
Thursday 9 April 2015

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

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FOR TODAY,  April 9th, 2015

Outside my window ...
 The sun is up.  I am late getting started this week, only three days.  Too much going on I guess!  Busy weeks are not bad weeks,   just normal weeks with a bit more jammed into them!  Busy is good!

I am thinking ...
How lovely our new front door is and how sparkling the windows.  They went in without a hitch.   And it was a pleasant day weatherwise, with sunshine and warm temperatures, although admittedly it was rather cold in here sitting with all the windows removed as the wind was blowing right through the lounge from the front and out the back.   I had on my coat and a wool blanket.   We finally got everything sorted and settled by about 7 pm last night.   Job done.   We only have to figure out how to work the door properly now, with it's locks.  A learning curve.

I am thankful for ...
They featured my Craft Cd on Create and Craft again earlier this week.  I didn't know it was on, so I couldn't tell anyone.  But it was once again a complete sell out, which is good news.  Also I got an e-mail from My Favourite Recipes yesterday to say they are publishing another one of my recipes.   Colour me happy!

In the kitchen ...

Lemon Filled Swiss Roll.   Scrumdiddlyumptious!

On my "To Cook" list ...

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This Loaded Baked Potato Quiche from The Recipe Rebel looks mighty tasty!   I do love potatoes!  So does Todd!

I am creating ...
Have had a busy couple of weeks but now I need to get down to brass tacks and finish up my portfolio.  It needs to be ready to go NOW.

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One of the first things I learned to do in Home Economics Sewing was to make an apron.   I need to make me some new aprons.  They are such simple things to make.

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These little blueberry cakes from Mamas Kram are so sweet!

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Crochet Thread Butterflies.  So cute.  From Todolwen.  A complete tutorial.

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Homemade Washi Tape from Molly Makes.  So pretty.  Such a simple idea.

I am reading ...

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The Silent Sister by Diane Chamberlain

In The Silent Sister, Riley MacPherson has spent her entire life believing that her older sister Lisa committed suicide as a teenager. Now, over twenty years later, her father has passed away and she's in New Bern, North Carolina cleaning out his house when she finds evidence to the contrary. Lisa is alive. Alive and living under a new identity. But why exactly was she on the run all those years ago, and what secrets are being kept now? As Riley works to uncover the truth, her discoveries will put into question everything she thought she knew about her family. Riley must decide what the past means for her present, and what she will do with her newfound reality, in this engrossing mystery.

I am really enjoying it thus far!  I love Diane's books.  She's a great writer.

I am hoping ...
That I can get everything I need to get done done!

Makes me smile ...

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Little boys make me smile.   Love them to pieces.

I am learning ...
That the more I think I know about things, the less I really know.  I hope I never lose my desire to learn more.

Around the house ...

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I love, LOVE this kitchen.  I have always wanted to have a curtain under the sink.

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Adoring this pale blue kitchen as well, with the wooden drawer and door pulls and the wood flooring.

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Sigh . . .

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Double sigh   . . .

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Triple sigh . . .

I am pondering  ...
Right  now I am re-reading and pondering a lot of the talks that were just given at our Spring General Conference of the church.   There is much to digest.

A favourite quote for the day  ...
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 Look to nature for nurture, 
it is as reliable as the God who provides it. 
~Linus Mundy

One of my favourite things ...

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Anything Vintage Disney.   This was my childhood.   The Magical World of Disney on Sunday evenings.  Picture books.   Films.  Toys.

A peek into my day ...

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Until I get the work done that I need to get done there will be precious else but this.

And that's my daybook for this week!

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
 ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿

░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. New windows give a fresh look at the house. I'm glad you had all that mess settled in one day.
    Can't wait to see some photos.
    Good luck with your other plans!

  2. Thanks Helen! God bless you! xoxo

  3. I guess you could say your home has had a good breath of fresh air. I am glad your windows will sparkle for you now.

    I have been a naughty girl today. I bought myself a tiny water colour set and it cost nearly $40. It was the cheapest in the shop! Then I bought myself this dish because I loved it so and it was heavily reduced.
    I loved it so and had to have it. This is the first time in years I have actually bought ahead. I thought it might be a special dish if I used it when I had granchildren.

  4. New windows make a home feel new!

    Happy for you..
    Lots of fun stuff here again..
    Did you get your Copics?
    Yay on the sellout!

  5. It is good to hear that they got everything done in one day for you. Great too that you had the success on the CD and your recipe too. Sounds like you will be very busy working on that portfolio. Wishing you much success on getting it done. Where there is a will there is a way they say!

  6. How lovely that your new door and wondows are in and now you will have no more drafts comming under the door or through the windows..lovely and so much warmer next winter. So glad that we have been blessed with these last three days of glorious warm sunshine....well I hope you have ! we certainly have had. Mary Peter and I had sucha lovely time yesterday and today both visiting a friend in Dawlish and then on to Plymouth and Peter's old home village and seeing where he went to school etc etc...Then back in Plymouth and walking around teh harbour area and up onto Plymouth Ho, Mary used her scoter for first time proper today and has almost been converted into using it...If only we coudl get it in and out of my car without having to have Peter with us...Never mind today has been glorious...what did Mitzie have to say about all teh banging and bashing the men made ? hope she was not to bothered...

  7. It must be really great to have new windows and door. Don't get locked out. Heee! Congratulations on your craft cd selling out! Woohooooooooo!!!

  8. What a beautiful dish Suzan! So sweet! I can only wish! It is nice to think ahead sometimes. We all have to undulge ourselves now and again. Worth every penny! xoxo

    They do Monique, and I am wanting to have even more of a clear out! My markers have NOT come! I am so frustrated by that. I called them on the telephone yesterday and it seems they were out of stock, but when the new order came in the wrong ones were sent, so they were expecting a new order next week sometime. In the meantime he has put together a set to send me. Whew! It's a good thing I called! xoxo

    Thanks Pam, and you are right. Where there's a will there is a way! xoxo

    Sybil, all the windows were replaced and the front door, but not the back. I said to Todd perhaps we can make a heavy curtain to pull across the back door in the winter. Apparently they wanted over a thousand pounds just for the back door. I can understand the landlord not wanting to spend that amount. I am glad you had a lovely time out with Peter and Mary! I wish I did not have so much to do today as I would want to be out and about also! xoxo

    Thanks Valerie! I hope I don't get locked out! WE have not cut a spare key yet! Love you much! xoxo


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