
Monday 31 August 2015

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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Three handsome grandsons enjoying the remainder of their summer holidays.   From left to right that is Josh (7), Jake (5) and Jon (9.)  And what better way to enjoy it than with some ice creams!

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They love them dipped in sprinkles.   To me, it would be like eating an ice cream dipped in gravel  . . .

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But these lads are loving them!

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And I am loving "THEM!"  My son got a new camera and he is taking some brilliant photos with it.  We spent quite a while talking on facetime yesterday.  (Why do I always look my worst on that thing!  Someone should invent a selfie stick for the iPad so that you don't always have to hold it on your lap or in front of you at an awkward angle!)

This is a photo he took of a fox down by the bridge to PEI, (PEI side) early yesterday morning just as the sun was coming up. I think it's just brilliant.

And this is one he did of a lighthouse.   If I am not mistaken this looks like the same lighthouse his Great Grandfather was the lighthouse keeper of . . .  but I could be wrong.   I think my son has inherited my artistic eye.   That makes me smile.

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I am loving these end of summer pics.  That's Cameron (2) and Maryn (4 1/2) also enjoying ice cream, albeit theirs is in a bowl.

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Little boys and dirt go together like peas and carrots don't you think?  He's growing like a week.  I wonder how long it will be before I finally get to meet him in person . . .  sigh  . . .

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I love this one  . . .  I think it's very poignant.   I wish I had photos like this of me and my dad . . .

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Personality plus here.  I think someones vivacity is shouting out loud and clear here!

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Oh how I love them  . . .

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I did this late yesterday afternoon after I had my weekly phone call with my parents.  Todd was watching icky men movies . . . pirates and stuff.  Blah!  And so I thought I am going to go and colour and so I did.

And that's my small and wonderfuls for today.  Last one for August!  The next one I do will be in September.  Hasn't the summer flown by quickly?

A thought to carry with you through today . . . .

“God doesn't care nearly as much about 
where you have been as He does about 
where you are and, 
with His help, 
where you are willing to go.” 
~Jeffrey R Holland

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Coq au Macon Rouge.   A fancy way of saying Coq au Vin.

I hope your day and week ahead is filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things. don't forget!!

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And I surely do too!



  1. Ah Marie I wrote a long reply and woe is me. It disappeared into cyber space. Your grandchildren are delightful and I do love the light house,

    God bless,


  2. Ugh . . . I hate it when that happens Suzan! God bless you too. xoxo

  3. Worry that I have not been able to see the photographs...maybe they are just taking amtimemto come through..Anyway I can certainly see them in my minds,is so good that your son shares these lovely grandchildren with you...I hope that you have a good day today, very wet here this morning...Pam will be over around 10.30ish and as you know I always look forward to her visit....I have got out travel times and our itinary printed of for her so that Henry can always check where we are ! Take care, love to Todd and Mitzie xxx

  4. I loved the Summers end pictures. What wonderful memories for them and for you too. Hope you have a great start to this new week. Happy Monday !

  5. Oh Sybil, I am so sorry that you have not been able to see the pictures! They are adorable. :-( I am happy to see a comment from you however. I hope that you enjoy your visit with Pam! I know you will. xoxo

    Thanks Pam! I have really enjoyed seeing these pics of the grandbabies. You have a great week also! xoxo

  6. Your boys are so much like ours..sprinkles and all!:)♥

    I tried facetime when they were in Sandbanks..OMgoodness is that not the worse mirror in the world?

    Loved seeing them but oy.

    Which brings me to I guess have a lot of bother in my head about perspective..I just saw a famous woman's new ad.. STUNNING..If you love that look..
    but I had read she had her hair cut..

    how can her hair be filling a page width wise and length I Googled her.. not the same person..what PS and lenses can do is actually scary.
    I want PS builtin to FT before I use it w/ someone;)
    And then I pin things about how unimportant Pretty is..but Pretty Funny and Pretty smart and Pretty nice..are what matter.
    So why..did seeing myself on FT bother me?
    Maybe because I finally saw myself in a real mirror.?

  7. It's like the opposite of a magic mirror Monique! It only accentuates the negative in my opinion! (I don't really need any accenting of that!) You are a fabulously beautiful woman, both inside and out! I don't put any credence in famous women's photos, most of them are so retouched and played with that I doubt that THEY even recognize themselves! haha Have a great week! xoxo

  8. Oh Marie, I loved all the precious photos of your grandchildren. They are just so sweet. I am so happy that your son has this camera. I will hope to see more of his pictures. He does have a good eye like you. The lighthouse one is lovely. However, nothing can beat the pictures of adorable children.
    I love your latest picture. It is just so awesome. Maybe it is because I am a nurse that I am very much in love with this one.
    By the way no one looks good on face time except maybe wonderful grandchildren.
    Sending love and hugs your way! Blessings too~

  9. Thanks LeAnn, I think he has a wonderful eye also. I am looking forward to seeing how this progresses! Thanks also for the comments re my painting. I had forgotten you were a nurse! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!