
Wednesday 1 July 2015

Wednesday This and That . . .

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We are off to Crewe this morning and leaving quite early so I won't be around most of today.  It is supposed to be a scorcher.  They say the warmest day so far this summer, so I will be carrying some water for the farm part of the tour.  I don't think our Wellingtons will be needed!  It will be a full day so our next door neighbour Lawrence will be keeping an eye on the place and our Mitzie.   I am grateful for neighbours we can trust!

We went to the District Missionary Meeting yesterday morning and quite enjoyed it.   There were all four missionaries plus the Senior couple from our Ward, plus the four missionaries from the Wrexham Ward, plus us.  So twelve of us altogether.  Three of the young missionaries had prepared lessons for us on the Atonement, which were really very good.  I am always so amazed at the knowledge and maturity of these young individuals.   I know I am a bit biased.

Since they are all American except for Sister Crisobel (who is from Spain) on Saturday we are going to have a 4th of July Barbecue for them.   Since we are the only ones with a back garden it's going to be here!   I told you life just got interesting!   There will be twelve us, once again!   Yipee!

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This is the daughter of a good friend of mine.   Her name is Jenn.  Jenn's mother and I have been friends since Jenn was only a toddler.    I wanted to talk a bit about her this morning because to me she is a hero.   She is 36 years old and an Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. Jenn was diagnosed with  Breast Cancer last October, having discovered several tumours in one of her breasts.   Since January she has undergone thirteen of sixteen chemo treatments and throughout it all she has remained upbeat and positive.    I am so amazed by her attitude and tenacity.    She is a fabulous ballroom dancer and has kept that up all the way through her treatments, which can't be very easy.  She is such an wonderful example to me and I really do admire her.

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The Mystery of what the creepy crawlers on our plum tree are has been discovered.  They are Ladybird Larva.   So they are actually a good thing as Ladybirds eat all sorts of bad garden pests.  I still think they are a bit creepy, but am not so fussed about them now I know what they are.   I am still perplexed however as to why the leaves are curling up and why all the fruit dried up and fell off.   I will keep trying to figure it out!

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Some of the fish in our pond.  I took this picture yesterday.  You have to be really quick and very careful when you are trying to take a photo of them.   They spook really easily.   There is a little black and white cat that is often seen trying to catch them, so any movement around the pond at all and they disappear lickety split.  We have discovered that Mitzie is quite afraid of the cat.  She barks at it, but if it faces her down, she stops and just watches it, or comes to get us.  Once we are on the scene, she becomes very brave and chases it out of the yard.

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I managed to catch a photo of a bee on the flowers on our logan berry bush.  It wasn't easy as it kept flitting from flower to flower to flower.   We are going to enjoy a very hearty crop of them this year.

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And lots and lots of blueberries also!

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We just have the one gooseberry bush, but it's also covered with berries  . . .

and of course  . . .

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The Black Currant bush is very heavily laden.  Yum!

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We also have tons of apples ripening along with lots of strawberries.   It is only the plum and the pear which have disappointed us this year.

I really don't have a lot of time left so I will close this off now with a thought for you to carry with you through today  . . .

Start by doing what's necessary,
then do what's possible,
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
~St. Francis of Assisi

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I am cooking leftovers in the kitchen today  . . .  Macaroni Roma, made from the leftover pot roast.  It was delicious!

Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends!   I hope all my friends on both sides of the pond have a lovely day!  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Enjoy your day out. I am glad it will be sunny for you. Do not get too hot though. I cannot believe it is July. I have jsut been to Aldi to pick up some July 4 stuff. We only bought one thing and that was Milk Duds. Pip has since discovered they are made with palm oil so it will be the last time I buy this treat.

    God bless you.

  2. Morning Marie i am pleased that yesterday went well...knowing you you will have a great day on Saturday having all the visitors!!! Take care today when it gets so hot, we are not used to it...hottest day of the your down here they say.....phew!!! God bless xxx

  3. Thanks Suzan. Water and sunscreen have been packed and my cane! I did not know Milk duds have palm oil in them. xoxo

    Thanks Sybil. I know! It was very hot in bed last night! We had the fan on all night and slept on top of the covers! Keep your cool and stay hydrated! Come to think of it, Wimbledon season is always hot. xoxo

  4. I hope your day is a good one and glad you are taking water as the heat does tend to dehydrate us. I drink a lot in the summertime. Glad you are able to host the 4th of July party there at your house. Hope the weather cooperates!

  5. I admire her too!:)

    So glad the cams working Marie..your fish are great..we used to have some but they were eaten all the time:(

    I liked looking at them..
    You are on an exciting new adventure..enjoy!

  6. Oh, I think that your mission is going to open up a new world to you. You will just enjoy every minute of it. You will be come very close friends to the other missionary couples.
    I hope you had a lovely day today and that the heat didn't get to you too much. It is very hot here and if I am out in it a lot; I become very tired.
    I loved all the pictures and especially of all the fruit that you have growing; awesome.
    Blessings and hugs for you two.

  7. Oh it was so hot yesterday Pam. We were practically melting, but we did enjoy ourselves and we drank LOTS of water! xoxo

    I am happy you enjoyed seeing our fish Monique! They seem very content in their little pond xoxo

    LeAnn, we had a great day, however hot it was. Blessings and hugs to you also! xoxo


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