
Saturday 11 April 2015

Friday Finds on a Saturday . . .

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy. I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

Okay so it's Saturday, but maybe it's still Friday somewhere in the world.   Yeh . . .  I'm gonna go with that idea.

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How to Make Curtains from Two Twenty One.  This kind of thing always comes in handy.  Or at least I think it does.  I love this blog.  There is always something interesting or informative on it.

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Step by step instructions for making your own Succulent Garden!  I have always wanted to do this.  I love Succulents.  Found on Bright, Bold and Beautiful

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This is pretty useful.   It can sometimes be so hard to pick out fabrics online that will go together.  This gal gives some really great advice.  Found on  Rain on a Tin Roof.

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I am seeing more and more ideas for under the stair organization.   Instead of just having a closet, why not something like this?   Looks fab.   From A Thrifty Mom.

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I love, LOVE this idea!  What a UNIQUE way to get some more counter space without totally compromising the space in your kitchen.   From Decorating Your Small Space.

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If you still have small kiddles about or have your grandkiddles overnight with any frequency, this might come in really handy.   Bath Toy Organiation.   From The Inspired Home.

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How to Clean the Glass on your Oven door in Minutes.   (Mine has never been that dirty!)  It can be really hard to clean the glass on your oven door, especially if you have let it get really mucky.   From DIY Home Sweet Home.

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Button Bookmarks! So cute.  So easy.  From I Heart Naptime.

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What a simple idea and yet so effective!  Use a curtain rod inside your cupboard doors to hold the lids to your pots and pans.  I love it!  From Instructables.

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Just to make you smile.

What a gorgeous day we had here in Chester yesterday.   The weather was just perfect.   I went into town with Todd and we visited the Grovenor Museum.    They have an Open Art Exhibition on at the moment.  I always enjoy all of the other exhibits also, even if I have seen them other times.

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Afterwards we treated ourselves to a drink and a cake at Patisserie Valerie.  Do you remember when my friend Eliza was over visiting us in Kent?   A bunch of us foodie gals went to a Patisserie Valerie  in London.  We had a great time that day and Eliza must have brought home about six different pieces of cake, etc. to try at home.  We didn't do that yesterday, lol.   We did each have an Almond Croissant though . . .  but it didn't taste as lovely as it looked or as lovely as the Almond Croissants you get on the ferry when you go across to Calais.  Still it was nice to be out and about.

Believe it or not I was just exhausted yesterday afternoon.  I had no energy to do anything.   Wondering what is up with that.  My feet were really sore as well.  I must remember to wear socks in my shoes when I am out and about, even if I don't like the way they feel.

I was wandering through our garden yesterday afternoon, checking out how things are coming along.  The Anemones are blooming and I can see buds on the SnapDragons.

I also found a dead frog in the pond.  UGH . . . I can still see it.  Not nice at all.  I was afraid I would dream about it last night, but thankfully I didn't.  That would have been just awful!

Today we are back to cold and rain.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

Music gives a soul to the universe
wings to the mind
flight to the imagination
and life to everything.

I am serving little glasses of Blueberry Bliss in the Kitchen today.  Simple and delicious.

Have a fabulous Saturday.  I hope you know that . . .
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and I do too.


  1. I love the stair idea and the counter one too,

    God bless your day Marie.

    My ex has been palying nasty games with Pip. I wish it would all stop.

  2. I am so sorry that your ex is still playing those nasty games Suzan. Surely he must know by now that Piip is the only one who loses. (((Hugs)))) xoxo

  3. After days of rain here this week we are to have a sunny weekend for a change. It's chilly but still it's beginning to look like spring and that is a blessing. Hope you have a super Saturday!

  4. Oh what a cute spot to stop for an almond croissant.I would have been in a trance.
    I get that way in pretty places.
    Howling winds here since yesterday..just went for a walk w/ Caro and 2 of her boys..and their chihuahua..How can those wee dogs walk so fast facing the wind.
    I am windblown to say the least.

  5. So gla dthat you and Tod enjoyed your wee jaunt into Chester..also having a lovely tea break. I do like that pattisrie...we have one in Bath that Mary and I occasioanlly go into but it is a bit on teh expensive side !!..but once in a while who cares LOL...Gla dthat your garden is looking so good, pity about the frog..Lyn has been busy in my garden and MAry's especially potting up the hanging baskets, Peter planted out some potato bags yesterday afternoon...
    I have been so tired today I can hardly keep my eyes open, don;t know what is wrng with me feel quite weepy as well..lets hope after a nights sleep I will be fine tomorrow. Take care and have a good nights sleep yoursef.. ( do you not normally wear socks with your shoes Marie,I never can go without pop socks or.... tights... if I have to )

  6. I am so happy you had a great day out before you got the bad weather again.
    Your finds were awesome. I especially liked the instruction for cleaning oven windows.
    The bath toy organization idea was awesome.
    The button bookmarks were a great idea.
    You always find such fun items.
    Blessings and hugs!

  7. I hope you have had a great Saturday too Pam! Glad you are seeing some spring type of weather! xxoo

    Monique, the pattisserie case is a beauty to behold! One can scarce make up their minds about what to get! I love chiuahuas! What fun! Howling wind and all! xoxo

    It is a bit on the expensive side Sybil, but I just wanted to splurge. And what they had was good. Sometimes it is nice to spend a bit more and get something which actually tastes good rather than to spend less and get mediocre. I only ever rarely enjoy a meal out. I am almost always disappointed. Sorry you are feeling low. I have been too lately. Don't know why. ((((hugs)))) I hope you had a better night's sleep last night. xoxoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! I am so glad you found something useful! xoxo


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