
Friday 3 July 2015

Friday Finds . . .

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A few of the wow moments and things that I find each week that tickle my fancy.   They might even tickle yours!

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I was unable to find any source for this, but I have fallen in love with this lovely little dormer alcove.   It is the perfect use of a tiny space that would otherwise be quite empty.   I just adore it.   Sigh  . . .

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10 Small ways to save BIG on a Disney Vacation.   From Live Like You Are Rich.   I want to go to Disney some day.  There is one near Paris.   I have wanted to go since I was a child.   Perhaps one day we will get there!

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A DIY facial from Mother's Niche.   Sounds good!  I have never had a facial.  When I worked down South, my boss had her own personal beautician come to the house each week.   The beautician would spend all day there.  Doing a facial, manicure, pedicure and massage.  She also went into town to have more done at least once a week also.   We won't talk about the botox.  lol  shhh . . . that was a secret.

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Dollar Store (or Pound Shop) Bandanna Pillows.   Found on The Heathered Nest.   (People are so clever with their blog names don't you think?)

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Cute Window Dressing with a no sew roman shade created from a mini blind.   Found on Involving Home. People are just soooooo clever!

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Make your own Enamel Tags.  A video tutorial.   Found on Unexpected Elegance.

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Found on Living Well, Spending Less.  Now THIS is really helpful.  I think you will enjoy this.   I know I sure did, and I am going to be applying it to my own home!

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10 ways to Meal Plan.   I've been writing out weekly menus for years and years.  I only ever very rarely stick to them.  I am not sure why.  It all sounds good on paper, but when it comes to the day, it seems my taste buds want something different.   Does this happen to anyone else?  From Organise my House.

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DIY Cleaning Wipes.   From Crystal and Co.   The perfect recipe if you can find the ingredients.

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Aesthetically this really appeals to me.   It's craft supplies stored in jars, stored in what looks like dvd towers. Live Love DIY.

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How to make Bouncy Balls that really bounce!  Found on My Frugal Adventures.   She also has a series, 30 days to a funner summer.  I could have used some of these things when my kids were growing up!

And that's it for this week.  I do so hope that you found something you could use from all of this!

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Oh, I did so enjoy my trip to Costco yesterday.   I wish that Todd and I could get a membership.   We just don't fit into any of the criteria.   Sigh . . . I was able to pick up a few things for this Missionary Barbeque tomorrow (I hope the weather cooperates!).  Sister Johansen and I get along like a house on fire.   I know we are going to be great friends.  We have a lot in common.  We will miss each other when they go back to America in a years time.  I dread the thought.   On our way back we got a call from one of the young Sister Missionaries.  She had gotten ill and passed out.    So she needed taking care of.   Sister Johansen does a super job of this.   I am looking forward to being able to do these things for the Missionaries as well.    Last night was a planning meeting, which went well.  The Sister Missionaries found a wild cherry tree and picked some wild cherries while we were planning!  Very near to the chapel as well.   Noted!   Oh, and we got news that our badges are on the way!  Yay!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

“I don't profess to be profound; 
but I do lay claim to common sense.” 
~Emily Dickenson

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There is Picnic Chicken, Potato Salad and a Strawberry Tiramisu in the English Kitchen today.

Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!  Stay safe!  Happy Fourth to all my American friends and family!

Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Have a wonderful day yourself Marie. I am trying to motivate myself to clean. Sadly I left my Kindle face up this morning And I think a cat has dug a claw in as I have one star burst of bright light in the bottom right corner. Kindles are not robust enough for me I think but I love them so.

    God bless.

  2. Oh dear Suzan! I keep mine under lock and key in the bedroom! lol It's really the only place I get into reading novels. I also have cover for mine, which helps to protect it. It's worth the extra expense to invest in one. xoxo

  3. I tried to buy a cover for mine when I bought it but there wasn't one available and I was sold the wrong cover. I left the knidle beside my bed. I would say a cat doight has happened and there was a casualty.

  4. I got mine from Amazon. It's red leather and matched the cover on my iPad. It's like a book cover and has a strap which holds it shut as well. ((((hugs))))

  5. I'm like you when doing meal planning these days, I usually fix what I'm hungry for. When the family was home I pretty much stuck to the plan, but now don't need to. Some days I never quite decide what it is I'm hungry for and pick at this and that and snack way too much too. We've been blessed with some wonderful weather here and I spent yesterday outside working in the yard. Hedges need trimmed and the weeds needed pulling. Today I think I'll take it easy. Hope you have a fantastic Friday !

  6. Costco is great.
    I do feel bad for the smaller stores that close bookshops etc..but if one can buy a book for half the stands to reason most people will.Same with seasonal items like plants..and the quality is always good.
    We are getting one 10 minutes away..all I have to do is drive along the water..slowly for 10 minutes..
    unfathomable to me that the next town over boomed.. but left our hamlet still so sweet and quiet.
    Happy to be here.
    Love the alcove use of space:)

  7. I do too much snacking also Pam! I wish I didn't! Happy Fourth of July to you! Xoxo

    I am so glad that your little town has managed to stay so sweet and quiet Monique! Maybe one day I will get to visit it. In the meantime I can enjoy it through your lovely photos and words! Happy weekend! Xoxo

  8. As always a great read today Marie, lots of ideas as well...I am pleased that all isgoing well with your new "job" and just know that you and Todd will be marvelous at it. Tomorrow you will be in your element feeding the youngsters !! it looks like going to be another lovely day. Hopefully you wont get any storms. I hope they have not been roubling you up there in Chester. Thankfully they have all passed over us without stopping. It has been extreemly hot and humid and I am quite exhaused with it all...I love teh heat but cant stand the humidity...even no wit is 8.30pm....yes I am very late getting things doen is still hot and humid...
    Have a wonderful day tomorrow. Take care though an ddont be doing to much in this heat...Love to you both and not forgetting Mitzie of course xxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. PS forgot to say thanks you for the prayers for Peter. The job situation is now resolved !!! He was offered a job today and he was delighted to accept it, so starts on Monday up at Lynham...

  10. Hi Marie :)
    I read your blog everyday (have for about 5 years now) but rarely comment because I rarely have much to say. But today, I just wanted to say "Thanks so very much for ending you blog everyday with your "love note""'s such a lovely feeling for me, as a reader, to be reminded daily of God's love for me, and your bountiful love also. I live in the US but I don't feel very far away from you because of your daily reminder of love.
    Have a wonderful weekend with the Missionaries and God bless you all!

  11. Sybil, so good to hear from you. I was getting worried again! I am sorry you're having such a difficult time with the heat. It wasn't too bad here yesterday, but a bit sticky this morning. So happy to hear about Peter and hi job! Yay!! I hope he enjoys it! Love and hugs to you, Mary and Masy! xoxo

    Thank yo uso much for your comment Lynney! I just want everyone to know God loves them! It's something which I know to be true and I want my reader to know it too! Have a fab 4th! God bless you and yours! xoxo


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