
Saturday 30 April 2016

Saturday this and that . . .


I can't remember what I was reading yesterday, or maybe it was the day before . . .  but it suddenly struck me that nobody should have to be judged by their very worst moment, or biggest failure.  How often does someone get through their whole life impeccably and then they cock-up once and forevermore that is what they are known for.  Not fair.    And yet we all do it.  We need to stop!

Oh, I remember what it was now.  We were in the car on our way to the chapel on Thursday morning and I was saying to Todd how difficult it must be to be famous and have your entire life under a microscope 24/7.  How it must make people almost crazy, this constant scrutiny. A song from Elvis had been on the radio and I was singing it, Suspicious Minds . . .  I love that song.   I said to Todd how much I loved that song and how Elvis had been such a great singer, and wasn't it too bad he died when he did.   And then I got to thinking how kind of crazy he was by the time he died . . .  wierd kind of  . . . and then I got to thinking that fame actually makes people wierd . . .  because once they become famous, they can't live like a normal person anymore.

GONE are the  moments they can just skip down to the Seven Eleven in the middle of the night for a packet of crisps and a soda pop in their PJ's.  Go out once without makeup on . . .  and the paparazzi are sure to catch you up.   Awkward exit from a car showing your knickers in the process . . .  front page news.  Seen exchanging a pleasant hello with someone from the opposite sex and your marriage is on the rocks . . .

The tradeoff is just not worth it.  Fame and money versus  . . . being normal and leading a normal life without a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out?  I'll take the lack of pot and window any day of the week.

And then I had the thought about being remembered for your worst moment forevermore . . .  coz that's how my mind works.  ☺


Thats not the way God works and thats not the way we should work.  The scriptures tell us that though our sins be as scarlet, He will make them white as snow through the process of repentance.  We need to forgive people.   Forgiveness is as much for us as it is for them.  The burden of carrying unforgiveness in your heart is soul breaking and life damaging . . . much worse than being the unforgiven.


There was a Talent Show at our Ward Chapel last night.  The Sisters had dropped over and so I made them some pancakes as they hadn't had any tea and then we drove them to the chapel.  The traffic was horrendous on the motorway . . .  It's bank holiday weekend (Whitsun) and of course everyone was heading into Wales for the weekend, with beach umbrellas and bicycles and tents strapped to their cars.  We Brits are ever hopeful eh?    The weather predictions for the weekend are appalling, but we live in hope . . . booked a camping weekend, and we are going to enjoy it despite the rain and snow, hail and sleet.  Oh, I do wish them well . . .

We're staying put.  Its cheaper and smarter.  We actually have quite a busy weekend planned.  Today we are having an investigator friend over for an early supper and a movie along with the Zone Leaders who are teaching her, so I have that to get ready for, and then of course tomorrow is Fast and Testimony Sunday, and then on Monday we are taking the Zone Leaders to the Temple, which means of course we will get caught in the Bank Holiday Traffic as everyone heads back to their homes after having frozen their butts off trying to camp in Wales, lol !


We hadn't been actually going to go to the Talent Night, but we ended up staying for some of it and it was quite good.  We have a lot of very talented people in our Ward.  It takes a lot of courage to get up and sing in front of people, or play the piano or do whatever.   The two Buckley Elders, Louner and Nillsen did a duet, one on harmonica and one with the ukelele with Elder Louner singing one of our church hymns and it was fantastic.  There were bags of popcorn and sweeties and drinks, and there was quite a large turnout for it, so that was good.  It is  nice to see a good Ward turnout for activities like this.


I am going great guns on my bunny doll.  I have the dress all made and have knitted the head and got both legs done and have joined them together to work on the body.  I have made shoes and socks instead of the shoes and stripey legs the pattern called for.   I have in mind to do her a whole wardrobe of clothes, etc, and I didn't want stripey sock/legs clashing with anything else.  I am using a pure wool for the actual bunny because I thought it would look and feel nicer, and it does . . .

What next?   Watch and see . . .


In our quest to organize the kitchen better we picked up one of these tall bookshelves yesterday, and have stationed it by the back door.  What a huge difference it has made.  I am loving it.  It is my goal eventually to cover all of them with calico curtained fronts, but it all takes time which is kind of scarce these days.  We have three of these in the kitchen now and they have made a HUGE difference.  Storage space in our kitchen has always been at a premium, and this has helped a great deal to get things off the counter tops and into their own spots, giving me much more room to work in.

Baby steps . . .


This is our family corner of the lounge . . .  next to the china cabinet.   Lots of family photographs there.   The lower frame/set is just grandchildren . . .  black and white photos of them.   I love it, and the upper one is family pics of the kids and their spouses and children.   I love that one too.  One of m own paintings . . .  and the Salt Lake Temple, a photo taken by the husband of a friend that we really liked and framed.


Mitzie snoozing in her basket this morning . . .  with her blankie (s)  She loves them.  She likes to scratch at them and bunch them up and drag them out and pull them about.  She's quite comfy there . . . .  this was just after breakfast, so she is having her snooze after her meal.   She makes me smile.

You know  . . .  as soon as Todd and I put on our Missionary Badges she goes to her basket/bed . . .  she knows we are most likely going out I guess.  Shes one very smart cookie!

Oh how I love her . . .


I couldn't resist . . .  one of those facebook games where they analyse your profile and then you have to live with the results.  It could be worse . . .


The words  . . .  small things amuse small minds . . . I know, I have better things to be doing, but I did kind of like this one!  Coz I think its eerily true!  For a change, most times these things end up being really awkward and far fetched.

 Like my elf name . . . Happy Angelears . . .  my drunken elf name  . . . Lit Drinkspiller  . . . Santas Helpername . . .  Frilly Craftypants . . .

I could go on and on . . .  but I won't.

A thought to carry with you through this day  . . .

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
If you want to be happy,
you have to be happy on purpose.
When you wake up, 
you just can't wait to see
what kind of day you'll have.
YOU have to decide
what kind of day you'll have.
~Joel Osteen
✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿

Spiritual Enlightenment

  photo DSCN6665_zpstpbqrgbl.jpg

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Nan's Sugar Scones.  Oh boy, but these are dangerously tasty!  I had to give most of them away because I didn't dare keep them!

Have a great Saturday everyone!  Whatever you get up to, stay safe and don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. such a great post dear, love you.

  2. Awww thanks Shortybear! You are a treasure! xoxo

  3. Good morning Marie. Mum is still off colour but this afternoon I took her to have tea out at one of the English shops. We bought some foods that are difficult to find, drooled at the sweets and walked away, and bought pork pies.

    I love the look of the bunny. Is she a free pattern? I am knitting yet another baby coat. Girl babies have popped out four times in the last few weeks. It is beginning to darken earlier and we don't need air con over night so teh comfortable knitting weather might appear if I am lucky.

    God bless your day.

  4. Ohh pork pies. Todd loves pork pies. The bunny was not a free pattern. I got it at It is bunty bunny. She's a cutie. Your last baby coat was gorgeous! Loved all the colours! xoxo

  5. LOL I have seen those things on FB..cute pup:) I think it works!
    Marie..I can't wait to see your bunny doll..the stitching looks so darned lol perfect.
    I bad thing and either you are judged or you can't stop judging's a no win situation..and unfortunately..this happens to almost all of us..

    I mean I hope it's not just me.

    I agree limelight :( I can't get over the time and energy and effort the US presidential hopefuls are putting in.

    My only claim to something like this was being a realtor in the smae area almost 30 yrs.
    I felt I had to garden in the dark or out back..or else people would think..why isn't she out selling my house;)

    Happy weekend Marie

    And it's funny..I see the calico already:) How great you can keep more things on well deserved!!

  6. No, it's not just you Monique! We all do it! I can imagine the pressure you would have been under as a realtor in a small community! You have a great weekend too! Xo


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