
Monday 29 June 2015

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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We haven't done a heck of a lot just yet, but what we have done we have really enjoyed.   This week will be a lot busier.   Last week we had a couple of meetings, visited some people, visited a different Ward, etc.  We've been digging into the scriptures more diligently each morning and doing it together.   This was something I had been doing on my own, early in the morning before Todd got up (he doesn't get up until about three hours after I do most days.)  and it's nice to now be doing it together.  It means I have to wait a couple of hours, but it has been well worth the wait.  Things will be a lot busier this week than last.  My boring life just got a lot more interesting!

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Our garden is overflowing with blooms at the moment.   Mostly roses.  They seem to be a bit later this year, but they are making up for their late arrival in abundance!  The smell is just gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!

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The lavender is in bloom as well.  This year I WILL press some to put in letters I write throughout the year.   I have made that promise to myself!  (I hope I keep it!)

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We've been enjoying the ripening strawberries in our garden one handful at a time.  They are so good.   Nothing tastes better than an English strawberry (it must be the soil) freshly picked with the warmth of the sun still on it's flesh.  I feel happy doing that because we don't use any chemicals or sprays in our garden.   Everything is pretty organic.  We also picked a container of black currants on Saturday to take to some friends and had a lovely visit with them.   Their garden is gorgeous.   A fairy land.  Truly.  

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Everywhere you look in their garden there is magic happening.   This is one of their photos, but I don't think they would mind me sharing with you.   I just had to show you how very sweet their garden is.   And it's like this everywhere you look.   Lots of tiny blooms, in  variety of spots, a feast for the eyes and soul wherever they rest . . .  a hundred little vignettes to please the soul.

Some people are just so very talented that way.  Our friends surely are.   Even the inside of their house is like that.   Whimsically inspiring.

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Making a new friend.  That's always, always a special thing.

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Sunny days which mean I can hang my laundry on the line out of doors.   They smell so nice and so fresh when I bring it back in.    Oh, that I could bottle that smell  . . .

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Each one of YOU, with your faithfulness in reading and commenting.   We may never have met in person, but I feel of your love and support each day.  That's no small thing, but it's sure pretty wonderful!  I think KNOW I have the best readers in the world!

And with that I will leave you with a thought to carry with you through the day . . .

Lean upon the Word of God
and it will take your weight.
Giving you the strength to face
whatever be your fate.
It will always hold you up
when evil powers assail you.
Lean upon the Word of God
and it will never fail you.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Creamy Garlic Mushrooms.   Delicious!

Happy Monday!!  I hope the week ahead of you is filled with a multitude of small and wonderful blessings!  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!!


  1. Good morning my darling,

    I am sure that your days are going to be very busy. A haooy busy is a great thing.

    One day I hope to see the gardens of England. In my imagination they glow with colour and life. The rain must help a great deal. We have had many rainy days on top of each other and I hope when they finish our world will be a little greener and less dusty.

    I do not know if the LDS church would appreciate this book. On my kindle I have a free ebook called The Twible. One person decided that they really needed to read the Bible. So they did and wrote a day tweet on the chapter they had just read. There is the occasional cartoon. Some of tweets are naughty, perhaps in poor taste. Then some of them have tickled my funny bone. It is a light easy read and of course way faster than reading the Book, itself. The night before last had me in stitches because my real reading adn it overlapped.

    Enjoy your days and business. Will you be assigned a rest day or is this a 365 day calling? God bless.

  2. Hi Suzan, that sounds like a cute book. I will be sure to look it up. Actually sharing the gospel and serving others is not really work to me. We will have plenty of down time and plenty of busier than busier time, but also lots of inbetween on our mission. It's all good! xoxo

  3. Every day is filled with so many small and wonderful things if we take the time to look for them. Sad that many don't. We are blessed ! Hope your Monday is a happy one !

  4. I am sorry i didnt comment early today...but i have had an exceptionaly busy day. I am very tired tonight..thank you as always for your wise and Tod are going to be wonderful missionarys...take care xxx

  5. I didn't even see this post..I thought you were too busy!!

  6. No worries Monique, Sybil and Pam! As you can see I had such a busy day yesterday that I didn't have time to respond to comments! And today is even busier! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!