
Tuesday 4 November 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

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FOR TODAY, November 4th, 2014

Outside my window ...
It's dark . . . very, very dark.   It's also getting to be dark around 5 pm these days.  I hate the shorter days, but I do love watching the sun rise!

I am thinking ...
About the lovely time we had last night with friends at the theatre.  The production was called The Flint Street Nativity and it was simply brilliant.  It was done from the take of the children (adults playing children) in a school Nativity play.  We laughed til our sides ached.  It was really well done and we all enjoyed this night out very much!  It was nice spending time with friends too!

I am thankful ...
For the love and company of much beloved friends.  It's nice to have like minded people to do things with from time to time.

In the kitchen ...
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I don't know why it's called a French Dip, I only know it's delicious.   French Dip Au Jus.  Done in the slow cooker, it was fabulous after church fare!

On my "To Cook" list ...

These  Mini Cheese Ball Bites, look fabulously delish.  From Five Heart Home.  These would be a wonderful appie for over the holidays!

I am Creating  . . .

 I really like this crochet scarf from Elk Studio.   A free pattern.

 These simple Christmas Tree Ornaments from Star Inspirations look really simple to make and are so cute.  I love them!  

 There is a really cute assortment of easy felt ornaments to make on Fab Art DIY.  I love them.  They're so cute!!

No source, but this is so cute!  I love this little felt angel.  I don't think it would be very difficult to figure out how to make her.

 Love, LOVE the button snowman!  From Crafts For All Seasons.

I am going  ...
WE are going to the Temple on Thursday with friends.  I am really  looking forward to it.  We haven't been to the temple in a while now.  We would like to go more often, but the cost of petrol is so expensive.

I am reading ...

The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion, by Fannie Flagg

Mrs. Sookie Poole of Point Clear, Alabama, has just married off the last of her daughters and is looking forward to relaxing and perhaps traveling with her husband, Earle. The only thing left to contend with is her mother, the formidable Lenore Simmons Krackenberry. Lenore may be a lot of fun for other people, but is, for the most part, an overbearing presence for her daughter. Then one day, quite by accident, Sookie discovers a secret about her mother’s past that knocks her for a loop and suddenly calls into question everything she ever thought she knew about herself, her family, and her future. Sookie begins a search for answers that takes her to California, the Midwest, and back in time, to the 1940s, when an irrepressible woman named Fritzi takes on the job of running her family’s filling station. Soon truck drivers are changing their routes to fill up at the All-Girl Filling Station. Then, Fritzi sees an opportunity for an even more groundbreaking adventure. As Sookie learns about the adventures of the girls at the All-Girl Filling Station, she finds herself with new inspiration for her own life.

I started reading this on the recommendation of a friend.  I have never read any of Fannie Flagg's novels and I have to say I am quite enjoying it!  Thanks "the other Marie!"  

I am hoping ...
That I can get everything done on my "to do" list today! 

Makes me smile ...

 These girls always make me smile.  That's Sister Wagner from Idaho and Sister Harp from Missouri!  Such lovely young ladies.  Always happy and ready to lend a hand.  These two carry a special spirit with them wherever they go! 

I am learning ...
That I don't have to be the "best" at everything I do, I only have to try my best.  It's okay to come second.

Around the house ...


How to make the perfect bed by Pottery Barn.  Love it!  I love my bedroom.  I love going to bed.  And it's so much nicer when the bed is comfortably decked out! 


Now, this is just plain gorgeous.  I love the colours. 


Sigh  . . . .


 Double sigh  . . . love the wooden valence over the sink.  It reminds me of the last home I shared with my ex.  It had a wooden valence like that over the sink and little shelves like that as well. 

Oh my . . .

I am pondering  ...
How I could make my terraced council type of house look like a cottage . . . is it possible??   I know I could not do it on the outside, but what about the inside?   Food for thought.

A favourite quote for the day  ...

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Always pray to have eyes that
see the best in people,
a heart that forgives the worst,
a mind that forgets the bad,
and a soul that never
loses faith in God.  

One of my favourite things ...  

I love the Temple.  I love all of the Temples. If money was no object I would try to visit every single one in the World, which would be a lot of travelling because there are now 143 operating temples in the world, with another 15 under construction, and 12 announced but not yet under contruction.  (from wikipedia)  If you ever have the opportunity to go to an open house, take it.  You will be amazed.  They are some of the most beautiful buildings on earth.

A peek into my day ...


 Tis my recipe for a happy life.   

And that's my day book for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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  1. I am so pleased that you are going to be able to go to your Temple this week, I have often thought that as you really can't afford to go very often there might well be others of your friends in the same situation but if you got tgether you could maybe share the expences of the petrol etc. Anyway have a wonderful day I just know you will.
    It would be fun to try to change your house but I think it always come sto the same old is only so much we can do "on the cheap" so to speak...However you have such a wonderful imagination if anyone could do it you would be the one !!! I have MAry's friend Jenny arriving down from Edinburgh today for a weeks holiday so praying for some dry day's I think it is to much ti ask fr more warm day's but dry will do just fine !! Have a lovely day yourself...take time for plenty ME time xxx

  2. Good morning Marie. I leave for my trip tomorrow so I will not be in regular contact for a few weeks.

    Ah how I would like to change some things around here. It won't even happen on the cheap.

    We went to the Brisbane temple after it was built. I must admit it wasn't for me. No one managed to explain it all to me either. I like old places and natural places. I grew up with stone masons. I love stone. The Brisbane temple was white, very new and full of crystal and mirrors.

    God bless your day.

  3. I do so hope that you enjoy Mary's friends visit Sybil, will keep my fingers crossed for dry days. You are right it is bound to be cooler, we are in to November now, one can't expect much more than that! We do try to go with friends to the Temple when we can, but our problem is the dog. Most people want to stay for the whole day, and we can only stay for a part of the day. So friends with dogs is the best we can hope for! And we are blessed to have a few of those! xxoo

    Suxan, what a shame that you didn't have anyone to go through it with you and explain the significance of what was represented by the mirrors etc. You will almost always see mirrors in the sealing rooms, usually placed directly across from each other. If you stand in the middle and look both ways, you can see into eternity. It's quite amazing actually. But the Temple is about more than the beauty we find there . . . it's also about the serenity, comfort, inspiration and peace to be found within it's walls. It's meant to be a haven from the World outside it's doors. The rooms are all created with the finest materials and they usually try to encompass colours and themes from the surrounding areas that they have been built in. They are meant to be sacred holy places, much like cathedrals I guess, except unspotted from the world.

    I hope you have a lovely trip! I will be thinking of you and looking forward to hearing about it when you get back! xxoo

  4. Sorry I hit the x key instead of the z Suzan! call me butterfingers!

  5. LOVE the felt ornaments... the trees too--such pretty ideas! I love creating with felt. I've just finished the felt Christmas calendar for our niece--it's so cute in all felt. LOVE that button star too! I've always wondered why they call that a French Dip sandwich too... I don't think there's much French about it, is there?! LOL... What a sweet book you're reading! I've read a few Flagg books, but not this new one. I like her quirky characters. ENJOY your day out going to Temple! :o) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  6. You have cottage in your heart..I am sure your home does feel cottagey!
    Sigh is right for the canisters..I pinned the felts:) And how cute is that angel?
    Your dips look terrific..just a bit different than ours..
    Have a beautiful day..

  7. I've been enjoy the sunrises here too. That french dip does look good. I'll be checking out the recipe for sure. It seems early for a Nativity play but the season will soon be upon us. Glad you have good friends to go and enjoy things with. That is a blessing. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  8. My Christmas tree when my babies were growing up was covered with homemade ornaments Tracy. I don't know what happened to them all. I would love to know how the French Dip got it's name! Love and hugs to you! xxoo

    It wasn't a real Nativity play but a comedy spoof Pam! Kind of like Saturday Night live but longer! It was really good and pretty funny! All the actors were adults playing children! You have a terrific Tuesday too!xxoo

    THanks Monique. You have a beautiful day too! xxoo


  9. Hi Marie,Im still under the weater ,But got out on the 21th to see our Phoenix,AZ. open house it's small but grand, just beautiful.I had to use wheel chair, will be going when it opens ownly a 10 min. drive away.

  10. Hi Marie, just catching up with your blog. I was in Cornwall a couple of weeks ago and have been really busy ever since. Love the scarf, I had to get my scarf and gloves out today for the first time. It's gone really cold. Enjoy your Temple trip! Hope you're both ok. Lots of love xxx

  11. Oh, Marie, I could listen to the music on your blog all day. It had been a disaster of a day and this music is so soothing. Bless you!

  12. I'm so glad you got out to the theater and are also going to the temple. Wish I could go with you. We plan on going next Sat. so do work for Steve's mother and some of my family too.

    Just lover all that you posted. I noticed my mouth was gapped open while viewing all the ideas. Haa! Love ya! xoxo

  13. Cathy JO, I am so sorry to hear you have been ill! I had no idea. I am keeping you in my deepest prayers. I am so sorry to have missed that! ((((((HUGS)))))))xxoo

    Hi Katie! I have never been to cornwall. It's on my bucket list! Todd wants to take me to Tintadgel? ( I am sure I spelt that wrong!) Cold here too. Have had to turn on the heat! xxoo

    THanks Anna! Sorry your day has been a disaster, but glad the music is helping to make it a tiny bit better! xxoo

    Valerie, I would love to go to the temple with you! Going with friends is the best! Love you too! xxoo

  14. Hi, Marie ... Point Clear, Alabama is less than 20 miles from where I've lived these past two years. Last November Fannie Flagg had a book-signing for the book you're reading, hosted by a local independent bookstore, Page & Palette. They really got into the spirit of things and there are some cute photos posted on their Facebook page, if you're interested (November 5 & 6, 2013). You may already know that another of Fannie's books was the basis for the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes. I've enjoyed reading several of her books.

  15. Oh Marie; I always love your Daybook entries.
    The play you went to sounds so cute. One of my favorite sandwiches are French Dip.
    Thanks for the adorable links for Christmas projects. I am not that creative so I need all the help I can get.
    I do love the cheese balls with the pretzel sticks; yummy!
    We do have the same taste in decor and I would love to do my kitchen over with many of the ideas you have shown on your posts.
    Blessing and hugs for this fun one~

  16. I did enjoy Fried Green Tomatoes Sharon! Small world! My ex boss was from the area as well. I am sure you probably know the family if you have lived there for a few years. They are very well known. I'll have to look of Page & Palette on FB! Thanks so much! xxoo

    Thanks so much LeaAnn! Glad I am not alone in loving the French Dip! haha I am not surprised we like the same decor! Love and hugs to you. xxoo


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