
Thursday 28 April 2016

Rain Drops on Roses . . .


These are a few of my favourite things  . . .


Unusual Art Dolls.   I really love the quirkiness of them and the amount of artistry that goes into them.  I could never afford to onw one of these, but it doesn't stop me from admiring them and all of the talent involved in creating one.   This one is a doll created by the artist  Alexey Shaadorian Mashutikov (Moscow, Russia)  Its a reading Humpty Dumpty.  I love it.  I wish I could create something like this using my own art.  I have always wanted to turn my own art into figures and dolls.


I also love quirky art . . .  art which makes you think.   This is a piece by Catrin Welz-Stein, who is a German graphic designer living in Malaysia. Her work is a mix of vintage photos, old pictures and illustrations digitally assembled to create those beautiful images. She is mostly inspired by surrealism, fairy tales, folklore and medieval times.  I don't think art is something which is only created by a pencil or brush.  If you can create something artistically beautiful in any other means, it is still art to me.  Art is anything created by another with their hands which makes you ponder and inspires your imagination.


Old Victorian houses which have been kept up and maintained, with all of their gingerbread fretwork, etc.   I think they are so beautiful and I call them painted ladies.  I don't know if anyone else does.  There are several in the town I come from back home.  I make a point of going to see them and admiring them whenever I go home.   They are historic and I think about the families that might have first built them.  I imagine living in one myself . . .  and sitting outside on the front porch in a rocking chair on a summer evening greeting passer's by and such.  Sigh . . . .  yes, I have watched Meet Me In St Louis far too many times!   These houses have character.


Paper Dolls.  I love, Love, LOVE Paper Dolls.   I loved them when I was a girl and I love them now.    You don't see many of them nowadays.  I had a cardboard box full of them when I was a girl.   I delighted in playing with them, and in drawing new clothes for them to wear and colouring them in.   Perhaps that's where my love for creating these little girls I draw now comes from, being inspired by memories of a box of paper dolls from when I was a child.  I didn't have a lot of real dolls.   One basically and a Barbie and some small hard rubber dolls that came in a set, dressed in costumes of the world that you couldn't remove . . .  and another fashion type of doll that had jointed elbows, knees, etc.  I had tons of paperdolls however and I delighted in them.

1950's style kitchens.   I love the linoleum floors, the cupboards the countertops, the colours, the chrome, the tiles.  I love everything about them.  If I ever had the money to build or buy my own home, it would have a 1950's feel in the kitchen, and I would be as happy as happy can be.

I'd also have one of these  . . .


A vintage chrome table and chairs.  I just adore these.   I had one when I first got married and couldn't wait to get rid and get a "real" table and chairs.  Oh how I wish I still had that one now.  Sigh . . .

Lace curtains.  I love them.  I especially love white lace curtains.  I would hav ethem on all my windows if I could.  My ex MIL had white lace curtains on her living room windows that criss crossed in the centre.  I always loved them.  One day  . . .

 photo SAM_6507_zpsa8ba171a.jpg

Pasta  . . .  I adore pasta.  I wish Todd did too . . . as you know, he barely tolerates it.  Calls it foreign muck.  Says he doesn't want to go to Italy because he thinks all they eat there is Pizza and Pasta, both things he loathes.   Sigh   . . . now that's my idea of a holiday, beautiful scenery and all the pasta and pizza you could possibly want to eat!  lol

Opposites do attract!


Funky bohemian style clothing . . .  not those boots though (too much work) . . .  love the frills and flounces.  To me wearing something like this would be like having permission to wear my night clothes all day and I would utterly love that.  Love the florals, the colours  . . .

Sigh  . . .


Pretty blue forget me nots  . . . .

And that is all for today.  What are some of your favourite things?

A thought to carry with you through this day  . . .

Each morning we are born again.
What we do today matters most.

Spiritual Enlightenment

Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . . .  Grilled Lamb Cutlets with Garlic and a Mint and Sun Blush Tomato Sauce.

We are off to Crewe today for a regional zone meeting of Missionairies.  Should be fun.  We are picking up the Sisters at the chapel at 8:30, so a very early start.   Hope you have a lovely day!  Don't forget!

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  1. Marie I wish you safe travels. I know how anxious you are about driving. It will be worth the effort though.

    God bless you.

  2. I love older homes, and lace curtains and pasta ! 3 of my favorites too. Hope your day goes well. Happy Thursday!

  3. Same things here..surprise surprise!!
    Happy trails;)

  4. It was very much worth it Suzan. We had a lovely, spirit filled time and I was very happy we had gone. The drive wasn't too bad either, even though it was raining when we came back! Thanks for your happy and safe travel wishes! They helped! xoxo

    Oh Pam, I am not surprised! Maybe in heaven we will have houses like that! Do you think? Many mansions! Happy Thursday! xoxo

    No surprise there Monique! ;-) Thanks for the happy trails. Back home now safe and sound! xoxo


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