
Tuesday 30 June 2015

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

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FOR TODAY, June 30th, 2015

Outside my window ...
It's overcast, but the kind of overcast you know is going to burn off and leave in its wake a beautiful hot and sunny day.   I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that I am right!  Call me a party pooper, but the canuck in me doesn't like it when the weather gets too hot to sleep in.

I am thinking ...
I cannot pretend to know the answers to everything or even begin to comprehend all of the problems or questions in the world today.  All I can know is what I know and believe to be true.  The rest is simply irrevelant until I do know the answers or at least have some comprehension.  I do, however, see many things coming to pass that we have been warned about in the scriptures. Thankfully, I also know the end of the story.

I am thankful for ...
See above.  Oh, and Call The Midwife on DVD.   ☺

In the kitchen ...
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Onion Pot Roast.   So good.   An oldie but a goodie.  That lone pea in the far right is driving me crazy.  How did I not notice that and then take a bazillion photos of it.   The lone pea in the wilderness . . .

On my "To Cook" list ...
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Crunchy Parmesan Sugar Snap Peas.  From BHG.  It's not even 6 am yet and I am craving these.  A true foodie.  I'll just take the peas even . . . raw, no butter, cheese, breadcrumbs, etc.  needed.   I love crunchy vegetables.

I am creating ...
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Another little chubster.   Little Miss Violet.   I quite like her!

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Sew Mama Sew.  A pictorial tutorial on quick piecing tiny squares for quilting.  Love it.

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I wish I was better at knitting because I quite simply adore these pretty knitted slippers.  Found on Knitting for the NICU.

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I love these pretty little hot pads and ruffled tea towels.  I think they are just gorgeous!  From Making It Up As I Go Along.   A great way to use up scraps.

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A lovely tutorial on how to make your own makeup bag.   Feltromama.

I am reading ...
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Anne of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery.  It just never gets old.  Love, loving it.

"Anne, an eleven-year-old orphan, is sent by mistake to live with a lonely, middle-aged brother and sister on a Prince Edward Island farm and proceeds to make an indelible impression on everyone around her."

 I am hoping ...
Tomorrow Todd and I are travelling down to Crewe via the train to go to Mornflake.  I hope the weather is fabulous.  We will be visiting the farm where they grow their oats as well as having a tour of the factory.   It's been on the cards for several months now.  I think I probably receive an offer for a visit to some company, restaurant, or event of some kind to do with food or drink, just about every day.  I don't go on most of them because it involves travelling down to London and it's just not practical for me to do so.  Even if they paid my way, the travel is far too stressful and time intensive.  It's just not all that important to me.  This one was okay however because Crewe is only 20 minutes away via the train and they were supplying the tickets.  Win/win.

Makes me smile ...
Being able to serve a mission with my husband. ☺

I am learning ...
He who shouts loudest is not always right, but they are the one who gets noticed.

Around the house ...

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12 Kitchen Organization ideas from Domestically Speaking.   I am always looking for ideas to organize my kitchen better.

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Overstuffed Life.   How to keep your house clean when you don't have time to clean.

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Tips and Tricks to Clean Your Car.   From Fluster Buster.

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DIY Clothesline from Big Red Couch.

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How to use vinegar to kill weeds.  From Better Homes and Gardens.

I am pondering ...
WE have these little bugs on our plum tree and the leaves are all curling up.  I am wondering what they are and how to get rid of them.   They are about 1/4 inch long, almost caterpillar like, black and rusty red with white on them, and lots of legs. We have no fruit at all on our plum and pear trees this year, and very few apples on the apple tree.  No idea why.

A favourite quote of the day ...

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 `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸.•´¸.•~♥♥♥~•.~ ღϠ₡ღ¸.
✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ. (¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿“`*.¸.*

A Diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.
~Henry Kissinger

One of my favourite things ...
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Minimalist Scandanavian Design.  I love it.  Functional.  Uncluttered.  Peaceful.

A peek into my day ...
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Journalling.  I have a journal.  I don't always have anything exciting to write in it, but I write in it anyways.   Do you keep a journal?

And that's my Daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
 ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you!

Don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. Good morning Marie. I hope your train trip goes very well and you have a ton of fun. I will be exploring some of your pages and ideas later. But first I really need to figure out why my laundry room is soaking wet. I have to clean up the mess before I can be sure of the source of the leak.... Off to have some demestic fun. I hope it is the washing machine as it is the newest appliance and just under one year old and not something major like a plumbing issue. The machine is under warranty but the plumbing is not!

    God bless.

  2. what a fun day I think you are going to have, just remember to drink lot of water etc as the temp. is going to be very high today I love the summer weather but only when the temp. sticks around the 20 - 22 level but today 30c is forecast phew this might well be my last commment as I might jut melt away before to long LOL....Peter brught down our big fan last night so at least we will have some air circulating in here....My car goes into have it's wee bash and scratches seen to today. Lyn is following me up to garage to bring me back down and I think it will be a 2 day job, so wont be going far for next2 days...Peter has an interview for a job at 9am..praying he likes it and that they offer it to him. ( he went yesterday to Shepton Mallet but didnt accept the job as it was identical to the one he left a few weeks ago actually a rival company to that one ! )
    Have a lovely lovely day I look forwar dto reading all about it tomorrow....xxxx

  3. I do hope it is nothing serious Suzan! Got my fingers crossed for you! xoxo

    Sybil, we are actually going tomorrow, so you won't hear all about it until Thursday! If then, as I will have photos to edit, etc. as well as my mission work to do! I wish Peter luck on his job interview! It's not easy when you reach a certain age for sure! Stay cool! I expect it won't get quite as hot up here, but it will still be fairly hot. Not looking forward to it! xoxo

  4. Love the Chubsters.."Chubbettes"? Cutie pies..
    Oh that was so me..well maybe not the cutie pie..My dad had 2 niknames for me..Princess..and POrky..guess which one I loathed.

    Have fun..I agree close to home is best..

    could you not crochet those cute slippers?;)

    Don't know what the bugs could be..I vane been focused on Raose Chafers as you know..

    hope it doesn't affect your harvest..

  5. Well Monique, there simply is no fruit at all on those trees, any that was there has oddly shriveled up and fallen off! Grrr!!! I am sure your dad meant the name lovingly! I would not have liked it either! I might look for a crochet pattern for similar slippers!! xoxo

  6. I've journaled off and on for years but the best way I know to do so is right in my blog so I don't keep a hand written one anymore. Hope your trip is a good one and the weather doesn't get too hot. I can't do extremes well at all any more and have been thankful for the respite from the heat. We've had a few cooler days now this week.

  7. A lovely Daybook entry as always. I love reading about what you are doing and also enjoy the links. Today there were some good ones that I really like.
    First of all I love Onion Pot Roast; so my salivary glands are working right now.
    Miss Violet is adorable. I wish I could knit those slippers too.
    Love Anne of Green Gables at least the movies. I would like to read the books sometime.
    My kitchen could use some organization. I also need to do some house cleaning.
    We will need to try and use the vinegar to kill weeds.
    I am sold on the dinning room mainly because blue is such a favorite of mine.
    I do keep a journal and have for 38 years. I have a lot of journals. I wonder if any one will ever read them. However, I thought it might be good for me to read them and recover some memories.
    Sending hugs and love your way dear friend~

  8. I figured out what the bugs are Monique. Lady Bug (Bird) Larvae. Amazing, but doesn't explain why the leaves are all curling up. It's a mystery. xoxo

    Thanks Pam, although they are calling for a scorcher! Whew! Hope the factory is air conditioned! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! Sending love and hugs back! xoxo

  9. Hi, Marie! So many goodies here!! LOVE that you're re-reading Anne of Green Gables...Oh, that's one of my long, long time faves too!! So many lovely projects ideas & tutorials. And your chubby Miss Violet is adorable!! My hubs will wanting that pot roast supper--oh, yes! His birthday is coming up, and will let him request it. ;o) Have a wonderful day out in Crewe! It's been warmer here at last, and real summer is upon us. Not much rain, though, which is a worry--we're having to water a lot already. But the finer days make good ones for impromptu outings! Good to catch up with you today, my friend... Happy Summer Days ((HUGS))

  10. Thanks Tracy! Happy Birthday to TJ! I need to email you ! Xoxo


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