
Wednesday 5 November 2014

A few of my favourite things . . .

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens . . . .  these are a few of my favourite things . . .
and I'm betting that some of them are yours too!!

Milk chocolate covered digestive biscuits.  I love them so much I don't dare have them in the house or I would just eat them all up.  Maybe not in a day, but certainly within a week they would be all gone and Todd would not have gotten a look in.  Bad me.

 Okay so whiskers on kittens is really on the list.   So are raindrops on roses.  Baby anything actually makes me go aww . . . how can it not.  If you have a tender heart . . .  you just went aww  when you saw this.  Admit it.  We're all a bunch of softies.    And as if the whiskers weren't enough  . . .  the pink paws sent it into overload!!

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Yes, I love mittens too.  In fact I had these exact same ones, knitted by this exact same person.  I bought them a number of years back from her shop Woolie Rosie.   I paid a lot of money for them, but I was working then and could afford to.  I have lost them . . .  *sniff *sniff.  I've searched everywhere for them and can't find them.  Makes me sad.   I wonder where lost mittens go to.   I wish I knew how to knit some more . . . .  I also had a pair my mother had knit me a long time ago, but oddly enough those have disappeard too.  *grumble.  I can only hope they will turn up one day and be just as happy to see me as I am to see them.

 Chubby cheeks.  You just want to smooch them.   It does beg the question however . . .  how come chubby cheeks are not as attractive in grown ups, and why don't we want to smooch them???

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My Doll House.   Nora is hoovering . . .  Boots is watching her.  I play with it sometimes and make up stories in my head.  I haven't gotten around to posting on my doll house blog in a while now, but that doesn't mean I have stopped playing with it.

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They make cakes together and all sorts . . .

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They're best buds . . .  I just run out of time . . .

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Front porch swings.   I love front porch swings.  My ex ex husband's parents had a front porch and they had a swing on it . . .  a hammock too.  One day I hope to have a front porch and there will be a swing on it . . .  and a rocking chair and I'll be able to sit on it and watch the whole world walk by on sunny days.   So there.

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Words.   Quotes.  Word games.  Dictionaries.   I love them.  I collect words and quotes.  I have scribblers filled with them.  It's harmless and costs nothing but my time and a bit of ink.

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 Rufus Sewell.   Need I say more?  I think it's the eyes . . .  they get to me.  Sigh . . .

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 Watching the sun rise . . . it makes my heart swell.   I have never seen one that wasn't beautiful in some way . . .

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Sometimes I even do a good job of catching one on the camera . . . 

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Lady birds . . .  I adore lady birds . . . they are one of my absolute all time favourites . . .

And if I could find a pair of these that fit me I would wear them, I would, I would  . .

 These too . . .  do you think they will have them in heaven??

 (For the recipe)

Well . . .  if they have those shoes I am quite sure they will have this cake too.   

If you get to heaven and you see a crazy lady with chubby cheeks wearing lady bug shoes and mittens . . . with chocolate all over her lips . . .  that will be me.   For sure.   I'll share my porch swing with you, and we'll watch the sun rise as we talk about whiskers on kittens . . .    We might even get in a game of scrabble before Rufus comes over.

In the Kitchen today  . . .  Warm Berry Compote.

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What are a few of your favourite things???  I really do want to know!


  1. So many happy thoughts today. I'm missing my porch lately the weather has not been warm enough to sit out and enjoy. No more until next year. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. Your description of you in heaven is adorable!

  3. I love how you put it all together at the end. What a fun sight that would be!

  4. It was pretty cold here today as well Pam! We have had the heat on! xx

    Thanks Monique! You know if Rufus Sewell is there is just has to be heaven! lol xx

    Thanks Anna! xx

  5. I love your list of favorite things! I have so many favorite things but some of them are:
    My dear husband of 46 years
    My dear daughter
    My sweet cats
    Beautiful music (I can't imagine life without music.)
    Good books
    Chocolate anything
    Soup on a cold day

    And many others.

  6. Such a happy post...except for those lost mittens. Maybe they will turn up yet! ;) I can say yes to ALL of your favorite things. Love that chubby cheeked baby! HOW adorable. I love those ladybug boots too.
    Thank you for the smiles today.

  7. Lovely happy thoughts as always MArie. Sorry I am late getting in to comment However I have Mary's friend staying and it's all go. At the moment though she is reading so I have a quiet moment or two !! Hope you have had a good day...I am like you with the
    choc digestives but my fav and downfall would be the plain chocolate ones !! mmmmm wicked.

  8. Oh my I am so smiling......on this one. I will so want to join you on that swing and I would be your twin. I loved it all. You are such an adorable writer.
    I love kittens, mittens and the cute shoes and boots. I do love kissing those chubby cheeks. I love doll houses. It is the eyes on Rufus Sewell.
    Thanks for the smile today and bless you for it since I needed one today.

  9. Hi Florence! I think some of your favourites are some of mine as well. I have a LOT of favourite things I think! Thanks so much for your comment. xx

    Valerie, again not surprised we agree on all of these, lol! I wonder what Rufus would feel like sitting between the two of us with our ladybug boots? lol Love ya. xxoo

    I know how busy it can get when you have company Sybil! I hope you enjoy the week and have fab weather" I like hob nobs too, the ones with the caramel and chocolate and the plain. Oh heck I just love biscuits! lol xxoo

    Thanks LeAnn! We are all like minded it seems! Glad I can make you smile. (((((hug))))) Here's a hug to go along with it! xxoo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!