
Tuesday 1 September 2015

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .


FOR TODAY, September 1, 2015

Outside my window ...
The sun is coming up now.  It's pitch black now in the mornings when I get up and when we go to bed.  The days are getting noticeably shorter.

I am thinking ...
I've been thinking a lot lately about the refugees pouring into Europe from Northern Africa.  I am sure that there is a certain element of them that are not who they say they are, but I am also sure that there is a larger element of them who are in a desparate way and who need our help.   There is no easy solution, but I do think we all need to step up to the plate and help in whatever way that we can.   When I see them my heart breaks and tears come into my eyes.   There but for the Grace of God go I.   It is not up to me to judge, it is only up to me to do what I can to help.   What can I do?   I don't know.  Praying for them and for wisdom.

I am thankful for ...
The luxury of having been born in the country I was born in and to be living where I live and to not ever have know the desperation of need.  To have lived through relatively peaceful times, with a sure roof over my head and food in my belly, clothes on my back . . . freedom of thought and religion, free health care.

In the kitchen ...
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My version of Perfect Hummus.

On my "To Cook" list ...
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Ban Mi Burger Mon Poulet.   It's in French but they look fabulous and I am sure I could translate the recipe.  From  Dorian Cuisine.  Don't they look fabulous?

I am creating ...
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I have fallen in love.  It's a crochet vintage camper van.   With wee furniture and everything.   All crochet.   From Greedy for Colour.

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Fabric covered hangers.  From Flickr.   I love the bright colours of these.

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Vintage Ticking Pillows.  From Zsa Zsa Bellagio.

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Christmas Clothespins.   From Sugar and Paint.  There are all kinds of painted clothespins!

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Jam Gift Packaging from Martha Stewart.  Love it!

I am reading ...
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 The Snow Child, by Eowyn Ivey. I am totally  in love with this book.
A little girl plays in the snow with a childless couple, but is she real? The Russian fairy story of Snegurochka has been embroidered by writers from Alexander Ostrovsky to Raymond Briggs. It is the story of a snow man or woman who comes to life, and draws her creators into a magical world. Then she melts. In some versions, the power of love destroys her. In others she gets too close to a campfire and disappears. In this debut novel, The Snow Child, Eowyn Ivey sets the tale in the wilderness of Alaska, where the elderly couple of Jack and Mabel have relocated, after the birth of a stillborn child.

One evening after a playful snowball fight, Jack carves a girl out of snow. In the morning, the couple catches sight of a tiny child running among the pines. She is dressed in the snow girl’s red hat and gloves. When she presses her nose to the window, her face is a mirror of the one Jack carved out of snow. The couple has created a daughter.

But is she real? She won’t be pinned down, and always runs away into the landscape. Her tracks are covered by morning. Nobody else believes she exists, and none of their neighbors can see her. Mabel’s friend Esther is skeptical. Winters are long in Alaska, she says. “You start seeing things you’re afraid of … or things you’ve always wished for.”

This is a magical tale and I am really enjoying reading it for the second time.  I read it first a year or so ago.    The imagery of Alaska is fantastic and you find yourself wondering all the way through  is she real?  I highly recommend.

I am hoping ...
I have a Dentist appointment this morning at nine, I hope it is just for a filling and not the extraction.  We have people coming for supper tonight.  I don't want to be nursing a sore mouth.

Makes me smile ...
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A friend posted this on my facebook page yesterday.   I had to smile because it's true.  I did eat paste as a child.   But then again . . . how many children didn't?

I am learning ...
I am trying to learn German.  I've been trying for a few years now. 
Es ist nicht gut.

Around the house ...
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Life in Grace.  The Well Stocked Pantry.

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I love the styling.  It reminds me of something I saw in the M&S Homestores last week.   From House to Home.

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The Graphics Fairy.   How to transfer typography onto furniture.

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Love the wall paper.  Pink bedroom with touches of blue.  Love.  Love.

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What I wouldn't give to have a vintage stove like this.  Sigh  . . .
 Mind you I'd need a huge kitchen to hold it, but I'd also like one of those! haha

A favourite quote for the day ...

 `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸.•´¸.•~♥♥♥~•.~
    ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
     (¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿“`* .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..

Wait with a heart that is patient
For the goodness of God to prevail,
For never do our prayers go unanswered,
And His mercy and love never fail.
~Helen Steiner Rice 

One of my favourite things ... 
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Pip Studio bedding.  I love the designs and bright colours.

A peek into my day  ...
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Missionary work.

And that's my daybook for this week.  The first week of September.  Hasn't the summer gone quickly?

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you! Don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. Everything I've ever seen from Pip Studio makes me happy. The color!

    That pink and aqua bedroom is dear. Ahh, a rainy day and a stack of books in that room: Bliss!

    Good luck at the dentist. :)

  2. Marie I have seen a little from Pip's studio. They were sent out here for my Pip. Gorgeous stuff.

    Best wishes for the dentist. May the tooth fairy bless you as she did this morning. I had to go to the dentist. He fixed a problem with a crown and cleaned my teeth. AS a result it was a quick appointment and only $80.

    Love the caravan. I don't think I crochet well enough to even contemplate it. How very sweet.

    Thank you for the coat hanger idea. I may makae some for Christmas. Our supply is running very low and they were so sweetly delicious too.

    God bless,


  3. Beatuiful intro thoughts, Marie... I feel the same way. There are soooo many folks fleeing terrible situations all over the world. It breaks my heart. I feel helpless sometimes, wishing I could do more, that I knew what to do. All I can to right now is PRAY more, and seek guidance. My goodness, but that crochet camper wagon lifts the spirits after much heavy on the heart & mind--that it too CUTE!! The book you are reading now sounds very sweet. Hope all goes well at the dentist for you today--oh, my! And VERY FUN with your leaning of German. I've always wanted to learn Italian properly, as I think it's a beautiful language. LOVE seeing your name tag at the end! I love September--for me, it's the real New Year. Have lovely week, and a lovely September, my dear friend!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  4. Val, I know! The colours and the patterns of Pip just make me happy! I did have a lovely double duvet cover set that I had bought when I had the double bed, but not we have twins, I gave it to Ariana. Back from the Dentist and my mouth is frozen, so all is okay at the moment! xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. I would LOVE to crochet that little caravan. It really makes me smile! God bless. xoxo

    I'm with you Tracy, on all counts. I bet you have a little niece that would love the camper wagon! I will e-mail you shortly.Love and hugs back. xoxo

  5. I too am very thankful to live in a country free of the terrible things theses refugees are fleeing from. We are blessed! Lots of cute ideas today, but was taken with the clothes pins. Simple but very cheerful. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

  6. I read that book:)

    The ticking reminds me of your tablecloth..

    When my eyes spies a heartwrenching photo of a father clutcing desperately to his child on a boat..I am full of tears too.
    The photos speak volumes.

    Do show us your camper:)♥

  7. Marie, I think I just found the "Oliver and Bear" book you mentioned over at my blog. :) I think it's called Down in the Woods by author Nicola Smee. The description on the Google Books page reads, "One night, thinking that Oliver is asleep, his teddy bear creeps out of bed and sneaks out of the house. Where does he go in the middle of the night? And why does he take a bag of sweet rolls with him?" That has to be it, right, with the mention of the sweet rolls? :)

    The Google page for it is here:

    And a few pages of it are in a blog post about children's books about halfway down the page here:

    I found 32 copies on amazon by searching for "Down in the Woods Smee" (title and author, not just title), and there are at least two on eBay right now too.

    I hope this is it! I would be thrilled for you and your son. :) ♥

  8. Val too funny I just left you a message re your book;)

  9. I think next to the camper van the clothespins are my favourites also Pam! Such a simple craft to do and economical as a bag of wooden clothe pins is always quite affordable! xoxo

    Monique, I am reading it now for the second time and loving it once again. I had recommended it to my two elderly missionary friends and they each read it and were going on about how good it was and I just had to read it again myself! If I do the camper I will share! xoxo

    Val,you have cracked it!! I am amazed that you were able to find it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I will be searching out a copy pronto! So Pleased!!! xoxo

  10. You're most welcome. :) I just searched for various words--bear, bears, Oliver, woods, picnic, etc.--until I found it. 'So happy for you!


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