and the spirit was there in abundance.   I enjoyed it so very much.  We had to leave early to come home because of Mitzie, but for the four hours we were there it was great.   We left in beautiful sunshine to go, picking up the Chester Sister Missionaries at the chapel, but by the time we left to come home, it was bucketing down, and of course  . . . . very cold!  Brrr!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~
The greatness of a man
 is not how much wealth he acquires,
but in his integrity and in his ability 
to affect those around him positively.
~Bob Marley
~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~

Spiritual Enlightenment


In The English Kitchen today   . . .  Sticky Glazed Sausages and Buttermilk Chive Mash.

I hope that you have a lovely Friday! Wherever you go and whatever you do, may you always know that . . .

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And I do too!

PS -  I almost forgot to tell you but will do so now Practico Goods interviewed me for their online page a while back and the interview is now live.  You can find it here.   You might enjoy the read!



  1. Good morning Marie. As usual I am having "the trouble". My page won't load properly. In my twenties I taught blind children and one little man had the trouble a few times a day. In reality it meant, "Miss Sue, I need help/ toilet/ a cuddle/ food or I am sorry." I wonder if he is still alive? Many of them have left earth.

    The one thing that I did see was the pie shell. That would delight a little girl. I wonder if the colours would stay true and strong? I wish I had the urge to do more.

    The other day my ex returned somethings to me. It included a quilt top that I had almost finished quilting. I will finish it.

    Lot of love for you today and God bless.

  2. The colours on the crust do not stay that strong, but for the green, but it is pretty nonetheless! What a lucky thing that you have been given back your quilt top! Hooray for small blessings! Love and hugs! xoxo

  3. Hi, Marie! Can you believe we're cruising to the end of April already?! LOVE the brick library--what a FANTASTIC idea! There are just so many clever souls out there! That floral pastry is gorgeous--almost too pretty to eat--ha! That patchwork table runner is right up my street--great way to use up some scraps. That tape trick for lifting text is brilliant--I want to try! Glad you had a lovely day yesterday--in spite of the weather. We're in for some stormy wind & rain this weekend here. Have a HAPPY one, dear friend ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  4. I know Tracy, and its actually snowing in many parts of the UK, nothing that sticks, but its very cold with a Northerly wind, Probably because its bank holiday weekend! Bad weather and Bank Holidays usually go hand in hand! We are due to receive the same as you! Love and hugs right back. Enjoy your weekend despite the weather! xxoo

  5. Beuatiful finds..I had just pinned some pie crusts from Lodge/Instagram this AM:)

    Have a beautiful weekend..will go read your interview:)

  6. Aww..what I have always should have a bistro and cookbook:)

  7. I will have to check them out Monique! I have always wanted to publish a real cookbook, or do cooking lessons Monique! xoxo

  8. Always a pleasure visiting here...
    Such lovely ideas!
    Have a cozy weekend. : )

  9. Thanks Billie Jo, you have a nice weekend also! Todd was just saying last night how much he likes the American habit of using two names, such as yours! xoxo

    Thanks shortybear. YOu have a nice weekend too! xoxo


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