
Friday 10 April 2015

Friday this and that . . .

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It's been kind of a mixed up week here, and very busy . . . what with going to the Temple and having new windows put in . . .  I've done my Visit Teaching for the month (yesterday) and sewn together a quiet book for a friend who is making one for her son who asked her to make one for him so that when he and his wife have children one day . . . they have one.  (Now that's thinking ahead!)

Yesterday was just gorgeous weatherwise and as anyone here in the UK knows . . . we gotta make hay while the sun shines because we don't know how long it will last.   The long and the short of it being that this week I did not have a lot of surf time . . .  so no Friday Finds this week.

Instead I'll bore you with endless drivel . . . I know you won't mind.

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Our visit to the Temple in Chorley (Preston) on Tuesday was really special.   I have to say that this was the first time I had been to the Preston Temple that it wasn't windy and cold and raining to beat the band.  It was nice to be able to wander the grounds and drink in the beauty.  At one point you can look out over the Pennine Chain of mountains . . .  a breathtaking view.  Of course all of the flowers are not in bloom yet, but what was blooming was spectacular and we really enjoyed them.  Also the stained glass windows in the Chapel area were stunning . . .  because the sun was shining through them.   They are of gold and yellow on the very edges, and then a border of cut glass around the centre panels . . .  and then centres of what looks like wind swept sheets of white stained glass . . . undulating between frosted and clear.   Very beautiful and when sparkling from the sunshine . . .  I could not take my eyes from them.

The Preston area is full of Church history. Many early British converts to the Church came from this area and many of the early leaders of the Church served their missions here.  Our late President Hinckley had a great love and fondness for the people of England, and a great deal of Latter Day Saints in American can trace their ancestry back to this area of the United Kingdom.

It was nice to be at the Temple with Todd . . .  and on a day when I know his heart and feelings were very tender.   He gained a great sense of peace and comfort from being there.   I have to say with all of my heart that there is no greater feeling on earth than being at the Temple with the person you love, and people you care about.

It's an almost unexplainable feeling really . . .  just know that it is a special blessing in our lives.

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Mitzie of course has been really enjoying these drier and warmer days.   We have allowed her to roam with abandon throughout our back garden.  It is still a bit muddy in places and I oftimes have questioned our wisdom in doing so . . .  especially when I am trying to grab her and wipe her paws off before she jumps up on the sofa!  It is then that I begin to question both our decisions to let her wander and our having ever allowed her to be on the furniture . . .  but it is short lived when I watch her bounding up and down the garden with such joy after having had to watch her for months and months just gazing mournfully with longing through the back gate . . .

Each day every inch of the grass has been suitably sniffed and gratefully relished . . . and  the neighborhood tuxedoed black and white adolescent cat has been surprised more than once by her appearance as he wanders in to gaze at our fish.

He is not long in leaving.  Thank goodness.

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Of course one of my favourite things this week has been being able to hang the clothes out of doors to dry in the sunshine.  Does anything on earth smell better than clothes, towels and bedding which has been allowed to dry out of doors beneath sunny skies???   I think not!

I love hanging clothes on the line to dry.  More often than not they are hung on a drying rack in the house and on almost any given day of the year you can find a full drying rack in at least one room.  I have never had a clothes dryer over here in the UK and at first I used to miss it, but now I do not.  It just is what it is and I don't mind not having one.   I am used to towels now which feel like loofahs and quite like them . . .  and there is no nicer feeling on earth than to snuggle down into outdoor line dried sheets at the end of the day.

In fact . . .  when the sun shines I oftimes take advantage of it as a good excuse to do the bedding, bed changing day or not!!!

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We have also been enjoying our Easter Chocolate this week.   When I was a child, the chocolate never lasted more than a day or two . . .  as an adult I have learned to savour it's deliciousness and spread the delights out over a much longer period of time.

Good chocolate is one of the delights of this life on earth  . . .  I wonder . . .  do they have chocolate in heaven?   And if they don't . . .  will it really matter?

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

No work or love will flourish
out of guilt, fear, or hollowness of heart;
just as no valid plans for the future
can be made by those
who have no capacity for living now.
~Alan Watts

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  a delicious Tuna, Cheese and Onion Pie.   An old favourite, sort of like a tuna and cheese quiche, except in a rice crust.

Happy Friday.  If the sun is shining as gloriously where you are as it is here your day is off to a great start!

I hope you know that . . .

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and I do too.


  1. Good morning Marie,

    You have certainly had a m ost interesting week.

    I have had a long day with a huge amount of drama from my ex. I am ready to have an another court order put against him.

    God bless your day and enjoy the sunshine. Our day was glorious.

  2. Suzan, unbelievable that he is still trying to cause you trouble after all this time. What a jerk! Keeping you in our prayers! xoxo

  3. Looks like another glorious day here today Marie. Sun is up already and haze lifting. So sitting out will be in order...
    I am so pleased that you and Todd had such a peaceful time at Temple..I hope that Todd is continuing to feel the peace in his heart. Have a great day might be a bit cooler but hear her say warm again next week...

  4. LOVELY post of your trip to the Temple, Marie! I'm sorry for the sadness though, and my heart goes out to Todd. :o) We've been eating too much chocolate here too... LOL! With all the feasting and treats of late, a detox feels in order soon! Spring is slow emerging here... Just wishing the sun would warm up a weeny bit more, and we could hang up our winter coats for the season. ;o) Must go see about your recipe today, Marie... this would be good for Fish Fridays (I do Fish Fridays all year.) Happy Weekend to you all there! ((HUGS))

  5. You really have had a busy week. Nice you've had good weather. It's been April showers for us here all week long. Supposed to clear up later on today and be sunny most of the weekend.
    We finally have some daffodils blooming. Hope you have a fantastic Friday !

  6. You sound happy and peaceful..and joyful.
    That's a good thing..s:)

    I am sure He will have chocolate waiting for you:)

  7. It's clouded over here now Sybil. Not as nice as it was earlier, but still warm. I went into town with Todd this morning, am home now and just exhausted. I have no energy to do anything. :-( And I had so many plans. xoxo

    What doesn't kill us makes us stronger Tracy. I was so pleased to get your e-mail and will respond soon! xoxo

    So glad you have daffodils blooming Pam! how very wonderful! A spark of light after the winter you have had! xoxo

    Thanks Monique, I sure hope so! ;-) xoxo

  8. What a nice post - I also love hanging clothes on the line to dry, makes me happy to see them enjoying the weather.

  9. So pleased you enjoyed your time at the Temple Marie, and hope it made a difficult day a bit better. I'm in London today and tomorrow with my daughter, celebrating her birthday. The weather is glorious here to. Lots of love xxx

  10. So pleased you enjoyed your time at the Temple Marie, and hope it made a difficult day a bit better. I'm in London today and tomorrow with my daughter, celebrating her birthday. The weather is glorious here to. Lots of love xxx

  11. It was nice to hear of your busy week. Your description of the temple was wonderful. Wish I were there too and right now! :-) I cracked up reading the quote on eating chocolate when sad. That would be me Marie! Haa! I also eat it when I'm happy. As a matter of fact I just got home from a shopping trip to Costco (got new eye glasses there too)and bought my box of Hershey bars. I've learned to portion it too! Hope you liked the Rose Mints. I have a problem with those so I can't keep them in the house...just can't ration those like I should. :-D Have a wonderful day! Hugs! xoxo

  12. Another awesome post my dear friend; I really enjoyed it.
    The temple is the very best place to be with one you love. I look forward to working with my dear husband every Saturday at the temple. Sometimes, I don't see him very much; but just knowing he is in the temple makes my heart filled with joy.
    It has been so nice here and I have been loving the sunshine. Next week they are predicting snow. I will be happy when spring stays.
    I love when you write about Mitzie. Our sweet pets are so much a part of our live.
    Have a sweet weekend dearest one. Sending love and hugs your way.

  13. Amalia, thanks so much for your comment. I am not surprised you like the same things I do. Like minded people are attracted to like minded people. xoxo

    Kate, enjoy your time with your daughter! Did you get blood rain like they were talking about from the sahara? Love and hugs. xoxo

    Valerie, those rose mints are almost dangerous! Glad I have just the one box to tempt me! I miss Hershey's almond bars. I always pick myself up a couple when I am home and maple buds and chocolate macaroons. Oh boy, will I ever be in trouble if there wasn't chocolate on the other side of the veil!! Love you! xoxo

    Being in the Temple with the one you love has to be the best feeling on earth LeAnn! I send you much love and hugs also. xoxo

    1. Hi Marie, no it didn't rain yesterday but within half an hour of arriving I got a really bad sore throat which has gone today, so I think that was caused by the dust! You just don't know what you're breathing in! Xxx

  14. I didn't know you liked Hershey bars Marie! I would have included some in the package. When we moved to Europe, I found I loved European chocolate better and thought I would never eat an American Hershey bar ever again. Wrong! :-D I'm with you...hoping there will be chocolate on the other side. If there is, I bet it's the most delectable of all!!! Have a great Sabbath tomorrow! Love ya! xoxo


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