
Saturday 4 October 2014

October thoughts . . . .

 "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
~L. M. Montgomery

Every season has its glory, and each month it's own identity . . . but I think October is the most glorious of the months of the year . . .

The air  . . .  it is as cool as an old silver teaspoon that's not long since come from your cup . . .  with the vestiges of the summer's warmth still clinging to it's edges . . . lingering teasingly . . . with a faint tang of blue woodsmoke in the air . . . and the promise of coming frosts . . .

 I had my first  herbal tea of the season yesterday . . . an herbs'n honey infusion . . .  it smelled all woodsy. It brushed my mouth with  whispers of spearmint, eucalyptus, fennel and wild oranges . . . laced through with the mildest touch of honey. It was good.

As I sat and sipped it's earthy warmth . . .  I heard the song of autumn days   . . . embroidered with the dazzling colour and light of the changing leaves . . .  infused with th glow of scarlet maples and garnet oaks . . .   thickets ablaze with pale gold and cinnamon . . .  the music of a trillion rustling trumpets in the autumn breezes.

I closed my eyes for a moment and let the waning autumn sun warm my face as I sat in the back garden which is really beginning to lose it's glory now . . .  for just a moment I was back in Kent, walking with Jess  and Todd through the orchards . . . golden cobnuts crunching beneath our feet, making them ache, but in a good way.  The upper pastures grey green and tranquil . . . the view of the south downs stretching out before us for seemingly miles and miles . . .

Orange and ruby branches flamed  against skies as soft as the breast of a dove . . . old grey stone ledges holding whatever warmth from the sun that they could . . . the light of the waning sun golden on  fallen burrs . . . that lay there longing for adventure . . . clinging to our socks in their bid to hitch a ride to places they have hitherto only dreamt of going . . .

Yesterday was such a golden day  . . . I found myself thinking there would not be many more days like this . . . not in this year at least.  The air was warm and filled with the musty odour of fallen leaves and blue woodsmoke.  

Autumn is my favourite season . . . and it matters not if I am down in the wilds of Kent  or here in the suburbs of Chester . . .  or wandering amidst the maples back home.   October is the jewel set in the hand of time . . .  

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . . .  Brown Sugar Shortbread.   Simple, easy and oh so delicious! 

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May your Saturday be truly blessed.   We shall be watching THIS later on today.   Won't you join us?  Come listen to a prophet's voice.  You may be pleasantly surprised.


  1. You sure are in a poetic mood this morning MArie...such lovely flo of words...I do believe that the autumn has arrived it is wet this morning although s=still warm when I looked out around 6.30ish...They tell us that it will get colder as the rain passes....We havea table top sale this morning with teh rain it dos'nt bode well...dont think may folks will venture out in the rain...Ah well we can only do our best...It is teh main fund raising we do for the church the 3 table tops sales Oct/Nov/Dec Pam and I try to sell mostly almost new things that coudl do as Xmas presents...anyway what will be will be.
    Have a lovely weekend whatever you find yourselves doing xxx

  2. Enjoy your golden days Marie. We are warming up and today after lunch I stayed in the air conditioning for a while.

    God bless your weekend.

  3. We had some golden days here but now looks like we'll have a wet week ahead. It's a bit chilly this morning and cloudy. Hope you have a super Saturday!

  4. You write so beautifully Marie..
    You must have excelled in school!
    Lovely thoughts this morning..
    It has been glorious here every afternoon w/ a lot of hard garden work.Today it's pouring:)
    Happy for the gardens and me...:)
    Like a curtain of rain..yesterday the leaves were falling and twirling in the sunshine..Two totally different days.

  5. Thank you Sybil. I do hope that you did well with your sale. I love a good church table top sale. You never know what treasures you will find. I hope that the rain didn't keep many away! Xxoo

    Oh Suzan, it is hard to imagine it is that hot there already! Hope you have a beautiful day tomorrow! Xxoo

    Thanks so much Monique. You are so kind. We are supposed to get rain tomorrow and it is turning colder. They are calling for rain the whole week! Autumn here is a mix of mostly rain and a bit of sun. Makes us appreciate the sun all the more! We just have to take the days as they come.xxoo

  6. Pam, we will be having a cold wet week too. We cannot complain though. We've had a few glorious weeks! Xxoo

  7. Hi Marie! Beautiful post. So well, put!

    This is certainly herb tea time for me. Now since the weather is cooler, I love my tea and honey.
    I also collect hand thrown pottery mugs from different places we visit.

    We watched General Conference today and will do the same tomorrow. I love that we can sit in our family room and watch it in comfy seats with a snack to boot.

    Today is a gorgeous day in the low 70's (F.) The leaves are changing color and the trees are preparing for winter.

    Piper was spayed yesterday and all went well. Now for the healing process. Poor pup!

    Enjoy General Conference!

    Hugs~ xoxo

  8. We did enjoy conference very much Valerie. I was saying to Todd how lovely it was that we can watch it at home so easily now. There was a time when we would travel to the stake centre and hope that we would get something from it, despite not being able to see because someone tall was sitting in front of you, or to hear it because kids were making noise, or teenagers giggling, or even grownups talking, etc. Then we would hope that we could bring some of the spirit we felt home with us. Now we can have that special spirit right in our own homes with perfect viewing and perfect hearing. I Love it! Glad all went well for Piper! Love you! xxoo

  9. Just another lovely post that produces feeling of nostalgia. October is a sweet month.
    Blessings for sharing your beautiful talent of writing on this month. Hugs!

  10. Thanks LeAnn! I love Octobers too! xxoo


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