
Thursday 2 July 2015

Welcome July . . .

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With July comes still blue days . . . . where heat shimmers over the fields, crackling and sultry.  Grass lays stacked, having been mown in the meadows and the evening air is fill with the sweet and heavy scent of newly cut hay  . . . while wavy fields of sorrel, moon daisies, faded buttercups and feather grasses remain to delight us as we wander thigh-deep through them . . .

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The banks along the lane are embroidered with meadowsweet, agrimony and ragged robin . . .  hedges garlanded with honeysuckle and wild roses . . . an old elder tree spreads it's creamy corymbs by the gateway and lilybuds burst their chains, exploding in  dance beyond the garden wall . . .

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In a quiet garden where birds and flowers abound
Speak gently and tread softly,
You walk on holy ground.
For into every garden God cometh secretly
His presence there disclosing
To all with eyes to see.

"And they heard the voice of the Lord God
walking in the garden in the cool of the day."
~Genesis 3:8

What a glorious day we had yesterday, although it was very hot and more than a bit muggy.   We were treated to a lovely breakfast set in the midst of a field of oats, and a whole lot more.  I haven't yet downloaded the photographs, so will wait until I do before I tell you more about our day with the MornFlake people down in Crewe!  But we did have a fabulous fabulous day and I was really glad that we had gone.

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Elsewhere in the world my family was busy with Canada Day Celebrations.  This is Doug's family with Kayla and the boys, Jon, Josh and Jacob.   Doug is making the same mistake as I did when my babbies were growing up . . .  always being behind the camera! Apparently Jon's tongue came out right after this photo was taken.  He's nine years old now . . . and at that cheeky age where they don't want their photographs taken!

This morning I am off to Costco with the other Senior Missionary Couple to pick up things for the barbeque on Saturday and then tonight we have a Ward Missionary Meeting at the chapel.   It looks like we are in for another fine day.   Although I am not over fond of the heat and humidity, I know Todd loves it, so I am happy for him.    Myself  . . .  I would not mind it if it were a tad bit cooler and the humidity took a flying leap for Timbucktoo!

And with that I will leave you with a thought to carry with you through today  . . .

“Why must people kneel down to pray? 
If I really wanted to pray I’ll tell you what I'd do. 
I'd go out into a great big field all alone 
or in the deep, deep woods 
and I'd look up into the sky
—up—up—up—into that lovely blue sky 
that looks as if there was no end to its blueness. 
And then I'd just feel a prayer.” 
~L M Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  a low fat Bacon, Tomato and Basil Toastie.

I hope you have a great Thursday ahead of you!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. I saw the temperatures you endured. Horrific. I hope there is some relief soon. I am also glad you enjoyed your outing. I was to go to Costco tomorrow. It is a long way away from here. But my friend cannot make it. So I should tidy some more instead of procrastinating.

    God bless.

  2. I don't mind it being hot Suzan, but the humidity really gets to me! xoxo

  3. I loathe humidity. I have only known hot without humidity once. That was last year in Adelaide. It went to 41 and i was quite comfortable and astounded by that. It is always humid where I live.

  4. Dry and hot is okay, but when it gets humid as well it just makes it very difficult for a lot of people, especially those with compromised breathing, etc. I don't know how you live where you do Suzan. I could not. xxoo

  5. Lookinhg forward to your pics!
    never knew you had a the rain forced many Canada Day celebrations to be postponed...

  6. I used to love the heat but now it does me in and there have been many days I've stayed in trying to keep cool. July and August are usually our hottest months so I'm thinking I'll be outside early on or late in the evening. Keep cool !

  7. It's raining here this afternoon MOnique, and things have cooled considerably, which is a good thing as we had a young Missionary sister faint from heat exhaustion today! We do have Costco, but I don't have a card. I have to go with someone who does! xoxo

    I hate it when it gets too hot Pam! Todd loves it, but me, I don't like it at all. It just zaps all my energy and then you can't sleep. blah xoxo


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