
Thursday 6 November 2014

Going to the temple . . .


“The angel Moroni stands atop the temple as a shining symbol of our faith. In a degenerate society, he remained pure and true. He is my hero. He stood alone. He stands today, beckoning us to have courage, to remember who we are, to ‘arise and shine forth,’ to live above the worldly clamor and to, as Isaiah prophesied, ‘Come to the mountain of the Lord’ . . . the holy temple.” 
~Elaine S. Dalton 

 I'm not here today.  I am at the Temple in Preston with Todd.  I'll be back tomorrow with my Friday Finds and then on Saturday I'll do a belated Five Things About Me.   See you again soon!

God Bless you all!  Have a great Thursday!

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  1. Sensing love and knowing that you are going to have just a lovely day. God Bless xx


  2. So glad you got to go. A blessed day it is.oooxxx

  3. I know you and Todd felt peace and the Spirit of the Lord there at the Preston Temple. So happy that you both were able to go today. xoxo

  4. Thanks everyone! We had a lovely day. xxoo


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