
Thursday 3 September 2015

Five Things About Me . . .

 photo MarieAliceToddlercropped.jpg

I've always had a very vivid imagination.    I am a bit of a daydreamer and could while away hours in my head just thinking about places I'd like to go or things I'd like to do.  I'm not sure why that is.   We didn't have a lot of toys when I was growing up.   We used to have to use our imaginations a lot in comparison to the children of today.  I would draw, cut and make my own board games.   Take old catalogues and furnish cardboard doll houses with things from the catalogue, methodially cutting things out to paste in.  I still have a really vivid imagination.  I guess some things never change!

And that is number one in a five things about me post for today, September 3rd, 2015!

I dream in colour.  I guess not everyone does, but I do.  I always thought everyone did until somebody told me different.  While it's believed that the majority of us dream in color, its estimated that roughly one person in eight is limited to black and white dreamscapes. Research on dreams from the first half of the 20th century suggests that the vast majority of people actually used to dream in black and white. But beginning in the sixties, the balance began tipping in the direction of color dreaming.   This is blamed on the advent of technicolour films and television.   Hmmm . . .  I did used to go to a film every Saturday when I was a child . . .

If I was asked to pick my last meal ever on earth, I would struggle to pick just one.  I love food, almost all food (with the exception of sea food and cringe worthy things like snails, snake, etc.).  I cannot pick a truly favourite meal because what I want to eat always depends on mood etc.   Some days, albeit few and far between, I don't want to eat anything.  Other days I could devour a fruit basket, and still others, it would be a junk food extravaganza!  Does this mean I am a true gourmet?   or an impossible glutton?

Which brings me to fact number four, which kind of joins fact two and three together!  I often dream that I am attending a delicious buffet, with absolutely oodles and oodles of delicious and colourful foods . . .  but I ever get to eat any of it.   Dish after dish gets placed in front of me,  I get distracted by conversation or something else, so much so that  by the time I go to dig my fork into it . . . the plate has been taken away and I've not even had a bite.   I manage to get through the whole buffet not eating a single thing and feeling most hungry by the end of it.   I am not sure what this means . . .  or if I even want to know what it means!  It's probably something horrible!

I love, Love, LOVE grocery shopping.   It's one of my favourite activities.   I could quite happily spend hours in a grocery store looking at everything, discovering what is new etc.   The only thing I probaby love more than grocery shopping,  is grocery shopping in a foreign country where everything is new! Todd HATES grocery shopping.  He would rather have his nails pulled out one by one than spend time in a grocery store, even one in a foreign country.   TO me, that's one of the nicest parts of any holiday . . .  perusing the local grocery stores.   I would rather bring home foreign food stuffs than souveniers.  Please tell me I'm not alone in that!

And that is the end of my five things about me for this week!  It was almost all about food.   Hmmm . . .  that probably says something else about me.

We had our car's MOT (Safety Inspection) yesterday and I am happy to say that it passed with only a few things that needed doing and that we had the  exact amount of savings to do what needed being done.  God is good!  I was so relieved!  While Todd had the car out for most of the day it left me with some time to play.   And so I did this  . . .

 photo copyright fearfully and wonderfully made_zpsrq1bebia.jpg

Yes, it is a bit different.  She is wearing clown make-up.   I've had this little girl rolling around in my head for months and months and yesterday she came out to play.  I will be selling the original if anyone is interested.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . .

The Lord is in the details of our lives.
He knows us,
He is mindful of us.
He hears and answers our prayers.
He wants to bless us.
He loves us, He truly loves us!
~Thomas S Monson 

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Snappy Dog and Burger Relish and NYC Onions For Dogs and Burgers.

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Also Sweet Chili Tomato Chutney.

Have a wonderful Thursday!  Don't forget now  . . .

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And I  do too!



  1. I think having a good imagination would be a necessity for an artist and for a good cook too. You are both. Hope you have a great day ! Happy Thursday !

  2. Oh Marie, one of my favorite things to do when traveling is go to the grocery store and spend time looking up and down each aisle and seeing all the things that they have in that area. And I love trying the local foods. My husband has gotten used to it and seems to enjoy it too. I have spent hours and hours in the parts stores and car places with him! We seem to be spending more just living than we should too. No way to save any longer but we thank God we have a comfortable home and are blessed to be able to have food on our table.

  3. I like grocery shopping too..but not our Costco runs..because Jacques does every aisle:) He loves it.
    I like quaint and quirky and different:)
    Sounds terrible to even say that when people are starving..

    I loved playing school..being the teacher:) our Princess fort outside in the woods..swimming.. reading.. Barbies;)
    You know..I don't know what if I dream in color! I'll have to remember..
    Some dreams do materialize:(
    Hate that.
    Your little clown is unique and she is wearing the perfect shoes..gosh you're good.

  4. Good morning Marie,

    Tonight I took Pip to see "Little Women". To my dismay it was a musical. I would have preferred to read the book. She enjoyed it immensely but I found it long.

    Today was shopping day. I prefer to be in and out. Mum dawdles and it drives me nuts. I used to love to cook but it has become a chore I no longer enjoy.

    God bless your search about hleping the refugees. We have a similar problem with many arriving by boat.

    Lots of love,


  5. Thanks Pam! I hope you have had a great day also! Xoxo

    Todd could spend forever in a store which specialises in mystical things, swords, antique guns, suits of armour, etc. he says women are magicians, turning money into things. (And he thinks that's funny.). I guess all of us have our unique interests Dee!We have not been able to afford to go on a holiday for a few years now. We have stay cations instead! Xoxo

    I will be interested in seeing if you dream in colour Monique! I am betting you Do! You and I are a lot alike! Xoxo

    I hope I never get tired of cooking Suzan or feels like a chore. I cannot imagine! Love and hugs back. Xoxo

  6. What a vivid imagination you have Marie! You still look the same in your baby picture...

    I think I dream in black, but then again I don't have the talent and imagination you have Marie!! God is Good~

  7. God is indeed good Unknown! xoxo

  8. I always always love learning more about you. I find you to be a fascinating woman and unique in many ways. The photo of you is adorable of course. I do wish that children of today used their imaginations more. I loved that I was in the era that nurtured that ability. I do dream in color too; but haven't thought of it. I won't tell you the repeat dream I have; it's very weird. I love food too, a lot. I like trying new things. I have a taste for mid eastern food.
    I love to go grocery shopping too. Actually, I love to shop even if I don't buy anything. I just like to look.
    This was a fun one! Love and hugs!

  9. Thanks LeAnn! Love and hugs back! xoxo


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