
Wednesday 8 April 2015

A This and That kind of morning . . .

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Just a quick little post to bring you up to date on all the happenings in Casa de Rayner.   The new windows are supposed to be going in today so I will do my Women's Day Book Post tomorrow when I have more time!

Why are we getting new windows?   Well . . . also a new front door.   The windows in this house are very old.  When the council was putting in the new bath the inspector ascertained that none of the upstairs windows could be used as an escape in the case of a fire as you could not open them far enough, nor could an adult squeeze through them in order to escape.  Also the top opening (only opening) on the North Facing one here in the lounge was broken and ill fitting where the previous tennant had locked themselves out and broke open the top opening to put a child through to open the door for the.   Because they bent the mechanism out of shape, it meant we could not only not lock it, but it did not closer properly and everytime the wind blows the curtains blow because it lets that much air in.    Also the seal is broken on them so that condensation has gathered in between the double glazing and turning green, so no matter how many times you wash them, they never look washed.

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I like shiny clean windows . . .  and so does Todd.    New windows is a good thing and whilst it may be quite inconvenient and a bit of a mess for today.  It will be well worth any angst or stress experienced!

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We had a great time at the Temple yesterday.  The day started off very foggy, but the fog soon lifted.   It was one of the first times I have been to the Temple in Chorley that it was not windy and raining or cold.   It was warm and sunny and the spring flowers were all in bloom.   You could look out over the whole Pennine Chain of mountains and it was just so beautiful.   I was really tired as I had not slept well on Monday evening, but I managed to cope alright.  We both felt like it was the place we needed to be yesterday and were grateful for the feeling of comfort and peace which we found there on a day which for Todd was very difficult.

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Brown paper packages tied up with string  . . .  when we arrived home there was a big package waiting for me.   My friend Valerie from American had sent me a surprise package filled with lots of lovely little gifts in stamped brown paper, tied up with butchers twine.  I so wish I had thought to take photographs of each gift.   They were so lovely, even a bag of doggie treats for Mitzie Doodle with her baby photo on it.   So very thoughtful.  Little things mean a lot.

And it couldn't have arrived on a better day.  God knew we would need some extra bolstering yesterday and so  . . .  perfect timing.  God's timing is always perfect don't you think???

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I also received a delightful little postcard from a special friend which made me smile.   Again little things . . .

Plus we were very naughty on our way home from the temple and treated ourselves to KFC for our tea. A rare blue moon treat.  But it tasted so good. ☺  A blue moon treat once in a while is not a bad thing.

And that was our day yesterday.

A thought to carry through today  . . .

Find out who you are
and then do it on purpose.
~Dolly Parton

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Golden Syrup and Oatmeal Muffins.

I hope you have a great Tuesday!  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too! Happy Day!


  1. I am so pleased that your day worked out so well. I had you and Todd in my thoughts and prayers...and was praying that Toodd especially would find peace within his heart. It is so sad when someone in a family does not want to "be" family... Your new door and wndows are going to make such a big difference in your electric/gas will be so much more cosy next winter ... just hope he does not put up the rent to compensate ! althogh if he does I would hope that you would get some help (pension credit etc...) Mary Petr and I are going today down to Dawlish to visit a friend who mobed there just before Xmas then we are going on down to Plymouth. Peter's home town staying overnight in a travel lodge and tomorrow he is going to show us his old haunts LOL...Take care and I will be back Thursday late I expect...special hug to Todd xx

  2. Good morning Marie. I am so glad that you and Todd managed to find some sunshine and peace on such a day.

    I must go and cook dinner.

    Love you lots,


  3. It does sound as if your day out was just what was needed. Hope the new windows get done today. I can only imagine it will make a huge difference. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday !

  4. Sweet Val?
    You two could be related..easily:)
    New windows..Let the sunshine in..~
    Sing that:)

  5. The temple is such a perfect place to feel peace. I'm glad you and Todd went yesterday. Also, I'm happy that the box came on a day that a little extra boost may have been needed. Hugs to you and Todd.
    New windows are a good thing! :-)

  6. Golden Syrup and Oatmeal Muffins!!! I have missed your recipes x Ahh although not really of any particular faith myself, when we lived in Heskin near Chorley I always thought of you whenever we drove past the temple.

    Before having Luca and our awful France episode (!) I used to horse ride up at Heapey and we were members of the David Lloyd gym - lol although I used to really just use the cafe there :-) x

  7. I'm glad you found pockets of peace yesterday. ♥

  8. So far he has no plans to put up our rent Sybil! We are on Pension Credit now and were slammed with the Bedroom Tax a whole year before people in council housing were and I don't think there are any plans from any political party to claw that back once voted in for private renters. Fingers are crossed. I hope you have a lovely time in Dawlish! I think the weather is supposed to be superb! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Thanks Suzan, love you lots too. xoxo

    It surely was Pam! And the windows did get done in one day. Looking very nice too! xoxo

    They certainly make a big difference Monique! Nice and fresh! I'm singing!! xoxo

    I did not realize you lived in Heskin Keri. That France fiasco was very painful for you all I know. I bet Luca is getting really big now! SO good to hear from you. Do make the muffins, they are fab! xoxo

    Thanks Val. xoxo

  9. VAlerie, the box really was well timed. I loved everything in it and Todd and I are already planning a fairy feature in the garden for that lovely little bridge you sent. Once again many, many thanks! Watch this space! I thought of you when we were in the Temple and thought how wonderful it would be to go through a Temple with you. Very special. Love you!xoxo

  10. We will just have to make that happen Marie and go through the temple together! Love you!!! xoxo

  11. That gives us both something special to look forward to Valerie! Xoxo


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