
Sunday 5 October 2014

The Gifts of October . . .

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Life without colour . . . 
How drab it would be.
God, the great artist of earth, sky and sea . . . 
makes the world lovely with shadow and light,
painting His pictures in tones rich and bright.
~Patience Strong

Changing colours.   Oranges, and golds . . .  russets and browns.  Scarlet.

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General Conference . . .  a time when I get to listen to the leaders of my church and be spiritually fed by the words of Latter Day Prophets.   Two days, beautiful talks, feeling a part of a larger whole.  Gleaning pearls of wisdom.

"The process of gathering Spiritual Light is the quest of a lifetime."
~President Dieter F Uchtdorf

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The gathering in of the last of summer's great bounty . . . rose hips to make syrup and jelly with.   The last of the blackberries and blueberries.  Apples and pears.  Pumpkins and squashes . . . potatoes and pickling onions.  Jellies and Jams and pickles. 

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Scents and sounds which are unique to this season . . .  blue woodsmoke and burning leaves, earthy decomposition, skittering leaves as they dance across the pavement . . . hazy golden twilights and misty cool mornings . . .

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For Canadians, it is a time of Thanksgiving . . .  for the harvest, for family, for the love and tender mercies.   Turkey and all the trimmings.  Pumpkin pie.  A time of togetherness.  Faith and family.  Family and faith.  All is gathered in.

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Journies.  The birds begin their annual migration.  If you are lucky you will hear the geese flying over head . . .  a sound only heard in the autumn . . .  instinctual . . .  miraculous . . .  inspiring.

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Goblins and Ghouls play trick or treat.  Bag held open for savoury or sweet.

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Bats, witches, black cats and things that go bump in the night.

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The smell of burnt pumpkins . . .  

What are your gifts of October? 

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Pumplin Pie Muffins.  Utterly delicious!   

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May your Sunday be truly blessed.


  1. Good Morning Marie,

    I am doing my last Sunday evening study at the golden arches. My children are safely home. The day has been hot at 31C. Must find time to catch up with you over the week to come.


  2. Happy that this is your last Sunday evening of Studay at the Glden ARches and the children are safely in. I can well imagine how hot it is at 31C. Humid too I would imagine. xxoo

  3. I don't garden, but rely on our roadside stands out in the country that the farmers have. I got two acorn squash, a butternut squash and some sweet potatoes this week. I'll be cooking up some squash today and already had some of the sweet potatoes. It won't be long though and these stands will close up, I'll miss them for sure. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday too!

  4. We don't do the vegetables like we used to Pam! The weather over here is just too unreliable to make it worth our while for the little we could grow on our little plot. We have plenty of fruit however. I miss farm stands, especially this time of year! Have a fab Sunday! Xx

  5. Cute October post Marie..

    Chores here.. TG next weekend at one of our daughter's..planting garlic and tulips..etc..raking all the beautiful leaves:(

  6. Sounds like a lovely weekend Monique! I miss celebrating
    Thanksgiving. I am the only one who "gets" it, so it just isn't the same. 🐰

  7. You do have a talent of capturing all the sweetness of the fall. I just enjoyed reading and feeling.
    Blessings and hugs for you!

  8. Aww, thank you so much LeAnn! You are a treasure to me too! xxoo


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