
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Wednesday thoughts . . .

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All is quiet now down in the woods  . . .  where shadows lie darkly beneath the heavy foliage of late summer  . . .

Where now the black cap, the whitethroat . . .  the warbler?   The lark too, how holds it's peace.  How lonely the woodlands and downs seem without their cries.

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The boughs of our apple tree hang heavy with fruit  . . .  their rounded red cheeks turned to the waning heat of the sun, while wasps cluster thickly over cracked purple plums, seeking their pleasure . . . pears hang ripe and juicy on over laden branches . . .

The hedgerows are filled to overflowing with the makings of a hedgerow jelly . . . hips and haws, blackberries . . . 

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In wide open fields, corn stands ready for the dance of the threshers, cut and stacked and in others . . .  stubble lays awaiting the farmer's plough.

Heather carpets the moors and commons in beautiful shades of mauve and pink . . .  purple.

And in my garden, roses bud for a second blooming.   This is the hour of maturity . . .  the season of fruiting and fulfillment, of garnering and gathering in.

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Our hearts are tender this morning at the news of a loss in the family.   One of my cousins has passed suddenly and far too soon.  I had not seen nor spoken to him in years and yet tears flow.   He was one of my mother's favourites and my beloved Aunt Freda's youngest boy.   Son . . . brother . . .  nephew . . .  cousin . . .  friend.  I can still remember the excitement of his birth.  I was thirteen.  He was a beautiful blonde little urchin.  May he find in his rest the peace which he sought, cradled now in the arms of his mother whose loss he keenly felt  . . . God be with you John John.  'Til we meet again.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken with Goats Cheese and Chutney.

Wherever you go today and whatever you get up to, n'er forget . . .

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And I do too.


  1. I am sorr y that your cousin has died Marie, it doesn't matter that you haven't seen him in many years, you can still feel there going out of our lives....A real chill in the air this morning so I'm afraid autumn is on it's way...I keep hoping we will have an Indian. Summer..".but not so sure now....take care and have a lovely sun filled day. Xx

  2. I'm sorry for your loss, Marie.

  3. Marie I am sorry for your loss. It hurts so. God bless you and offer you sweet comfort.

  4. Thanks Sybil. I hope we will have an Indian Summer as well Sybil! Here's hoping! xoxo

    Thank you Val. The family is really hurting, especially his dad and siblings. xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. You have experienced a very similar loss under similar circumstances. It is so difficult to understand, and so very sad. xoxo

  5. The roses are blooming here too but everything else is going to seed it seems. Sorry to hear of the loss in your family.

  6. Yes, things are going to seed here also Pam, and leaves are beginning to change. Thanks. Xoxo

  7. Thank you Monique. I'm sorry I have only just seen this. :-(


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