
Monday 3 November 2014

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.     



Wearing a poppy for Remembrance in the first few weeks of November.  It's a small and simple thing to do, but it has huge meaning to those who do it.  We must never forget the enormous price which was paid for the freedoms we enjoy today.  Freedom has always come at a cost.  It still does.  There will always be those who seek to dominate and subjugate.   There will always be those who must step in to free the oppressed.  Standing for the right has never been easy and probably never will be.  I honor those who stood and those who still stand in bravery to serve their countries and fellow man, who lay down their lives so that we can live ours.  Wearing a poppy does not make me a War Monger.  It makes me a person of gratitude.


I saw this and fell in love.  I traced it back to here, Nana's Company.  No pattern or tutorial that I can find, but how hard can it be to do myself.   I just love it.   Little candy canes and sugar cookies, felt ball sugar plums.  This is sweet.   A lot of small and wonderful things strung together to delight.


They are my  only weakness . . .  okay so they are only one in a long line of weaknesses, but I only just discovered them, and it was love at first tiny bite.

 They're small but there is just so much potential in this tin.   And I don't mean the peppermints.  (although they are pretty good)  I mean the potential for turning these little altoid tins into something magical.   Just look up altered Altoid tins on Pinterest and you will see what I am talking about   Magical worlds await your creative abilities.   Truly Amazing.  Watch this space.

 Following the Prophet.  It's a small and simple thing, but it makes a huge difference in my life.  It could make a huge difference in yours as well.  When I imagine a world where everyone follows the prophet I am in awe of just how very wonderful it would be.   It would not be a world of perfect people, but it would be a darned sight better than what it is now, and it would be a world filled with people who are striving to be better, to do better.   I read on AOL this morning that a young army cadet in Manchester selling poppies was set alight by some idiot with a spray can and lighter.   Earlier this year a homeless man who was living in a bus shelter in a very small town back home was killed when a couple of heartless young men poured gasoline on him and set the bus shelter on fire.   Frequently we have our hearts broken when we read of a youth going into a school or some other public place and  shooting innocent people.  It goes on and on.   Something is missing.  People are lost and floundering, lacking hope and direction . . .   living lives without meaning or purpose.   There are worse things than following the prophet . . . I am grateful for a seeking heart and one which is brave enough to stand out from the crowd and follow the guidance of learned and inspired leaders. 

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Make yourself a blessing to someone.
Your smile, or pat on the back . . .  a simple kind word
might just be enough to pull someone back
from the edge.  Have the courage to be a small
brightly lit spark in a sea of darkness.
Little things do mean a lot.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Gobbler Cobbler.   Deliciously simple!

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Have a fabulous Monday! May the week ahead be filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things!


  1. I agree with the wearing of our poppies Marie. However I am a wee bit disturbed by how many people are making their own and for their friends....indeed I got a lovely one from a friend yesterday....however the remark she made as she gave me it gave me a bit f a shock as she said ...that will save you buying one now !!....I certainly hope that not everyone thinks like that and still do give to the poppy appeal...It is so strange how some folks think ....
    isn't it....
    Fairly bright morning out there looks like the sun is going to arrive soon...hope so...I have MAry's friend Jenny comming down tomorrow frm Edinburgh she is staying for a week and I am hoping for some nice weather so we can take her out and about...
    Take care much love to you and Todd and Mitzie.

  2. For you Sybil.

    I know I live in a different place but I thought this might gladden your heart. My son has deep feelings about right and wrong ands every time he sees someone collecting for a military appeal he empties his pockets. Often it is too his detriment. He has been like that since he was so young. Once he went on camp and gave all his spending money for the ten days to the tsunami appeal. No little momentos for him.

    God bless your day.

  3. Oh wow Sybil, you hae given me deep food for thought here. I often see people wearing poppy brooches, or homemade poppies and never thought of what that was doing. It's not about buying a poppy is it? It's about supporting a worthy cause! I say we get the word out there and let all of our friends know how important it is for them to support the Poppy appeal!

    Sunny here today as well. I Hope you enjoy Mary's friend and have a good week weatherwise! xxoo

    Suzan, thans for that wonderful little story about your son. It is clear to me that you did not raise a fool. Having a charitable heart is never a bad thing. The law of Karma means he will be rewarded ten times over in a multitude of ways. We should all be so generous. xxoo

  4. Our veterans man stations here too with the Poppies. They don't sell them but ask for donations for their cause. Poppies have a deep significance. It honors all or veterans. I'm proud to wear one for sure.

  5. LOVE that festive garland from Nana Company! Pity she doesn't offer a pattern for it. :o/ Gobbler Cobbler--what a great name for that dish, Marie--and it looks delish!! Wishing you a lovely new week now, my friend :o) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  6. They ask only for donations here as well Pam. There is no set price. I had often thought of making one for myself, only because I thought it might be a bit nicer and I might not lose it as quickly, but I never thought about the loss to the poppy appeal from people not buying one. I am proud to wear one as well! xx

    I know Tracy! I wish she did offer a pattern! I am sure it would be a sell out! Love and hugs to you too! xx

  7. Nana and company is talented like you:)
    It is adorable.

  8. I think it's very much "you" Monique! xxoo

  9. Marie, you remind me of the character from Lark Rise to Candleford who frequently lists "my one weakness". I love that series! In this part of the world I don't see people offering or wearing the poppies but I do remember them from my childhood. I wish there were more of those "good old days" values and beliefs and actions. The daily cruelty, wars, evil events, have almost made me afraid to check the news each day. I guess that is like an ostrich who sticks his head in the sand, but it breaks my heart to read so much of it. My day here has been windy with clouds and sun so I can't complain. I made two loves of your sour cream banana loaf which I frequently identify as the "best banana bread in the world". Also I keep forgetting to tell you that I LOVE your cauliflower cheese. The one time I had any left, I put it on a baked (jacketed?) potato the next day and it was heavenly. If you haven't tried that, you should give it a whirl. The only problem is having any left-overs from the cauliflower cheese

  10. Nice post Marie. It's snowing here tonight. Can you believe it?
    Just lightly though. Hugs! xoxo

  11. haha, Lynn, that is Dorcas from Larkrise. It is her favourite saying. I love it too! I never get tired of watching it! I wonder if perhaps longing for the good old days values means we are getting old?? I don't know! But life certainly seemed much nicer then! I wore my pretty pink stiped socks to the theatre last night and they were very much admired! ☺ xxoo

    Oh Valerie, I am so jealous!! I love snow! I miss it so much over here. We hardly ever get any and it never hangs around! Well, up until Christmas I love snow, after Christmas it can take a hike! Love you! xxoo

  12. I agree with the snow taking a hike after Christmas. Heee! xoxo

  13. I thought you might Val! LOL xxoo

  14. It makes me sad to think of all the those who have lost their lives fighting for the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. Thanks for the sweet thoughts on this one.
    I loved the cookie decoration. I will look into pinterest on the Altoids container.
    I pray all the time that my children will stay solid in the gospel and follow the Prophet. I wish the world would too; there is just so much evil surrounding us.
    Blessings for your thoughts today!

  15. Thanks LeAnn! Great minds and all that. Sometimes I get very frightened for my babies and their babies, but then I remember that the Lord is in charge and will win always and so I put my trust in Him and His promises. I wish everyone would follow the prophet too. what wonderful world that would be!! xxoo


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